Vancouver YFT

溫哥華「余馬」宗親會攜手合辦 (2011) 一日遊

「萊福野島候鳥保護區」   、

為聯絡宗親情誼, 溫哥華余風采堂「耆英組」邀請您參加溫哥華「余馬」宗親會攜手合辦二零一一年的一日遊。
今年選擇遊覽的地點包括大溫地區的著名觀鳥風景點「萊福野島候鳥保護區George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary 萊福野島候鳥保護區位置於 (Fraser River Estuary) 菲沙河口三角州的中心,從溫哥華市出發,車程不到一小時。

區内包括接近 300 公頃 (850 英畝)的池塘,天然潮間沼澤及步行徑。 對正在覓食及找尋棲息地的侯鳥而言, 在菲沙河口的這個保護區就是最理想的歇息處。 那裏除了雪雁之外,還有很多不同的鳥類鴨子和飛鳥。 保護區是一處讓鳥類棲息而遠離禍害的地方。 保護區是加拿大最優秀的賞鳥地之一。 每年逾六萬旅客到訪。

保護區的隔壁就是好幾英里的平坦沼澤地及寧靜的威士咸島 (Westham Island) 農田
。 保護區是小雪雁 (lesser snow goose)的冬季聚居地。 夏季的末旬是許多濱鳥到訪保護區内河流,小島嶼跟泥灘的季節。 這個季節是觀賞大小黃腳 (Yellowlegs), 長嘴半蹼鷸(Longbilled Dowitchers), 和西方濱鷸 (Western Sandpipers),以及在鳥群内尋找罕有鳥類的最好時機。 很多雀鳥會在夏季脫下它們彩色繽紛的羽毛和飛羽。

參訪萊福野島候鳥保護區後,我們繼續乘搭旅游巴士前往「 白石鎮
White Rock、 美麗的白石鎮位於溫哥華東南方,一個距加拿大/美國邊境僅僅約 5 分鐘路程 (45 公里) 的西南方角落小鎮...  這裡除了沙灘海浪,白帆山影,最有特色的就是伸出海面達 1,600 多呎的木頭修築的棧橋和 2.5 公里的海濱長堤而聞名,在碼頭盡頭停泊了許多私人遊艇。 因為是著名的觀光地點,白石鎮林立多家餐廳與特色商店。 白石鎮當然還有那塊重 486 噸的巨大石頭,這塊白色巨石其實是海岸的冰川沉積物,現已成為白石海灘的標誌。 但根據原住民的傳說是,多年前有一位撒里西(Salish) 海神之子愛上凡間的一個公主,但是因為神仙和凡人的結合婚姻是不被允許的。 因為被激怒,於是這位年輕的海神拿起一顆巨大的石頭,丟越喬治亞海峽(Strait of Georgia), 並宣稱只要是石頭落地的地方, 就是他們自立門戶的家園。

年,西班牙人第一次發現這塊巨石時,將它作為航海的目標。 後來人們將石頭漆成白色,這樣在任何天氣情況下都可以很容易的看到。 多過居民的遊客一年四季不斷,來此釣魚、捉螃蟹、海邊戲浪、漫步賞海或逛藝術商街,以及伴海喝咖啡等。

白石鎮是一個充滿健康活力的社區,鎮內的商業區和街道優美整潔,氣氛悠閒愜意,全年均有多姿多采的活動, 適合一家大小同樂。 這裡是一個傳統的住宅社區,仍然保留濃厚的加拿大西岸文化。 白石鎮的居民都以區內的低密度、多空間和少高層建築的社區設計而自豪, 這裡能讓您和家人享受自由清新的海濱氣息。 團友可各自由去參觀白石鎮。

接著是午餐時間,溫哥華余風采堂「耆英組」建議大家在環境優美的白石鎮一起坐下來享用自備午餐或享受小鎮濃 濃的鄉情、 本地風味,最方便的應算是熱狗、薯條跟炸魚餐、沾上番茄醬吃,尚算脆口。 或者自費去試一試一流的高級餐廳、甚至日本料理店,街上咖啡屋等等。

