Seniors' Trip to Whistler on Sunday August 15, 2004

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Awe-struck by Shannon Falls
Waiting for the bus home
Boarding the bus
Glacier viewing

2004815日,温哥華余風采堂耆英舉行立堂以來首次威士拿一日遊。是日早上約8時半,大家已集合在温哥華唐人街余風采堂門前等侯,時間未到9時,旅遊巴士已按時抵達,在總堂顧問鍚儒夫婦,總堂主席根洙夫婦,分堂主席美湛及多位理事帶領下,各男女耆英宗親,風采校友,及親朋戚友等一行48人,順序登車,9時正,司機立即開 車,沿市中心過獅門橋向北温哥華方向進發。晨早空氣清新,沿途風光秀麗,景色宜人,大家都很興奮。經過了一叚路程後,途中参觀一處双龍瀑布,然後再前行,最後抵達目的地--- 威士拿滑雪勝地。大家下車分頭参觀,并各自吃了一些午餐,約至3時左右,開車回程沿途由美湛和金星二人介紹風景,又舉行抽獎助興。下午6時返回華埠,并假百樂酒家叙餐聯歡,8時才盡興而散。我們旅居海外的亞公亞婆,平日子孫多數返ユ上學,日常生活未免有些弧寂,因此我們舉辦短程旅遊是有一定意義的,况且又可以亙相增加友誼,你說是嗎?

At 9:00 on a sunny Sunday morning in mid August, 48 of us boarded the Greyhound bus that would take us from the Yee Fung Toy Tong in Chinatown on the Sea to Sky Highway to Whistler, the site of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, for a one day outing (see Map of Vancouver to Whistler Route). Most of us were seniors including some members of the Fung Toy Alumni Association. We drove by Horseshoe Bay, Britannia Beach, Stawamus Chief Provincial Park, and Squamish. We stopped at Shannon Falls to view the impressive falls and hear the roar of tons of glacial water tearing down the side of the steep mountain. We arrived at Whistler Village just before noon and spent the next three hours exploring the place under the hot sun.


We left Whistler just before 4:00 PM, stopped to marvel at a glacier, and arrived back to Chinatown in time for dinner at the Park Lok Restaurant. Everyone enjoyed their day trip. Thanks to the Seniors Committee (led by Mr. and Mrs. Shui Ji Yu) and the Yee Fung Toy Board Secretary Mr. Wing Yee for organizing this event.