World Yee Family Association



About The World Yee Family Association

Our Mission

To promote Yee Family values, and to strengthen relations among Yee Family members world wide.

World Yee Family Association Vision Statement:

The vision for the World Yee Family Association is summarized by the 12 word Chinese couplet on either side, which can be translated as “Promote the Righteousness of our Past Generations; Nurture the Integrity of our Future Generations”. This is the vision of all family leaders, whether as parents or association officers: to use the best of our Family ancestors as role models for our own lives and for all those over whom we have some influence. In the end, we ourselves strive to become role models for the future generations. In short, we should “Venerate the Past, and Educate the Future”.

世 界 余 氏 宗 親 會 「願 景 說 明 書」 :

世 界 余 氏 宗 親 會 就 是 以 先 祖 留 下 來 的 這 對 對 聯 作 為 宗 旨。

【發 揚 先 輩 正 氣】, 【培 育 後 代 情 操】。

這 也 是 每 一 個 家 族 宗 長 所 期 望 的 ; 承 先 啟 後, 繼 往 開 來。

World Yee Family Association
©2015 World Yee Family Association. All rights reserved
Updated on June 27, 2015