Blueberry picking 的好季節,藍莓算是一個應用得滿普遍的水果,藍莓派、藍莓果醬、藍莓蛋糕、藍莓優格... 應有盡有。 藍莓好處說不盡,是地球上少見的真正藍色食物,酸酸甜甜,抗氧化,抗老化,對視力大有助益, 富含各種營養素,大人小孩都愛! 你吃過新鮮的藍莓嗎? 而且還是有機的喔! 下一站遊覽我們就前往附近的農場採藍莓。 自己動手採來的藍莓就是跟市場整盒買來的不一樣,既可以運動身體又可以打發時間。 藍莓收費雖然不算便宜,但自己動手,樂在其中。

White Rock 

Birds      Watch You-tube links  You-Tube scenes


星期日 — 2011 8 7
華埠喬治亞東街 226 號余風采總堂門口或堂內
上午 8 時。
上午 8 30 分。
下午 6 時。
華埠 137 號片打東街「玉龍軒海鮮酒家」。
耆英會會員每人 $50 元, 非耆英會會員每人 $55 元。
乘搭有空氣調節之豪華旅遊巴士、遊覽萊福野島候鳥保護區 門票 成人 5 元, 兒童(2 14 歲) 3 元,耆英(60 歲以上) 3 、小費、晚飯。

  • 歡迎各宗親攜眷及友好參加。 報名從速,名額有限,額滿即止。
  • 有關詳情,請致電「耆英組」主任余瑞芝 副主任瑞芝夫人。
  • 查詢電話 604-434-2779
  • 請準時抵達集合地點, 如因遲到不能成行,所付費用恕不退回。
  • 備註: 行程的之排列次序有可能會出現前後順序調換,但不會影響行程內容,敬請諒解!

2011 Yee Fung Toy Seniors Committee Day Trip

The Seniors Committee of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver invites you to a day trip with the Mah's on August 7, 2011. 

Meet at the Yee Fung Toy Society 226 E. Georgia St at 8:00 am. 

The bus will be loading at 8:30 am. 

The program for the day trip is the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary (see, lunch at White Rock, blueberry picking, and dinner in Chinatown.

Return to Chinatown at 6:00 PM for dinner at the Jade Dynasty Seafood Restaurant 137 E. Pender St.

Cost: $50 for YFT Seniors group members ($55 non-members) includes tour, tips, admission to Bird Sanctuary, and dinner (bring your own picnic lunch)

Contact: YFT Seniors Committee at (604) 434-2779

The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary is situated on Westham Island, just west of the community of Ladner in the Municipality of Delta, British Columbia, Canada. It consists of nearly 300 hectares (850 acres) of managed wetlands, natural marshes and low dikes in the heart of the Fraser River Estuary. Two Reifel Wildlife Sanctuary group tours each of which is 30 or fewer people (Reifel rules), one at 10:00 and one 1:00 PM have been booked.

White Rock is named for a distinctive large white boulder on its beach near the promenade, a glacial erratic that migrated south during the last glaciation. The 486-ton granite boulder was kept white by shellfish-eating seabirds whose guano covered the rock, so much so that 19th-century sailors used it as a beacon. However, it is now kept white through frequent applications of white paint by the city parks department, and has been a popular graffiti target for over thirty years.

Blueberry is ranked among the top fruits and vegetables for their antioxidant activity, blueberries are loaded with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients that just make them even more delightful to consume.

According to Marni Wasserman | Chatelaine 
1. Blueberries are a source of the antioxidant ellagic acid, which may block metabolic pathways that can lead to cancer.
2. Blueberry skins contain resveratrol, which research associates with anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and blood sugar-lowering properties.
3. Blueberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and E, as well as fibre.
4. They are low in calories, with only 81 calories per cup!
5. Blueberries are good for your heart - several studies have associated blueberry consumption with improved blood-fat balances, reduced cholesterol, increased HDL cholesterol and reduced trigylcerides.

Five ways to enjoy blueberries Combine them in a fruit salad with other berries. Blend them into a smoothie. Bake them into muffins or pancakes. Eat them fresh right out of the container. Make a blueberry pie!

Marni Wasserman is a culinary nutritionist in Toronto whose philosophy is stemmed around whole foods. She is dedicated to providing balanced lifestyle choices through natural foods. Using passion and experience, she strives to educate individuals on how everyday eating can be simple and delicious.

2010 "Yee - Mah" Day Trip

Harrison Hot Springs, Inch Creek Hatchery and Westminster Abbey

2010 Day
                    Trip to Harrison Hot Springs with the Mahs 






            to Vancouver YFT
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Information subject to change without notice.
Last updated on 2011-08-06.