Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association 2015 News Page
斐匿余風采堂 2015 年活動及文章

Taiwan Presents Its Highest Award to John M. Yee


John M. Yee was presented with the Hwa Kung Award for his many years of community service to the Chinese Community and his continued support of the Republic of China.

The Hwa Kung Award is the highest award presented to an individual by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council of Taiwan and was presented by Taiwan Minister Steven C.K. Chen on his recent visit to Phoenix. Only 3 honorees have been awarded this prestigious award in the United States.

(Photo courtesy of John Tang)

陳士魁委員長訪問鳳凰城 頒發僑領余文勁【華光獎章】

鳳凰城僑社於20141218日 晚在六福酒家舉行隆重招待會, 歡迎僑務委員長陳士魁專程訪問 鳳凰城。僑社各團體負責人共310人 出席,華人華僑代表及美國友 好人士參加了晚宴。嘉賓有:亞 省資深僑領余文勁,前美國白宮 亞太裔委員鄧朝駒,僑務諮詢委 員高志中,僑務咨询委員張晴 玲,大鳳凰城僑聯主席余文澤, 全美黃氏宗親會元老黃定江,亞 省中華總會會長邱順雄伉儷,Chandler市 政府公關委員張聖儀,世華工 商 婦女會黃玉蓮會長,鳳凰城台灣 同鄉聯誼會會長王瑞瑾,鳳凰城 僑社黃仕鈞、黃燁昂、伍兆文、 張肇鴻、崔增祁等僑領出席了招 待會。

美西僑報社長方慧賢及亞省智慧 交通協會會長鄭弘主持晚宴活 首先由鳳凰城臺灣同誼會會長王 瑞瑾向來賓們介紹陳士魁委員長 的從政履歷。隨後,陳士魁委員 長發表了熱情 洋溢的講話,感謝大家的光臨,高度贊揚亞省資深僑領余文勁多年來服務僑社,團結各社團及組織,推動和諧僑社建設,發揮僑領的核心作用,深得大家的歡迎和厚 愛。另外談到了國民黨最近在臺 灣“九合一”選舉中落敗,深感 痛惜,但是我們會吸取經驗教 訓,再接再厲,搞好工作。

近年來,兩岸關系的和平發展不容置疑,加強兩岸經貿、人文、科技、文化、新聞等多方位合作交流,有利於臺灣的未來發展。大家同屬中華民族,我們有責任和義 務繼承和發揚中華民族的傳統美 德,傳播中華文化,團結合作, 構建和諧僑社。同時,他也希望 僑社在余文勁等僑領的帶領下, 更上一層樓,共謀華社福祉,使 僑社真正成為海外華人華僑聯絡 的紐帶,包容團結的和諧之家。 在大家的 起立鼓掌聲中,陳士魁委員長向 亞省資深僑領余文勁頒發“華光 獎章”及證書,表彰他在服務僑 社,謀求華僑福利,支持臺灣政 府推動國民外交所做的突出貢 獻。余文勁接過獎章和證書後, 發表致謝感言:本人深感榮幸, 很感謝僑委會陳士魁委員長頒予 該會榮譽“華光獎章”。但這獎 章不應是個人的,應該屬於僑社 全體華人共享,系僑委會感謝僑 界各位過去對僑務的貢獻。希望 今後大家更熱心服務僑社,繼續 擁護臺灣,大力支持。最後祝各 位聖誕節快樂,身體健康,萬事 如意。

陳士魁委員長攜各位僑領向每一 桌的來賓們舉杯致謝,共祝聖誕 快樂,新年快樂。現場歡聲笑 語,一片祥和氣氛。最後晚宴在 大家合影留念,互致問候中結 束。




Phoenix Yees Welcome Distinguished Guests

In the February 2015 run-up to our March Spring Festival Banquet, the Yees in Phoenix were able to host two indeed quite distinguished guests –

