Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association


image of Yee character



【余海量報告】舍路余風采堂會員聯同來自西市各亞裔/華裔社區會所 400 多位嘉賓出席 2005 年 1 月 17 日在國際區“康樂”酒家為南亞海嘯災民舉行的籌款拍賣晚會。 這次慈善活動有不少贊助團體是位於西雅圖的華人宗親會。 余風采堂副會長余碩正為十位會員贊助一卓餐券。晚會舉辦得很成功。 由拍賣, 捐贈和晚餐券所籌得的善款超過八萬美元。 出席這次籌款動的政府領導人包括最近獲選的華盛頓州司法部長 (Attorney General) 和景郡行政官 (King County Executive). 世界宣明會的代表亦有出席報告為海嘯受害者最新的救援。


【余海量報告】美籍華人協會 (Organization of Chinese Americans – OCA) 西雅圖 分會於 1 月 29 日舉行十週年晚會. William Lau 劉博士是該晚主講嘉賓。 劉博士是國際知名大氣層科學家亦是現任美國太空總署大氣層實驗室的最高主管。 在他管核下的科學家超過 300 多人。他的講題是 “Beyond Technical Competency” 鼓勵亞裔人士怎樣突破事業上的障礙更上一層樓。當晚超過 400 位來賓出席這次盛會。

劉博士與西雅圖可以說淵源深厚. 他於 1977 年在華盛頓大學獲得大氣層學系 (Atmospheric Sciences) 博士銜頭。 於 1973 年他從香港來到西雅圖進修物理學和大氣層科學. 他是余風采堂一位永久會員的東床快婿。 現任美籍華人協會西雅圖分會副主席余海量摧薦他為本屆週年晚會主講嘉賓。 余氏宗親會會員擁躍參加這次盛會。出席會員坐滿一卓對劉博士表示熱烈的支持。


【余海量報告】 四位舍路余風采堂會員接受加拿大溫哥華余風采堂的邀請參加於 2月 13日舉行的遊行盛會慶祝農歷新年雞年來臨。 遊行隊伍於中午十二時從有富歷史性的溫市華埠千禧門出發。那天天色良好,十分適合遊行活動,吸引萬千市民在 Pender St. 路邊圍觀。 遊行隊伍包括溫市余風采堂會員。他們手持會旗與獅隊漫步前進。 獅隊是由溫市余風采堂的多年武術導師范師父的年青學員組成。 舍路余風采堂會員亦輪流持會旗,每一個人都為能參加這次遊行盛會而感到驕傲。

Image of 2005

此外不少當地社區團體和華人宗親會也參加這次遊行。 他們把優良的中國傳統服裝, 舞蹈, 音樂和武術展示在廣大觀眾面前。 這次遊行對每一個參與的人來說無疑是一次難忘的盛會。 舍路余風采堂非常感謝溫市余風采堂特別余美湛主席的邀請有幸參與這次遊行盛典。


Image of
                Uncle Hing on stage

【余海量報告】本年 2月26日舍路余風采堂七位代表即如過往一樣出席加拿大 余風采堂在溫哥華舉辦第 101屆周年晚會。慶祝盛典在位於華埠富大酒家舉行。超過 400位嘉賓來自溫市主要華人社團出席這次盛會。 更難得的中華人民共和國總領事錧也派代表團參加。

Image of Uncle
                Hing and Uncle Jim

舍路余風采堂主席余家樂致簡短的賀詞。會場有醒獅表演, 舞蹈和由風采舊生會會員歌唱助慶。 此外還有頒發獎學金儀式及卡拉 O.K. 餘興等節目。

Image of Lan
                and Uncle Hing


八月十四日(星期日),晴朗和溫暖的夏天,正是一個完善的背景為舍路余風采堂舉行年度的野餐郊遊會。今年野餐再次在「活崙公園」 (Woodland Park Stove #1) 野餐區舉行。

