image of YFT of Canada Home Page The Yee Fung Toy of Canada celebrates 102nd Anniversary


image of Directors


加拿大余風采總堂於二月廿六日下午一時在堂所備妥金豬祭祖。總堂主席、顧問、理事、風采校友及數十名余氏宗親, 齊集位于温哥華華埠喬治亞東街二二六號的總堂堂所,舉行了祭祖慶祝儀式, 紀念加拿大余風采總堂成立一百零二週年及緬懷余氏先人登陸温哥華一百四十多年來的事跡,並表示將一如既往,繼續推動宗親聯誼互助。


Guests at the Hall

遠道嘉賓蒞臨助慶者有美國西雅圖余風采堂主席余家樂、卑詩省省議員李燦明先生、 本埠嘉賓有馬氏世表和謝氏世表、典禮儀式由余柏寧主持。

YFT Choir 

祭祖禮成後跟着紀念典禮開始, 首先由余風采堂康樂組唱賀年歌、總堂理事余金星致歡迎詞、副書記余瑞芝宗長讀祝詞、相繼邀請各嘉賓李燦明先生、余家樂宗長、 馬威廉宗長、謝錫雄宗長先後致詞。總堂副主席余錦文宗長致謝詞,代表風采堂多謝各位的光臨。


Mr. William Ma Mr. Richard Lee and Chairman Kan

禮成後余風采堂堂所設有豐富美點饗眾、其中部份充滿家鄉風味美點是由謝氏世表婦女們送來、令大家享盡口福。 在此致謝福利組主任啓康叔和義工人員們安排這個活動,特別是要多謝余宏榮夫婦、余榮燊夫婦、余健民夫婦、和余裕榮宗嫂及俊儀夫婦捐贈金豬全蹄, 給我們大家在下午慶典後和晚宴中分享。

Lunch Time

同日下午六時假座華埠富大酒家晚宴、參加者有中華人民共和國駐温哥華總領事館田春燕總領事、 中華人民共和國駐温哥華總領事館馮淋副領事、卑詩省亞太事務秘書省議員李燦明、温哥華市議員周炯華和黎拔佳。 特別嘉賓總堂名譽顧問余宏榮法官、各僑團首長、僑領嘉賓、西雅圖余風采堂主席余家樂、顧問余海量伉儷等及馬氏世表和謝氏世表、風采校友會、 和法律顧問馬禮遜律師連同本埠男女宗親、共有四百七十餘名鄉親朋友喜氣洋洋出席盛會。


Lion Dance

宴會秩序、由總堂副主席余金星、余志玲小姐和余志媛小姐分別用中英文主持。節目包括余風采堂康樂組唱堂歌、 青年組表演醒獅呈祥迎新年、總堂主席余根洙宣佈宴會旨趣、總堂主席余根洙在宣佈宴會旨趣中表示, 余氏先祖可以追溯到大禹第二子和第三子,現在南方余氏先祖則是北宋宰相余忠襄。 但余風采總堂是不分地域的宗親會,只要是余姓鄉親都可以加入。


Chairman Kan's address

接著主持們介紹當晚的嘉賓、相繼有總領事及特別嘉賓們致詞。然後,總堂第三十五屆理事一齊在台上拍照留念。 拍照後、大家一齊敬酒祝賀新年、狗年旺旺!身體健康、心想事成。總堂副主席余美湛致答謝詞。


Guest Tony singing Karaoke

娛樂節目由交際組主任余耀祥主持、有穿著中式傳統紅襖的風采校友表演精采的歌和舞、 余風采堂康樂組和婦女組歌詠隊大合唱、還有
温哥華市議員黎拔佳、余宏榮法官、風采校友會李福基先生、西雅圖程啟平先生等嘉賓高唱卡拉OK 給我們欣賞。


Scholarship Students

余耀祥理事再次主持頒發二零零五年度温哥華余風采堂獎學金給成績優良的余氏子女,共有十七位同 學得獎。


小學組: 余美秀、余榮光、余恩秀、余曉正、余俊朗、余安娜、 余清秀。      

中學組: 余美蘭、余詠茵、余泳年、余慧欣、余志媛。

大學組: 余葦詩、余啟正、余嘉雯、余燕華。


這晚大家共度了一個愉快的 春節聯歡宴會,余氏 宗親們,明年再見!