1) On the 16th, James Yee of Calgary, Canada, with his wife and his son and other friends, were briefly able to join Grand Elder John M. Yee and other local kindred for a dim sum at Great Wall Hong Kong Cuisine before a quick visit to the Family Association Hall. As they arrived in the season of a famously cold Canadian climate, there was much joshing about how we subsequently would be delighted to welcome them among the “snowbirds” who fly out to sunny and warm Phoenix in the Sonoran Desert Southwest. Very likely, no one in these necks of the woods will be thinking to head to Calgary in February…

2) On the 23rd, Frederick and Clara Yee arrived for a slightly longer stay; as he is the incumbent United States Western Region Grand Vice President, this was indeed a special occasion. Hailing from Seattle, where the Yees have just recently acquired and held a grand opening for a local Family Association Hall, the Grand Vice President finally had some free time to visit a few of the chapters in his jurisdiction, along with some touristing through the picturesque American West. He came in from the Los Angeles area Spring Festival Banquet for 2015, and they would be heading to see caves in New Mexico next. In the meantime, we were able to enjoy their company over both noon and evening feasting and to have them tour our Family Association Hall as well as the low-income senior apartments of the Hong Lok House, on which project both personal donations and leadership by Yees have had a significant role.

The Master Kong Qiu, who has been millennially-regarded as Supreme Sage, briefly observed (and his disciples recorded with their writing brushes on their bamboo strips this one of his best-remembered and oft-cited query-comment) – “Is it not pleasant when friends come from afar?” While the font of Confucianism may not be a guide for all Chinese and non-Chinese at all times, in this surely he was very apt indeed.

Other kindred are of course very welcome truly to follow in the footsteps of these friends from afar.

M. Cheak Yee / Yu Wen-chuo 余文焯

Photo courtesy of Benny Yee



蒞臨參加本堂三月七日春宴助慶 大增光彩

2015 Spring Festival Joys For Phoenix Yees

Laura Lee (r-4), Phoenix Queen with Grand Elder Damon Yee (r-3) of SF
Grand Elder Henry Yee (r-5) of Cleveland
Western Region Grand President Alan Yi-Shun Yee (l-4) of LA
USA HQ President William Yu (r-1) of SF
USA HQ Vice President Eddie Yee (l-1) of SF

Kimberly Yee, Az State Senator with Grand Elder Damon Yee of SF
Grand Elder Henry Yee of Cleveland Western Region
Grand President Alan Yi-Shun Yee of LA
USA HQ President William Yu of SF
USA HQ Vice President Eddie Yee of SF

Phoenix YFT President, Cheak Yee
National and Phoenix YFT officers toasting

National entertainment— Zhigang Chen –Chinese Mask Changing
Phoenix YFT Scholarship winners with families

(Photo courtesy of John Tang)

The Year of the Ram, 4713 in the cycle of the Yellow Ruler (Huang Di – the eponymous perhaps only tribal leader of the people who would become the Chinese), as calculated by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and promulgated when he declared the Republic of China to be established on January 1, 1912, was celebrated in unusually grand style by the Phoenix Yee Fung-toy Association. In this Gregorian cycle, the actual Yuan Dan (First Dawn – of New Year’s Day itself) fell on February 19th, 2015.

Saturday, March 7th in Phoenix was according to the usual selection method – first available weekend in March – for our local observances. These began at the Association Hall in Phoenix, with the customary ancestral veneration before a supposed portrait of the Model Ancestor: Yu Jing, hailed for his ‘elegant demeanor’ as Yu Fengcai (in Cantonese, Yee Fung-toy) and, after his death in 1064 C.E., ennobled by imperial decree as the Loyal Assisting Duke – the Zhongxiang Gong.

These veneration rites, which do have their origins during the Xia and Shang Dynasties in the formative period of Chinese culture and history (2070 to 1046 B.C.E.) when indeed the kings worshiped their undoubtedly powerful ancestors with not only animal but also human sacrifices (as excavation of royal tombs in the area of modern An yang during the 1920’s have demonstrated).

