Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association


image of Yee character





二零零六年八月在美國南加省洛杉磯市(羅省),蒙特利公園市舉行的「第三屆世界余氏懇親大會」暨「全美余風采堂第廿二屆懇親大會」, 他是舍路余風采堂三個代表出席參與當中的一個。




美西總顧問: 樹湛                  
顧問 家樂、 士景、 樹湛、 士晃、 海量
正主席 國強
副主席: 碩正
中文書記: 傑鋒 海量
西文書記: 仲鵬 利民
財政 士景、 國強
議長: 永鏇 國定 汝深
代表: 家樂 高俊 適儀
核數: 汝璋 衛民 耀東
庶務: 盛昌 汝深


為了余風采堂能在舍路世代傳下去,舍路余風采堂全體職員於二零零六年十一月十六日的年會中,一致通過捐款購置永久性物業安置忠襄公, 以盡孝忠及為舍路的余氏宗親提供一個團結合作,敬親睦族的地方。


這些捐款只限於購置永久性物業。將來實現這一目標,所有的捐款者芳名將連碑刻石與物業永久留念。 如果將來否決這一決定,這些捐款及利息將加數退還給捐款人或其家人。 現在設立舍路余風采堂基金帳戶,由五人共同管理,設捐款名冊兩份,以防萬一。舍路余風采堂基金會以每年當任正副主席和五個顧問轉流的三個顧問管理。




舍路余風采堂定於三月一日下午六時,假華埠「新九龍海鮮大酒家」,舉辦年度春節聯歡會。 歡迎會員及友好攜眷踴躍參加,共襄盛會。 如有興趣參加這春宴的話,請與余家樂聯絡,查詢電話 206-762-9248

餐券每位 20 元,售票由二零零六年十二月九日起至二零零七年一月廿五日止。


最近為了支持世余「修葺荻海名賢余忠襄公祠」籌款活動,舍路余風采堂已鼓勵所有會員和朋友們以熱心參與、慷慨解囊,踴躍捐輸對這個重要項目。 籌款活動所有的詳細資料可以在世界余氏宗親總會網站閱讀。


美國余風采總堂已提供籌款活動的正式 指引與處理程序給各分堂使用及跟隨。舍路余風采堂已計劃及進行遵循這些指導方針。

捐贈者可以郵寄支票送交下列地址:5976 Wilson Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98118.

捐款支票抬頭「Seattle Yee Family Association」。




West Gate

「中華門」的項目已是西雅圖華人僑團和社區人士們心懷中的一個很長,很長的夢想。 現在舍路余風采堂會員和僑界們很是高興,因為這個「夢想」終於變成了一個真實的行動了。



為更深入了解中華門的項目詳情,敬請登陸 中華門」網站。



這可能會打破舍路余風采堂代表以往二十年來出席參加加拿大余風采總堂春節聯歡宴會的人數記錄。 晚宴在下午六時假座溫哥華華埠富大酒家。

Grand Advisor Dr. James Yu and Wife

大約五百名賓客包括省政代表、市政代表、僑團代表。 美西總顧問余樹湛在宴會中代表舍路余風采堂做簡短的致詞。

Seattle delegates attending Vancouver Spring Banquet

Michael, Fred and Clara Yee at Spring Banquet


我們也有些舍路余風采堂代表出席了加拿大宗親們的中午的祭祖儀式,在總堂禮堂舉行。 舍路余風采堂主席余國強在加拿大余風采總堂慶成立一百零三週年紀念大典致祝賀詞。




舍路風采堂也不例外,仕景、仕晃、家樂、國强、汝深於三月廾九日上午十時多,備齊多份三牲祭品, 在汝深家中三樓及在汝深夫人的熱情幫助下,先拜祭忠襄公,之後,汝深夫人也抽出寶貴的時間和我們一齊去湖景墓園 (Lake View Cemetery)、 萬柏墓園 (Mt. Pleasant)、萬年青-華秀麗墓園 (Evergreen-Washelli Cemetery) 和霍利魯德墓園 (Holyrood Cemetery) 四個地方拜祭舍路余氏先人, 直至下午三時多才回來。