到上午十一點半之前,所有舍路余風采堂所不分年齡的義工團已經會集在野餐站點,繁忙地幫助準備好桌子,安排食物盤子和安排所 有抽獎禮物。 今年的野餐郊遊會特別是加強了四十八位從溫哥華(加拿大) 的余風采堂宗親。 他們從溫哥華早上起程,搭乘一架旅遊汽車在下午十二點半左右到達了「活崙公園」。

舍路余風采堂主席余家樂歡迎超過一百二十個出席的宗親和朋友。他感謝了我們加拿大的宗親的蒞臨, 做這次旅程和參加舍路余風采堂的野餐郊遊會。 然後溫哥華(加拿大) 的余風采堂代表隨後致詞。午餐是中國式美味可口的膳食。野餐後最精彩的節目是我們每年分配優秀學生獎學金的時刻。 今年,舍路的余約翰生先(John Yee)主持宣佈獲獎者名單, 並且有三十一名學生, 從第一年級起到大學高年级學生是獎學金接收者。野餐以刺激的抽獎回合而結束了。 在這裡要特別多謝那些慷慨的食物和獎品捐贈者, 能幫助今年的野餐郊遊,再一次成功舉行。

黃昏後,在華埠「新九龍海鮮大酒家」安排了一個特別的晚宴來招待我們的加拿大宗親客人,一共有七十個人出席這晚宴。 令人快意的是大家再次有機會共同聯接和分享美妙的友好。


Image of
                Seattle Picnic
Image of Seattle Picnic
Image of Seattle Picnic

Seattle Chapter Joined Fundraising Efforts For Tsunami Victims

On January 17, 2005, members of the Seattle Chapter of the Yee Fung Toy Association joined 400 plus community members from the Seattle Chinese and Asian community at a fund raising auction dinner at the House of Hong Restaurant in Seattle.  Many Seattle area Chinese family associations were among the sponsors of this charitable event.  Shek Jing Yee, Seattle chapter Vice–President, coordinated efforts for the Seattle Chapter to sponsor a full table at the event which was attended by ten chapter members.  The dinner was a success and over $80,000 US was raised from auction, donations and dinner tickets proceeds.  Among government leaders attended the event were the newly elected Washington state attorney general and King County executive.  Representatives from World Vision were present to give the latest update on the relief efforts for the tsunami victims.

Seattle Yee Family Association Members Attended Organization of Chinese American Annual Dinner

Dr. William Lau was the key note speaker at the January 29 Annual Golden Circle and 10th Anniversary Dinner for the Seattle Chapter of the Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA).  Dr. Lau is an internationally known atmospheric scientist, currently the highest ranking Asian American at NASA, supervising over 300 scientists at the space agency’s Laboratory of the Atmospheres.  His key note speech was titled “Beyond Technical Competency” which concerned how Asian Americans can work towards breaking the glass ceiling that exists in their career advancement.  Over 400 people participated in the dinner event.

Dr. Lau has deep roots in Seattle, having graduated from the University of Washington with a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences in 1977.  Dr. Lau is originally from Hong Kong and came to Seattle in 1973 to pursue his advanced studies in Physics and Atmospheric Sciences.  He is the son-in-law of one of the long –time member of the Seattle’s Yee family Association.  Fred Yee, currently the Vice President of the OCA’s Seattle Chapter recommended Dr. Lau as the key note speaker for this year’s annual dinner.  In support of Dr. Lau, members of the Seattle Yee Family Association were well represented in the audience, occupying a full table at the dinner event.

For additional information, visit the Northwest Asian Weekly for an interview with Dr. Lau reported on Januuary 22.

Seattle Yees at the Chinatown New Year Parade in Vancouver B.C.

On February 13, 2005, four members of the Seattle Yee Family Association joined the Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Association members in a street parade celebrating the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rooster. The Seattle Yees were invited by the Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Association to join the parade which began at 12:00 noon at the Millennium Gate in Vancouver’s historic Chinatown. The weather was perfect for the parade and thousands showed up along Pender Street to enjoy the spectacular event. The Vancouver Yee parade team consisted of members holding the Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Association flag and banner marching along with a lion dance team made up of students of Master Fan who is the martial arts teacher for the Vancouver Yee’s Youth Group for many years. The Seattle Yee members took turn holding the Yee flag and were all very proud to have been able to participate in the parade.