On this occasion, as Association President M. Cheak Yee / Yu Wen-chuo concludes a second 1-year term of office, he made available a further edition of an essay on the Model Ancestor, expanded to address more fully the nature in more modern Chinese culture (and history) of ancestral veneration – which is the display of honor/respect rather than divine worship, in the hope that all-too prevalent misunderstandings can be rectified. Filial piety has always been a core in Confucian ethics, and is the focus of the first of the Ten Commandments relating to human relations and conveying a promise.*

The rites were all the more special for the attendance of out-of-town guests both distinguished and numerous (and often accompanied by their spouses). These were:

Grand Elder Damon Yee of San Francisco
Grand Elder Henry Yee of Cleveland
Western Region Grand President Alan Yi-Shun Yee of Los Angeles
USA HQ President William Yu of San Francisco
USA HQ Vice President Eddie Yee of San Francisco
San Francisco Chapter Chinese Secretary Tony Yee of San Francisco

And, of course, such a turnout is a tribute of honor for our own local Grand Elder John M. Yee. Our guests provided the highlight of the buffet luncheon: a Cantonese-style whole roasted suckling pig, capped with the renowned skills of our kinswomen for homemade village-style desserts.

In due course, the Great Wall Hong Kong Cuisine Restaurant in Phoenix that evening was filled to capacity for the Spring Festival banquet (with one more table of diners than in 2014). The event was graced by the attendance of Ms. Laura Lee of Tucson, who is the 2015 Miss Phoenix Chinese. In a similar fashion, the attendance of trail-blazing Arizona State Senator Kimberly Yee, daughter of the Master of Ceremonies for the evening Mr. Jack J. F. Yee. Senator Yee was the first Asian American woman in Arizona to be elected first to the House of Representatives, and now to the Senate.

The entertainment on this evening was well-received indeed: Mr. Chen Zhigang is among the few who, as male performers, were allowed to be trained in Szechuan opera’s special highlight: ‘face-changing’ where the distinctively evocative facial make-up of the Chinese stage tradition is in fact on masks which can serially shift in the swirl of a vigorous dance number.

And, again as usually the case, both kinfolk and friends testified to the enjoyable evening: they lingered long after the conclusion of the formalities in happy converse. This in fact is by design: typically, seating arrangements are with considerable preliminary work carefully devised so that friends and families sit together and the reunion over delicious food naturally leads to a happy hubbub and a reluctance to call it a night.

Doubtlessly the annual Phoenix Yee Fung-toy Association Spring Festivals in future years will sustain this felicitous track record for inaugurating a new year in our lunisolar cycle in such a manner that the customary benisons should surely ring true: May All Wishes Be Achieved, May Health and Strength Be Renewed, and May Prosperity and Good Fortune Be Manifest!

M. Cheak Yee / Yu Wen-chuo

* If anyone would like a copy of the 2015 Essay “ Emulate Our Model Ancestor,” please email:


四月廿五日星期六中午, 斐匿余風采堂在十六街會所舉行建堂廿六周年慶祝活動, 余氏宗親及僑社各界人士近百人出席。

詳 情()()

駐洛杉磯臺北經濟文化辦事處副處長王秉慎頒發亞省新續聘 榮譽職人員聘書


駐洛杉磯臺北經濟文化辦事處副處長王秉慎於 八 月十五日在亞利桑納州鳳凰城為新(續) 任亞省僑務榮譽職人員頒發聘書,期勉他們繼 續協助政府推動僑務工作。 橙縣僑教中心主任楊海華、 僑務諮詢委員余文勁、尹衍桓、高志中等僑務 榮譽職人員、 全美黃氏宗親會元老團主席黃定江、 余風采堂美西副總長余文澤、 前白宮亞裔委員會委員鄧朝駒、僑聯總會、龍岡公所、鄧高密公所、華人耆英會、華裔退伍軍人會等傳統、 新興僑社先進三十餘人均在場觀禮。

