Yee Fung Toy Association of Houston


2011 Activities



64 日,在 2011 年度法國網球公開賽中傳來振奮人心的消息。 而一直關注比賽進程,當好消息傳來,感動得奔走相告的還有李娜在休斯敦的“親人”。

在女 29 歲的李娜和 30 歲的斯齊亞沃尼會師決賽,令今年法網上演了 1986 年“冰公主”埃弗特擊敗“女金剛”納芙拉蒂諾娃之後,最“老”的法網女單決賽。 埃弗特至今仍以 315 個月的年齡保持著最年長法網女單冠軍的紀錄。 網球是年輕人的天下,而今年 2 月年滿 29 歲的李娜則成為第五年長的法網女單冠軍。

在女子單打決賽中,中國金花李娜以 6-4,7-6(0) 擊敗斯齊亞沃尼之後,成為了第一位能夠奪得大滿貫單打冠軍的亞洲球員。 網球由于其訓練成本高,因此在中國並不像籃球、排球和乒乓球那樣普及。 此次李娜能在世界著名的法國網球公開賽中一舉奪冠,書寫了中國網球曆史上輝煌燦爛的一頁。 實屬難能可貴。

根據網易體育 64 日報道,僅今年 1 月到 6 月,李娜獲得了322.7 萬美元的獎金。 這與她 1997 年在美國聖安東尼奧城(San Antonio)附近的新布朗福市(New Braunfels) 參加紐克斯(Newk’s) 網球集訓時從中國網協領取的微薄生活補貼相比,簡直有著天壤之別。 那時的中國,還不能像今天這樣能如此大手筆地資助李娜那樣的選手參加國外訓練。

輝煌人生的背後,往往伴隨著艱苦的奮鬥曆程。 李娜 14 歲時來美訓練。 那時的她在集訓期間只能靠速食麵省吃儉用地度過美國傳統的感恩節和耶誕節。 休斯頓市的華裔居民余頌輝先生,也是休斯敦余氏宗親會的主席,得知這一群中國少年拮據的生活境況後, 決定做一件對中國人有意義的事。 他從休斯敦驅車 200 英里趕到安東尼奧城的東北部,在一片環境優雅的丘陵當中找到紐克斯集訓營。 余頌輝先生將他們接出來,安置在自己和朋友的家中。 親情般的家庭氛圍和精美的火雞大餐使李娜和她的夥伴們忘卻了枯燥單調的集訓營生活。

曾經住在余頌輝家的少年網球選手中,王鈺和李喆分別於 2006 年和 2008 年曾獲得世界職業網球排名當中最靠前的中國選手。 他們都有一個小小的共同愛好,就是喜歡在旗魚的標本前留影。 而歷屆中國駐休士頓總領事館的朋友們,例如幾任前副總領事房利、周鼎、郁伯仁, 以及領僑組長儲開旻、副領事陳冠橋、辦公室主任冉啟軍等也曾在這條 96 英寸長的標本前留過影。




在这个夏季,休斯敦余风采堂给我们带来了丰富的家庭娱乐, 令人难以置信的比萨饼连锁店可以吃到饱以及操场上骑车和游戏。 还有,更加舒适点我们可以去打保龄球。 不要忘了,这些活动都在室内举行并有空调。 这些为孩子们提供娱乐和享受,让家长老前辈们回忆往昔。大学生和年轻人又如何? 他们的生活方式和品味尚未被融入到这些活动中来。 无论如何,希望总有一天年轻人会填补到余风采堂休斯敦分会的理事会中来。 这就为什么余风采堂理事会决定组织 201186 日到布拉索斯弯省公园(Brazos Bend State Park) 去郊游。

布拉索斯弯省公园位于尼德维尔市(Needville) 的布拉索斯河畔 ,占地 4,897 英亩。 它被多元化的野生动植物覆盖,是广泛的生态系统天堂。 值得一提的是公园里的很多居住和迁徙的鸟类和哺乳动物,例如,白尾鹿、九条带状犰狳、狐狸、浣熊,北美河水獭等 300 余种生物。 公园里体型较大,数量最多,最值得注意的野生动物是美国鳄鱼。