There were many other parade teams representing local community organizations and Chinese family associations.  They all showcased their best in traditional Chinese costumes, dancing, music and martial arts demonstration.  The parade was indeed a wonderful and festive event for all who participated.  The Seattle Yees want to thank our Yee family members in Vancouver, in particular, Jim Yee, President of the Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Association, for inviting and allowing our participation in this wonderful event. For more photos visit the Vancouver webpage.

Seattle Yees at the 101st Anniversary Dinner of the Canadian Yee Fung Toy Association

On February 26, 2005, the tradition continued as seven members of the Seattle Yee Family Association attend the 101st Anniversary Dinner of the Canadian Yee Fung Toy Association in Vancouver, B.C. The celebration was held at the Floata Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown. Over 400 guests, including a delegation from the Consulate General Office of the People’s Republic of China, representing major Chinese community organizations in Vancouver attended this gala event.

Hing Yu, President of the Seattle Yee Family Association, gave a brief congratulatory speech. The gala events also included a lion dance, dance and singing performance from the Fung Toy Alumni Association, awarding of scholarship and karaoke entertainment. For a full report, visit the Canada webpage.

Image of
                  Ladies of YFT

Article credits: English text by Fred Yee, photos by Clara Cheung

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association 51st Annual Picnic

Image of
                  Seattle Picnic
Image of Seattle Picnic
Image of Seattle Picnic

A sunny and warm summer day on August 14 was a perfect backdrop for the 2005 annual picnic for the Seattle Chapter of the Yee Fung Toy Association. This year, the picnic was again held at the Woodland Park picnic area #1. By 11:30 am, volunteers of all ages from the local Yee families already gathered at the picnic site busily helping to set up tables, arrange food trays and organizing gifts for the prize drawing. This year’s picnic was especially energized by the joining of 48 members from the Vancouver (Canada) Yee Fung Toy Association. They arrived by bus at around 12:30 pm, having left Vancouver B.C. early in the morning.

Image of
                  Seattle Picnic

Seattle Chapter President, Uncle Hing Yu, welcomed all those attending, numbering over 120. He thanked our Canadian cousins for making the journey to join the Seattle members. Brief remarks by representatives of the Canadian Yees then followed. The picnic lunch was a delicious meal of Chinese delicacies. The highlight of the picnic was the award of our annual scholarships. This year, Mr. John Yee of Seattle was the award announcer and over 31 students, from 1st Grade to senior in college were scholarship recipients. The picnic ended with exciting rounds of prize drawings. A special thanks to those who donated generously for the food and prizes which helped made this year another success.

Image of
                  Seattle Picnic

In the evening, a special dinner was held at the New Kowloon Restaurant in Chinatown to honor our Canadian guests. Over 70 individuals attended the dinner and all were grateful to have a chance to reconnect and share in wonderful company.

English article by Fred Yee, photos by John Yee

2005 Seattle Yee Family Association Annual Meeting

The 2005 Yee Fung Toy Association Annual meeting was held on November 17 at 11:00 am at the Sun Ya Restaurant. The topics discussed at the meeting included the following:

  1. Status of the negotiation of space use with the Wing Luke Museum: The negotiation process continues with the next meeting to be held in December 2005.  The original proposal by the museum was reviewed by board members and it was concluded that with the terms currently presented by the museum, further negotiation would be required for both sides to come to a satisfactory conclusion.
  2. The 2006 World Yee Convention and the U.S - Yee Convention will be held from August 12-19 in Los Angeles. The association will decide on the delegation when the invitation for the convention is received.
  3. A Mexican Cruise on the Carnival Pride is being organized by representatives of the Seattle and Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Chapters.  The cruise will be 7 nights from August 20-27. Those who are interested in the cruise should check the detail on the World Yee Site.
  4. The 2006 officers were elected. A women’s auxiliary is being formed.  Please refer to the officers’ chart for names in both English and Chinese.
Submitted by Fred Yee