亞省新續聘榮譽職人員計有僑務諮詢委員尹衍 桓(續聘),僑務顧問鄭弘 (新 聘)、周瓊華(新聘)、黃玉蓮(新聘)、 王瑋王亭(續聘),僑務促進委員張慧美(新 聘)等六人,聘期自104年4月1日至 107年6月30日止。

中華民國政府為提供全球僑胞優質服務,多年 來借重各地僑界賢達人士的 服務 熱忱與專業長才, 並依相關規定審慎遴聘僑務委員、僑務顧問、僑務促進委員等僑務榮譽職人士, 擔任政府與海外僑胞間溝通橋梁,積極協助僑 民於僑居國參與公共事務、 政經活動 及推廣國民外交工作。

Congratulations to Eddie Yee and David M. Yee
Newly elected Grand Western President and Vice President of the US National Yee Family Association


美余風采堂美西總長永源 副總長文澤聯合舉行答謝晚宴


全美余風采堂美西總長余永源、副總長余文澤於九月六日舉行答謝各界支持活動, 正午時分,余氏首長、宗親齊聚禮堂,敬備金豬全蹄,虔誠敬香,拜祭先祖,共緬余氏先賢創立基業,福蔭後人的豐功偉績。全美黃氏宗親會元老團主席黃定江、余 風采堂美西副總長余文澤、前白 宮亞裔委員會委員 鄧朝駒、僑聯總會、龍岡公所、鄧高密公所、華人耆英會、華裔退伍軍人會等傳統、新興僑社先進三十餘人均在場觀禮。

晚上六時,美西總長余永源、副總長余文澤假華埠新亞洲大酒樓聯合舉行答 謝晚宴。市參事余鼎昂、市樓宇檢查局局長許子湯、小商業委員會委員余愛蓮 親臨;加州審 計長余淑婷、市長李孟賢、市地檢官賈斯康等均派代表蒞臨頒發賀狀;合和總會館主席胡建邦、通事余健 全;前任主席余銓針;肇慶總會 館秘書周 達昌; 昭倫總公所永源元老謝榮本;馬氏宗親總會元老馬偉能;鄧高密總公所元老鄧文鈿、 顧問鄧灼照;全美余風采堂美東 副總長文博、資深元老暨世界余 氏宗親會 名譽會長文勁、習文;元老祝佑、臻發、健全、世界余氏宗親會名譽會長以信; 總顧問緒揚、振權;顧問煦鴻、 樹勳;余風采總堂主席武良、副 主席永源;法律顧問潔蓮;余紹 賢堂主席民輝、副主席武良;顧 問永源、習文、臻發、祝佑、浩 揚、 修德,各僑界 友好、嘉賓,還有遠自鹽湖城、洛杉磯、沙加緬度、士德頓、加拿大溫哥華等地余氏宗親出席晚宴,向新任正副總長送上誠摯 的祝賀暨美好 的祝願。


美西總長永源致詞,他表示很榮幸得到各界余姓宗親厚愛, 被推舉為余風美西總長,並感謝余風采總堂、合和總會館、余紹賢堂及親朋好友聯名登報祝賀,佳詞美語,感愧交縈,雲情隆誼,至深感紉,今天特設宴新亞洲大酒 樓,與本地及外地的余氏首長、 余姓宗親、好友歡樂共慶,以答 謝大家的鼎力支持與深切厚愛。

副總長文澤邀請余紹賢堂主席民輝代為翻譯,他真誠地感謝各界友好、宗親的信任及支持,被推舉為美西副總長,他表示在任期內定與總長永源攜手合作,團結宗 親,共促族務興旺,推動會務昌 隆