能容纳 150 人宴会大厅临时租用作为我们举办烧烤午餐的总部。 这里有吊扇、空调、厨房设施、烧烤炉、桌子和椅子,最重要的是有厕所。

本次郊游要感谢 Roger 余世傑协调组织了活动的各个方面,其中包括: 邮递邀请信,租赁宴会大厅、安排烧烤餐饮和采购。 他那天一早就到场,在妻子素 英(Elaine) 哥哥世雄(Alan)以 及儿子和朋友们的协助下,将桌子和椅子摆好。 上午 10:00 点,用环法自行车赛术语 Peloton, 成员循环往返绕行 Elm Lake-Spillway- 40-Acre Lake 车轮旅行探险开始。 同时,其他客人也很快抵达,他们自己进入招待宴会大厅或者围绕营地悠闲漫步。


余世雄的超级山地自行车配备了地球定位装置,充当队伍的前导; 而老会长余颂辉(Frank)则尾随压阵。 一条 13 英尺长的鳄鱼阻拦了我们沿羊肠小道骑行的道路,我们当然明智地給予这位当地原住民应有的道路优先权。 瞭望塔刚好是这条路线的中间点。

余漢池 (David Chung) 感谢上帝让我们在如此优美的自然环境里聚集在一起,同时,他抽奖幸运得中,得到由 Dorothy Yee 慷慨捐赠的加尔斯顿海洋公寓免费入住 32 夜。 在休斯敦气温达到华氏 100 度,在布拉索斯弯省公园旷野的环境中温度略有降低。 尽管如此,仍有 60 多人参加了今天的这个活动。

一如既往,Vickie Ong 余秀娟的勤奋工作是审查奖学金申请,并从中筛选出奖学金得主。 2011 年余风采堂的奖学金得主是: (左起)余美華 Elizabeth Yee,余健輝 Kevin Yee,余穎欣 Theresa Yee, 余健威 PeterChristopher Yee (不在照片中) 和 余淑德 (Hilary Wu)(当天没来)。

清洁工作,拆卸折叠桌、收起椅子、处理垃圾和打扫餐厅都 被所有的青年志愿者和老年志愿者完成。 我们恢复了宴会大厅在那天早上我们进来时候的样子。我相信休斯敦 余风采堂会给公园的管理人员留下很好的印象。

我已经担任休斯顿余风采堂会长 15 多年了。 我很高兴我们做出正确的决定,在炎热的夏天外出,到这样一个独特的地方举办郊游,我们可以一起享受和服务他人。 我特别为余氏年轻一代的健康成长而感到骄傲和欣慰。我们的前途无量!

余颂辉作 鄧潤京译

Li Na’s Houston Connections

Li Na (李娜) became the first player, male or female, from an Asian country to capture the French Open title, a Grand Slam tennis tournament, on June 4, 2011. This is an achievement of epic proportion, particularly for a country like the People’s Republic of China, where tennis lags behind in such sports as soccer, basketball, volley ball, ping-pong and even golf.

Her U.S. $1.756 million check is a far-cry from the measly allowance she received from the Chinese Tennis Federation when she trained at Newk’s in New Brunsfel near San Antonio in 1997. Back in those days, China could barely afford any luxury, as we are so accustomed to her extravaganza nowadays. Li Na would subsist on instant noodles during Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Local resident Frank Yu, learning of the plight of these Chinese juniors, would journey up to Newk’s and would billet them to his or friend’s homes. The homey surroundings and turkey dinners were always a relief from the boredom and homesickness at the tennis camp.

