The Yee Fung Toy of Canada celebrates 115th Anniversary



余風采總堂於二月廿四日(星期日)舉行一百十五週年慶典暨春節聯歡活動,正午時分, 總堂總長余根洙、副總長余詠本、主席余宏榮、副主席余美湛、副主席余金星、余啟康、顧問余錦文、余瑞芝、 分堂主席余耀祥,副主席余佳卓、顧問余錦文、余榮燊, 嘉賓包括卑詩省貿易省務廳長周炯華先生、馬氏世表、謝氏世表及余氏宗親等齊聚風采禮堂。

分堂主席余耀祥主持祭祖儀式,他首先請全體起立,請禮生余萍相、余開儀就位,上香奉燭。 然後請主祭總長余根洙、副總長余詠本、主席余宏榮、副主席余美湛、余啟康, 分堂主席余佳卓,顧問余錦文等就位,請全體嘉賓及宗親陪祭。 眾人虔誠向太始祖忠襄公余靖行三鞠躬禮,余榮燊宗長宣讀祭文, 總長余根洙、主席余宏榮、顧問余錦文及余開儀獻金豬,余漢銳獻三牲,余榮燊獻菓品,余瑞芝獻酒,余冠柏進財寶, 余耀祥請全體向忠襄太祖像再行一鞠躬禮。


首先由總堂副主席余美湛致歡迎詞、特別歡迎各位光臨、 謹此祝各位身體健康、萬事如意、祝各位有一個愉快的一天!

顧問余榮燊宣讀賀詞、相繼邀請馬氏世表馬威廉致詞。 總堂副主席余金星致謝詞,禮成後設有豐富美點饗眾。

現特別鳴謝如下﹕總堂總長余根洙伉儷、總堂主席余宏榮伉儷、 總堂顧問余錦文伉儷及總堂樓業主任余開儀伉儷等敬奉金豬全蹄,祈求新的一年一切順利平安!

晚上六時在華埠富大酒家舉行新春聯歡宴會,當晚筵開二十多席,場面充滿溫馨的氣氛。 余兆貞任慶會司儀,宣佈晚會節目正式開始。 金鼓齊鳴,醒獅揚威,雙瑞獻福,技藝高超,馬氏體育會、劍風體育會及白鶴派范楊宗師傅領導的醒獅隊在臺上舞獅賀歲, 謹此致謝馬氏體育會、劍風體育會馬舜賢師父及白鶴派范楊宗師傅安排出席當日表演助慶。

當晚賓朋雲集,出席晚宴的嘉賓有余柏培夫人、馬氏世表、 謝氏世表、風采校友會及各僑團首長連同本埠男女宗親等。


總堂主席余宏榮致歡迎詞,向各位嘉賓的撥冗光臨表示熱烈歡迎及衷心的感謝! 祝大家幸福吉祥、身體健康、萬事勝意!祝豬年春節愉快!

相繼有加拿大馬氏宗親總會馬清石世表、加拿大馬氏宗親總會馬威廉世表、 謝氏宗親會謝錫龍等致賀詞。

溫哥華余風采堂主席余耀祥致答謝詞,他代表總堂衷心感謝各位的蒞臨共聚,同慶新春, 感謝各界僑團致送花籃及豐厚賀儀,同時對盛情出席慶會的僑團首長、 嘉賓致以熱烈歡迎及衷心謝意。並期待繼續與大家有好往來,共謀發展。

溫哥華余風采堂副主席余佳卓宣佈今年重要活動之一,他說: 清明節將屆,為慎終追遠,分堂準備在三月三十一日(星期日)上午十一時在山景墓園祭壇舉行拜祭先僑的儀式,歡迎宗親們參加, 拜祭完畢後回堂所將召開堂員週年大會, 凡我堂員均希依時出席参加。散會後,大家共分享胙肉及自助餐。