余風采總堂主席武良代表總堂同仁恭賀全美余風采堂第廿五屆懇親代表大會選 出的美西總長永源、副總長文澤;美東總長宏基、副總長文博;並讚揚新任正副總長均是余風采堂的精英,他們的勝出是實至名歸。 武良主席談及美西總長永源是一 名成功商人,他是總堂培炎元老 之子,退休後 便繼承父親為宗親服務之心,在余風釆總堂服務十多年,曾任 總堂正、副主席、英文書記職 務,他熱心總堂會務發展,積極 參與各項活動,並秉持「團結宗 親、關愛社區、樂於助人」的精 神為宗旨,

順利協助處理並圓滿解決堂所一切大小事務,樂為堂所發展做出積極的貢獻,是一名有膽色、肯擔當、受大眾敬重的人,相信他會帶給堂所一個新氣象;美西副總長 文澤是文勁元老之堂弟,是一名 電學工程師,在國防部門工作, 曾拿29個 發明獎。他在斐匿風采堂服務 近三十年,一向熱心堂務,工作 認真,誠實可靠,並精通法律, 幫助堂所辦理免稅牌照。20102011 年為斐匿風采堂主席,是世余網 站多年的管理員,也曾在多個僑 團任要職,是鳳凰城日本友誼花 園董事,曾任錦鯉會會長,現連 任僑聯總會主席(相當於中華總 會館總董)。文澤副總長的女兒 也樂於到堂所指導宗親使用電 腦,與宗親互動聯誼,相信他會 努力為堂所作出更大貢獻;美東 總長宏基是一名電學及電子工程 師,在紐約電視電訊公司工 作。他是 總堂漢生元老之子,他繼承父親為宗親服務的熱心,年輕時期就為堂所服務,為人和善可親、誠實可靠,做事認真及能幹,相信在他的帶領下,堂所族務更興旺;美 東副總長文博19歲 時跟隨父母移民來美,是一名成 功的律師及會計師,也是總堂法 律顧問余潔蓮的兄長。他在余風 采堂服務四十多年,並發揮其專 長為堂所及其他社團組織做顧 問,包括藝聯慈善社、華林派、 美華協會(OCA)、 波士頓華埠獅子會等服務,他處 事認真,條理性強,相信他促進 堂務發展及管理規範,創造余氏 蓬勃發展新氣象。最後,武良主 席祝願余風采堂在這四位總長帶 領下,堂務興隆,邁向美好的明 天。

胡建邦主席代表合和總會館祝賀新任美東、美西正副總長, 他稱余氏是合和總會館的大姓之一,美西總長余永源是合和成員董事之一。為此,今晚合和同仁以喜悅的心情出席慶會,祝賀合和兄弟在社區會務工作取得的卓越成 就,他並盛讚新任美西總長永 源,移民來美四十多年,成功經 商二十多年,頗具成就。他退休 後一直全心全意服務余風采總 堂,努力為余氏宗親謀取福祉, 得到余氏宗親的厚愛與尊重。胡 建邦主席談及永源總長服務僑社 多年,經驗豐富,曾任余風總堂 主席、副主席、英文書記;曾代 表合和出席六山、中華總會館商 董及樓業組副主任等要職,他感 謝永源總長在其擔任總董期間給 予的支持與幫助。同時讚許副總 長文澤30多 年來為余氏族務發展默默奉獻, 不遺餘力,實在可喜可賀。

余紹賢堂主席民輝稱美西總長永源、副總長文澤;美東總長宏基、副總長文博眾望所歸,大熱勝出,為余氏擔綱大梁,實在可喜可賀,並祝願余氏會務蒸蒸日上,更 上一層樓。

慶會中,余風采總堂、合和總會館、余紹賢堂首長向新任美東、美西正副總長贈送祝賀牌匾;余風采總堂主席武良向美西總長永源、副總長文澤、美東副總長文博贈 送精美水晶座牌,以示祝賀。

中文書記華湘介紹介紹嘉賓;元老以信夫人主持文娛節目, 晚宴上鼓樂悠揚,歌聲嘹亮,溫馨和諧,呈現一派歡樂喜慶的熱鬧氣氛。


Copyright ©2004-2015 The Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Last updated on 2015-12-26.