image of Yee character with birds Mah Society of Canada 16th National Convention


image of Mah character


五月二十一日(星期六)是全加馬氏宗親總會舉行 盛大慶典的好日子。 馬氏世表們在這日慶祝全加馬氏宗親第 16 屆懇親大會開幕及慶祝成立 86 周年紀念聯歡。 當日下午在溫哥華馬氏分會禮堂內馬氏世表們首先瑞獅祭祖,祭祖完畢,隨即懇親會舉行開幕典禮及紀念會。 加拿大余風采總堂,温哥華余風采堂代表人員得到馬氏世表邀請出席參加,場面是非常熱鬧。 來自加拿大、美國七城市觀禮代表共有 300 多人齊聚溫市。 余風采總堂主席余根洙代表余氏宗親祝賀馬氏世表,他致詞的主題是關於余氏和馬氏已接近有四百多年世表的歷史, 他希望寶貴的友誼永遠繼續下去,他並且恭祝馬氏宗親的懇親大會順利成功。

下午六時假座華埠富大酒家舉行公宴,晚會邀請嘉賓和宗誼友好共千人出席,氣氛熱烈。 中國副領事王堅先生,加拿大三級政府嘉賓包括聯邦政府部長歐禮文先生 (MP Stephen Owen),省議員關慧貞女士,溫哥華市議員雷健華先生和溫哥市長華蘇利文先生 (Mayor Sam Sullivan)也到來祝賀和致詞。 大會司儀秉年夫人和敏彬宗長主持公宴程序。馬氏宗親總會理事長馬淸石宗長致歡迎詞,雲埠馬氏分會理事長馬威廉宗長致謝詞。 在品嘗美味的酒菜之中,嘉賓不停地表演精彩歌唱節目。 馬威廉宗長的兒子馬偉駿和女兒馬君儀也合唱一曲「無情寶劍有情天」,非常動聽。 公宴中馬氏世表邀請余氏宗親參加他們五月二十二日(星期日)假座雲埠中華文化中心會堂﹐卡拉OK文娛及其他節目。

五月二十日(星期五)下午四時左右全體馬氏代表 到來拜訪余風采總堂及分堂,余氏宗親也熱烈地歡迎世表們到來拜訪。 余風采總堂主席余根洙及宗親們祝賀馬氏宗親的懇親大會成功。余風采總堂邀請馬氏代表一齊在富大酒家晚宴。 菲律濱余風采堂余振榮伉儷也來參加。 晚宴中温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛介紹世界余氏的網站給馬氏們認識,之後馬敏彬宗長也介馬氏總會的新網站給馬氏宗親觀 看。 希望馬氏宗親們到訪馬氏的電腦網頁,得知到全加馬氏總會和分會的發展及活動。 我們要特別多謝馬氏世表們,讓我們分享你們這次慶祝活動。


Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada welcomes Delegates to the Mah Society of Canada 16th National Convention in Vancouver

Welcoming remarks from Jim Yee at the May 20th dinner hosted by the Yee Fung Toy of Canada for the Mah Convention delegates:

Mah Society of Canada Convention delegates, thank you for taking the time to visit us this afternoon. We know you have a meeting scheduled for tonight at 8:30, so we will keep our speeches short. I do have a few thoughts to share with you before dinner starts.

As Chairman Kan Yu pointed out this afternoon at the Yee Fung Toy Tong, the history of the relationship between the Mah and the Yee Families goes back over 400 years. I would like to see our close relationship continue for another 400 years and more. In order to do so, our organizations have to survive and prosper in the future. That means right now (and especially at Conventions like this), we have to make use of all opportunities to steer the future direction of the organization to attract a new generation.

To communicate with present and potential members, many organizations have used the Internet. I would like to congratulate Dana Mah and his committee for creating the Mah Society of Canada website. How many of you received information about the Mah Convention from this website? Well I did. I knew about the Convention before we were formally invited or even informed verbally. The power of the Internet cannot be underestimated. This is the only way to improve communication with, and attract a new generation of young members. I hope that delegates will support the continued development of the Mah website.

I can report that the Yee Fung Toy Associations have also developed their own websites. With the support of the World Yee Second Convention in 2004, we have seen a rapid development since April of last year. Let me show you what we have done.

Jim displayed the home pages for the Yee websites from: Canada, World, USA, Seattle, Vancouver, Philippines, and Hong Kong (there was no Internet connection on the premises to show the other Yee websites) on the LCD-projected screen.

We have published a quarterly online newsletter since the Winter of 2004. Hot off the press is the Summer edition. We normally print off a copy and mail to each chapter in North America and Asia. Please help your self to a copy.

Best Wishes for a successful Convention, and enjoy your stay in Vancouver!

During the dinner Dana Mah presented the development of the Mah Society of Canada website using Powerpoint slides on the LCD-projected screen.

A few days later, Dana sent the following message to Jim:

At 08:47 26/5/2005, wrote: I just wanted to send you and the Yee Fung Toy many thanks for sharing a grand weekend with us. The reaction to the presentation at the Yee's dinner at the Floata on Friday evening has been very positive: the Edmonton contingent was very encouraged as they had been trying to set up their own website for the past two years, Regina's Chair will be pushing to set theirs up as well and I've made a connection with a Calgary delegate's family member who is interested in setting up Calgary's web content.

Visit the Mah Society website for their latest news.