Celebrating the 102nd Anniversary of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada celebrated its 102nd anniversary and the Chinese New Year of the Dog at its annual Spring Banquet on February 26, 2006.

Ceremonial donors

The ancestor ritual started at 1:00 pm in the YFT House on 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. where Chairman Mr. Kan Yu, the YFT advisors, and the Board of directors made offerings to our ancestor Yee Chung-sheung. Mr. Martin Yee emceed the program.

Special guests who attended this ceremony include the Seattle YFT President Mr. Hing Ng; B.C. MLA Mr. Richard T. Lee; and our cousins from the Mah Society and the Tse Clansman Association.

Mr. Tse Congratulatory Speech

After the ritual  our YFT women's Choir sang the New Year Song, Mr. James Yu delivered a welcoming speech that touched on the history of the Society.  congratulatory speeches from our guests. This was followed by Mr. Gary Yee who gave the acknowledgement speech, Mr. Shui Ji Yu read the commemorative remarks. After the speeches, we all had lunch in the YFT House, we especially enjoyed the delicious home made traditional dim sum provided by members of the Tse Benevolent Association Women’s Committee.

Lunch Time

Our Spring Banquet started at 6 pm at the Floata Seafood Restaurant. Honoured guests included the PRC Vancouver Consul General Tian Chunyan, PRC Vancouver Vice Consul Feng Lin, MLA Mr. Richard Lee, Vancouver City Councillors Mr. George Chow and Mr. BC Lee, Seattle YFT President Mr. Hing Yu and Advisor Mr. Fred Yee. Special guests included Judge Bill Yee,  and our Legal Advisor, Mr. Norman Morrison. Other guests included the Mah and Tse Benevolent Association members, Fung Toy Alumni, and other invited guests from the Chinese Community, and of course, our own YFT members and their families. We had over 470 people attend this happy gathering.

image of the new Canada YFT Board

The Banquet festivities began with the Yee Fung Toy Song, sang by the Ladies Choir of the Recreation Committee, Lion dance, provided by the YFT youth group. Ms. Sharon Yee, Ms. Ellen Yee and Mr. James Yu emceed the formal evening program. Mr. Kan Yu gave a detail account of our ancestor Yee Jing's life and history. Greetings from the PRC Vancouver Consul General Tian Chunyan, MLA Mr. Richard Lee, Parliamentary Secretary for the Asia-Pacific Initiative, Yee Family Association of Seattle President Mr. Hing Yu, City Councillors Mr. George Chow, and Mr. BC Lee. After the introduction of our special guests in attendance, the first course of the dinner was served.

image of toasting to the new year

Following a toast to the New Year and introduction of guests from the Community. Vice Chairman Mr. Jim Yee delivered a Thank You speech. Mr. Jim Yee announced that members are welcomed to join the 3rd World Yee Convention to be held in Los Angeles in August, followed by an optional cruise to Mexico.

MLA Richard Lee and YFT Chairman Kan

Mr. Phillip Yu emceed the entertainment portion of the program. Performances by the Fung Toy Alumni and songs from the Women’s Singers were followed by Karaoke. City Councillor Mr. BC Lee, Judge Bill Yee, Seattle's Tony Ching and Fung Toy Alumni Mr. Lee all sang for us.

Judge Bill Yee singing Karaoke

Mr. Phillip Yu also emceed the Vancouver Scholarship Awards to 17 students (7 from Elementary, 5 from Secondary, and 5 from University).

Guests from Seattle

This anniversary cerebration was a tremendous success! Thanks to the volunteers and YFT board members who helped to organize this annual event. Hope to see you all next year.

Martin Yee