The Yee Fung Toy Society of Edmonton


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2023 Event Logs



Dragon Boat Festival Party Notice 2023

It is a Pleasure, on behalf of the entire Fung Toy Athletic Club of Edmonton, to send you our hearty Dragon Boat Festival greetings and best wishes for 2023 and the coming years.

YFT Society of Edmonton


點問頓風采堂在今年五月依章選出第十一屆 2023-2025 年度職員。



Jerome Yu Elected as the New Chairman of Yee Fung Toy Society of Edmonton

Congratulations Jerome, and the new 2023-2025 Edmonton YFT Executive Board!

YFT Society of Edmonton




Ancestor Ceremony

Ancestor ceremony was held at the Society hall on Saturday, June 17, 2023..

Tai Chi Class History

2023 風采體育會太極班成員

The Fung Toy Athletic Club was incorporated in 1993. Since 2010, we have established the Tai Chi class. Initially we were concentrated more on the Eight Brocade Moves ( 八段錦 ) and eventually evolved into Tai Chi. We practice the Yang's traditional style 24, 38 and 85 moves and at time did some Yang's Lauliulu 老六路 and Emperor style 府內派 moves just to entice participants with more interest.

It became a bit much and we later concentrated more on the traditional one. We stopped playing for 3 years due to the Covid and are now more than happy to restart again. The program is headed by Jerome Yu with assistance from Tony Mah and Herbert Luk in the past and now we have William Yu ( 國璇 ) coming on board who provides his many years of Tai Chi experience.

We incorporate the Elastic Bands Exercise into our Tai Chi program so that the participants will better understand the postures and use of muscles. This is beneficial in learning Baduanjin.

YFT Society of Edmonton



六月廿四日(周六) 早上十一時,我們余風堂所成功舉辦了一場免費慶祝端午派對。






這個活動令參加者更好地加深理解了中國文化習俗傳統。 派對持續至下午一時三十分,個個都表示滿足和感謝,盡興而歸。


Dragon Boat Festival Party

Our Dragon Boat Festival party was successfully held at our Society Hall on Saturday, June 24th, the Fung Toy Athletic Club members, YFT Society of Edmonton members and their family, and guests totaling 160 participated in this festive event.

In 2023, Dragon Boat Festival falls on Thursday, June 22nd. China’s Dragon Boat Festival is referred to as Duanwu Jie (‘Start-of the-Fifth-Solar-Month Festival’) or Tuen Ng Festival (in Cantonese areas). Dragon boat races and rice dumplings are two of the most distinctive elements of the festival.

YFT Society of Edmonton

2021-2022 學年度獲獎學金學生


2021-2022 Scholarship Awards


YFT Society of Edmonton



點問頓余風釆堂體育會於今年九月十日在理事長余國基,監事長余英華以及名譽主席林晃,余景秋的帶領下,組織一次乘巴士到 Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park 公園觀賞, 然後參觀相鄰的動物園,於當日十時半在會所門口集合出發。是日天高秋爽,陽光燦爛,我們一行四十個耆英乘車來到 Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park。 公園美景迷人,那裡林蔭夾道,大河從旁奔流而過,兩個綠色草坪,寬大無比,周邊都是綠樹環抱,古樹參天,草坪周邊的大樹 下,設有很多亨台坐桌, 供人們聚餐燒烤,漫步草坪,心曠神怡,閑坐古樹蔭下,涼風習習,空氣清新,足氧宜人,身心放鬆,如墜仙境, 會員們隨後午餐開始,歡聚飲食,笑語開懷,拍照留念,樂也融融。

隨後我們又乘車來到點城動物園,動物園內外,早已眾熙笑語,人們三五成群,各組分散自由觀賞,園內百獸奇禽,魅力無限, 大家興致勃勃,會員拍攝下很多彩照,也拍攝下很多動物照片留念。最後全體在動物園大門口影下彩照留念。



Autumn Trip to the Park and Zoo

As the crisp autumn breeze rustles through the golden leaves and the days grow shorter, there is no better time to embark on a journey into the heart of nature. In Edmonton, two exceptional destinations await those seeking to connect with the beauty of the season – Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park and the Edmonton Valley Zoo. An immersive autumn trip to these two magnificent locations, where you can experience the harmony of nature and the wonder of wildlife, all while surrounded by the enchanting colors of fall.

We, 40 of us seniors, boarded the rented school bus made the trip on a sunny September day, bought with us Vietnamese subs for lunch. Everyone experienced a fiery palette of reds, oranges, and yellows, creating a vivid contrast against the deep blue river waters. Strolling along the park's winding trails, we were captivated by the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot and the soft, earthy aroma that fills the air.

A short drive from Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park, the Edmonton Valley Zoo offers a unique opportunity to experience autumn from a different perspective – through the eyes of the animal kingdom. This zoo, nestled within the lush greenery of the river valley, becomes even more enchanting during the fall season. Upon arriving, everyone scattered and witnessed the amazing animals, the peaceful setting of the park.

An autumn trip to Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park and the Edmonton Valley Zoo was an unforgettable experience, we marveled at the wonders of nature and observe the fascinating behaviors of wildlife in the crisp, cool air of the season. We finished the day with a sumptuous meal at the All Family Restaurant.

Jerome Yu

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Copyright  ©2004-2023 Yee Fung Toy Society of Edmonton. All rights reserved.
Last updated on 2023-10-04.