Of the many juniors staying at Frank’s, Wang Yu (王钰) and Li Zhe (李喆)topped PRC men’s ranking in 2006 and 2009 respectively. They all shared one thing in common. They would have their photos taken in front of a mounted sail fish. PRC consulate staff: M/M Fang Li, M/M Zhou Ding, Yu Boren, Chu Kaimin, Chen Guanqiao, Ran Qijun, et al. also posed in front of this mystic 96” tip-to-tail wall-mount. Li Na, you have Houston connections!

Frank Yu  

Houston Yee 2011 Scholarship
Picnic/Fun Day At Brazos Bend State Park

Incredible Pizza with all you can eat and fair ground rides and games, rocking and rolling family entertainment had been Houston Yee Fung Toy Association (YFT) favorite choice for our summer activity. Then, bowling, followed by barbeque at Papa’s, wasn’t much far behind. These venues are indoor and air-conditioned. They provide fun and enjoyment for the young and a convenient place for the elders to reminisce episodes of yore. What about the college students and young adults? Their life-style and taste have yet been catered to or accommodated at these functions. They, nonetheless, hopefully will one day be filling in as officers of the Houston Chapter. It is to this ends that YFT Board decided to venture an outing to Brazos Bend State Park on August 6, 2011.

Brazos Bend State Park is a 4,897-acre site along the Brazos River in Needville. It is a haven for a diverse mix of native wildlife and plants covering an equally diverse range of ecosystems. Highlights of the Park's numerous inhabitants include over 300 species of resident and visiting migratory birds and mammals like white-tailed deer, nine-banded armadillos, foxes, raccoons, and North American river otters. The most noteworthy and popular residents of the park are the relatively large population of American alligators.

The Banquet Hall (capacity 150) with ceiling fans, air-conditioning, kitchen facilities, a barbecue pit, tables and chairs, and a restroom was rented as our headquarters with catered BBQ for lunch.

Roger Yu is credited with coordinating all aspects of this activity: mail out, renting Banquet Hall, arranging BBQ catering and purchasing accessories. He was ably assisted by wife Elaine and brother Alan, sons and friends for tables and chairs set ups early that morning. By 10 am, in cycling jargon a la Tour de France, the peloton was all ready to tackle the Elm Lake-Spillway-40-Acre Lake round trip expedition. Other guests soon arrived and entertained themselves either inside the Banquet Hall or took leisurely strolls around the campsite.

The alligator always has the right-of-way

Alan led the way with a super mountain bike equipped with GPS while elder statesman Frank tagged along as the tail-end-Charlie. A 13-foot alligator blocked our way along the Spillway trail and we wisely yielded right of way to this resident attraction.

Observation tower

The observation tower served as the midway point for water stop. The scenery atop commanded a panoramic view of this Park, where we took a picture to reflect a sense of accomplishment for posterity.

88-year old “Uncle Lewis” and wife Roberta never missed a Yee picnic

David Chung offered grace to thank the Lord for bringing us together in this wonder and natural surroundings and he was promptly rewarded for being the raffle winner for 2 nights and 3 days at a Galveston condo, generously donated by Dorothy Yee. Despite the stretch of 100 degrees weather in the concrete jungle in Houston, Brazos Bend offered a relief of slightly lower temperatures in wilderness surroundings. Almost 60 people attended this function.

As always, Vickie Ong did a diligent and thorough job in screening out the scholarship applications. The 2011 Yee scholarship winners are Elizabeth Yee, Kevin Yee, Theresa Yee, Peter Yu, Christopher Yee and Hilary Woo.

The clean-up, disassembling of folding tables, stacking of chairs, disposing of trash and mopping of the dining hall were done in a flash by all volunteers, young and old. We restored the Banquet hall the same way we found it that morning. I am sure the park rangers will remember Yee Fung Toy Association of Houston.

I have been the President of this Houston Chapter for more than 15 years. I am glad that we made the right decision to venture into a unique place to hold our summer outing, where we can all enjoy and serve together. I am particularly proud of the spirit and willingness of these younger Yee generations. We are in good hands!

Frank Yu