Ching Ming 2007 02

舍路風采堂職員汝深和夫人樂於將忠襄公安置於他們家中三樓,又每月初一、十五換盞,時節又拜祭,盡其忠孝。 他們是舍路余氏族人的典範,忠襄公和所有舍路的余氏先人一定保佑他們和所有舍路余氏萬事如意,永保平安。

余國强報告 零七年三月三十一日


Seattle Yee Family Association 53rd Annual Picnic

舍路余風采堂能夠在舍路唐人埠持續發展五十多年,這是全賴於余氏先輩們、現任顧問們和全體職員的鼎力支持和無私貢獻! 同樣有賴於余氏宗親的支持和參與。 特別有賴於加拿大余氏宗親五十多年來,從未間斷對舍路風采堂的鼎力支持和貢獻。

Vancouver YFT guests

今年八月十九日,加拿大溫哥華余氏宗親柏寧宗長與夫人和美湛夫人帶領加拿大溫哥華余氏宗親冒雨前來參加舍路風采堂的郊遊活動, 給郊遊活動增添歡樂、團結、和睦而又親情的氣氛。

Prize Draws

雖然郊遊活動是雨天,也有百多余氏宗親和朋友參加。頒發了零七年獎學金給三十一位余氏宗親的子女,也發放了所有抽獎獎品。 郊遊活動日由雨天變為晴天,郊遊活動在歡聲笑語中完滿結束。


2007 Seattle Yee Family Association Officers

Kwok Keung (Michael) Yee was elected the 2007 Seattle Yee Family Association President for 2007. He served as the chapter's Treasurer in 2006 and was one of three chapter representatives attending the US Yee National Convention in August 2006 in Monterey Park, California. Shek Jing Yee was re-elected as the Chapter's Vice President. The Seattle Chapter now has five advisors: Jim Yee, Hing Yu, Fred Yee, Suey Yee and James Yee. James Yee is also the West Coast Senior Advisor for the US Yee Fung Toy Association.

Senior Advisor West Coast:       James Yee   
Advisors: Hing Yu, Jim Yee, James Yee, Suey Yee, Fred Yee
Michael Kwok Keung Yee
Vice-President: Shek Jing Yee                      
Chinese Secretary Kit Fung Yue, Fred Yee
English Secretary:
Chun Pan Yee, Raymond Wah
Treasurer: Jim Yee, Kwok Keung Yee

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Annual Dinner Announcement

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association will hold its annual New Year dinner at the new Kowloon Restaurant in Chinatown on March 1 at 6:00 pm.

For those who are interested in attending this dinner, please contact Hing Yu at 206-762-9248.

Tickets are available from December 9, 2006 through January 25, 2007. The price is $20 per person. We welcome all Yee members, friends and relatives to attend this New Year celebration.

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Ancestral Hall (China) Restoration Fund Drive

Restoration on Ancestor Hall in China

In support of the World Yee Association fund drive for the Yee Fung Toy Ancestral Hall restoration project, the Seattle chapter is encouraging all members and friends to consider donating to this important project.

The detail of the restoration project can be read at the World Yee website.

U.S. Yee headquarter have published guidelines and procedures for local chapters to use and follow. Our association will plan to follow these guidelines.

All donations should be sent to the Seattle's Chapter mailing address at: 5976 Wilson Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98118.

All checks are payable to Seattle Yee Family Association. All donations are accepted through June 30, 2007.

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Supported the Seattle Historic Chinatown Gate Foundation

A total of $1,200 was raised by the Seattle Chapter members to support the Seattle Historic Chinatown gate Project to be located on city-approved sites along South King Street, at 5th Avenue South and 8th Avenue South.

The Chinatown Gate Project has been a long dream for the Seattle Chinese community.

East Gate

The project began construction of the two gates (pai lau) in December 2006.

For detail of the Chinatown Gate project,

visit for more information.

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association Annual Dinner

Greetings from Michael Kwok Keung Yee

The 2007 annual dinner was held at the New Kowloon Seafood Restaurant on March 1. This year’s dinner was enthusiastically attended by over 80 individuals including members of the Seattle Chapter and ten guests from Canada’s (Vancouver) Yee Fung Toy Association. Kit Fung Yue, Seattle Chapter Secretary was the master of ceremony, following by greetings from Michael Kwok Keung Yee, President of the Seattle Chapter and Kim Gee Yee, President of the Canada Yee Fung Toy Association. U.S. West Coast Grand Advisor Uncle James Yee gave the “thank you” speech.