風采堂婦女歌唱班成員身穿新年盛裝,在康樂組主任余麗芬的帶領下, 有序出場亮相向嘉賓獻唱新年賀歲歌曲,「歡樂中國年」、「祝福你」。

余風采總堂延續其重視教育、每年頒發一次獎學金給全加各分堂,其目標是: 鼓勵堂員子女勤奮向學,爭取好成績,獲取知識,長大成為國家社會有用的人才。 宴會中温哥華余風采堂教育基金組余漢銳理事、 和余佳卓副主席主持頒發二零一七至年二零一八年度温哥華余風采堂獎學金, 給該堂堂員優秀余氏的子女, 今年共有十四位同學得獎,並頒發了四個優秀作文獎,由余柏培夫人贊助。


獲加拿大 - 溫哥華余風采堂獎學金學生:







優秀作文獎: 余彥劼、余慧盈、余國秀及余寶珍。


最後在一片歡喜與熱鬧聲中而散。 嘉賓們、世表們、余氏宗親們,明年再見!


Celebrating the 115th Anniversary of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada celebrated its 115th anniversary and the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Pig, on February 24th, 2019.

The ancestor ritual started at 12:00 noon in the YFT Society Hall on 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. where Grand President Kan Yu, Vice Grand President Wayne yee, Chairman Bill Yee, Vice Chairman James Yu, Stephen Yee the YFT advisors, and the Board of directors made offerings to our ancestor Yee Chung-sheung.

Vancouver Chairman Phillip Yu emceed the noon ceremony.

Guests who attended this ceremony include MLA George Chow, our cousins from the Mah Society and the Tse Clansmen Association.

Our 115th Anniversary Ceremony concluded after Canada YFT Vice Chairman James Yu gave his thank-you speech to attending guests.

Everyone enjoyed the afternoon buffet lunch, thanks to YFT Welfare Committee vice Chair, Mr. Stephen Yee, David Yee, Kai Yi Ye and volunteers, who organized this year's afternoon gala event. We also like to thank Grand President Kan Yu, Chairman Bill Yee, Advisor Gary Yee and HQ Building Manager Kai Yi Ye for donating the roasted pigs for the ceremony and dinner appetizers this year.

Around 6pm, guests start arriving at the Floata Seafood Restaurant for the evening reception. The stage was decorated with flower baskets from the Seattle Yee Family Association, the Mah Society and the Tse Clansman Association and Sunkist Florist.

Our emcee for the evening banquet was Esther Yue. The Lion dancing by the Mah's Athletic Club, Kin Fung Athletic Group and the Fung Toy Group started our evening program. Thanks to Sifu Danny Ma and Franky Fan, members of the Mah Athletic Club and the Kin Fung Athletic Group for their wonderful performance.

Distinguished guests who attended our Spring Banquet include our cousins from the Mah Society, the Tse Clansman Association, Mr. and Mrs. Binh Chau, Mrs. Carla Yee and guests from other Associations in the lower mainland.

George Yee (Vancouver YFT Vice Chairman) in his speech suggested members join the YFT groups in WhatsApp or WeChat to stay in contact with and receive announcements from the Society.

George Yee, and David Yee emceed the Vancouver YFT Scholarship Awards. 14 outstanding students received scholarship awards this year. There were four special Scholarship prizes handed out this year, sponsored by Mrs. Carla Yee, in commemoration of Joseph Yee, who passed away in October, 2013.

Three students were from the Elementary level: Sherman Yee, Hailey Yu and Keira Yee.

Three students were from the Secondary level: Shawn Yee, Amanda Yee and Megan Yu.

Eight were from University level: Nikkie Yu, Jeffrey Yu, Sara Yu, Alec Yu, Natalie Yu, Vanessa Yu, Allison Yu and Nicole, Congratulations!

Sherman Yee, Amanda Yee, Megan Yu and Vanessa Yu were also recipients of the Joseph Pak Poy Yee Memorial Prizes for the Best Essays of The Yee Fung Toy Society Essay Writing Contest.

Esther Yue also emceed the entertainment portion of the program.

This anniversary celebration was again a tremendous success! Thanks to the volunteers and YFT board members who helped to organize this annual event. Special thanks to our emcees Esther Yue for a job well done! Hope to see you all next year.

Photo courtesy of Chia Su-Ping, and James Yu.
Special thanks to Cindy, the solo dancer invited by Esther to perform at the Banquet.

Martin Yee