Banquet guests

Seattle member Gordon and Joyce Yee generously donated a coupe dozens of tennis tee shirts as gifts for the attendees. Fred Yee, Advisor for the Seattle Chapter, distributed copies of the Spring Edition of the Yee Fung Toy e-Newsletter. Credits are due to Jim and Martin Yee of Canada for helping with the production of the newsletter. Jim Yee gave a brief review of the progress of the World Yee Website project.

Among the attendees were a number of first-time participants. Many younger members of the association also took time to attend. With good food, great spirits and wonderful company, the evening was an enjoyable evening for all. We all look forward to next year’s dinner.

Fred Yee

Seattle Members attended Vancouver’s YFT Annual Chinese New Year Banquet

On March 11, fourteen members of the Seattle Yee Family Association attended the Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Association Annual Chinese New year Banquet in Vancouver B.C. There were also two non-members (Michael Yee and his friend) attended this festivity.

This was a record breaking number for such high attendance at least for the past twenty years. The banquet was held at the Floata Chinese Seafood Restaurant in Vancouver’s China town.

Over 500 people were present with attendance by many local and international political figures and community members. Uncle James Yee gave a brief greeting, representing the Seattle Yee delegates.

The banquet was a great success with dance and music performance, presentation of student scholarships and karaoke entertainment.

Some members of the Yee group also attended the noon ceremony to pay respect to the Yee ancestor at the Vancouver Yee Association’s Chinatown headquarters building. Seattle Yee Family Association President Kwok Keung Yee offered greetings at the lunch ceremony.

Fred Yee

Seattle Yee Family Association Ching Ming Cemetery Visits

Ching Ming 2007 01

On March 29, members of the Seattle Yee Family Association spent the day to visit four Seattle area cemeteries to observe the Chinese Ching Ming festival.

This is a time to pay respect to those who have passed. Suey Yee reported that the group visited four cemeteries which included Holyrood, Lake View, Evergreen-Waselli and Mt. Pleasant.

At three of the cemeteries, cut flowers were used to place at graves showing the last name of Yee. At Holyrood, a small potted flower was used to pay respect to Uncle George Yee.

The group also paid respect to our Yee ancestor at the association temporary location on Beacon Hill.

Kwok Keung Yu, Chapter President, organized the visit as a way to reinstitute the Chapter’s annual Ching Ming cemetery visit tradition.

Fred Yee

53rd Seattle Yee Family Association Annual Picnic

2007 Scholarship recepients

August 19th was the day of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association's 2007 Annual Picnic at Woodland Park. The day started out with steady rain that continued into the time of the picnic at noon. However, the spirit for those who participated was not lower a bit. Over a hundred members attended the picnic. Volunteers set up the food line under the shelter at the picnic site. Upward of sixty young members attended and many volunteered to set up, serve the food and cleanup after the picnic. Members donated nice gifts and cash awards for the drawing. Association advisor Uncle Hing Yu donated a whole roast pig while others donated bakery treats and desserts.

Picnic Prize draws

Four members from the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver came to join the picnic. Their consistent support and encouragement every year is much appreciated.

One of the prize draw Winners

A total of 31 scholarships were awarded at the picnic this year. It was very encouraging to see so many young Yees show interest in applying for these scholarships. They are the future of our association.

Presentation to Uncle Jim

At the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association annual picnic on August 19, 2007, Elder Jim Yee was presented a plaque for his decades of devoted service to the Association.

This year, the association presented an award (gold plaque) to Uncle Jim Yee for his decades of volunteering service to the Seattle chapter and the Seattle Chinese community. Now in his 80s, Uncle Jim continues to attend the annual picnic and other Seattle Yee functions.

The day ended with about 30 members attended an appreciation dinner at the New Kowloon Restaurant in Chinatown. The Vancouver chapter visitors attended the dinner and said farewell for another great visit to Seattle.

Fred Yee