Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association 2017 News Page
斐匿余風采堂 2017 年活動及文章

鳳凰城余風采堂春宴 筵開46席盛况空前








二○一七年三月四日,鳳凰城余風采堂在六福酒家舉行春宴,筵開四十六席,高朋满座、 冠蓋雲集。本地社會賢達,僑團首長悉數出席參會,更有遠道而來的余氏嘉賓余以信元老、 余超群元老、余宏基總長、余文博副總長、余國恩顧問、余經漢副主席、 余靄瑜主任暨夫人等與本地余氏宗親歡聚一堂,其樂融融。

宴會由余哲夫主持,主席余自重致歡迎詞拉開宴會序幕。 亞利桑那州參議員余豔芬和總堂列位首長相繼致詞,祝福全體宗親家族新年快樂、萬事如意。 隨後,亞利桑那州長辦公室平權委員會主任黃仕鈞代表州長道格•杜西(Doug Ducey)致送賀 狀,由主席余自重接收。

席間,西文書記余美蓮介紹出席嘉賓和職員,各宗親會及僑團主席均有到場同賀。 余慶節目,邀來美國女孩維多利亞獻唱中粵語歌助興,將氣氛推向高潮,掌聲不斷。

余文勁元老偕各位首長上臺敬酒,滿堂吉慶。依歷年慣例,余風采堂為鼓勵後代子女勤奮好學, 特設有獎學金環節。由鄧淑珍女士主持頒獎,今年獲得獎學金的學生有: 泰勒 Yee、 Karson Yee、余詩寧、余詩敏、余趙傑。

尾聲, 余國仁主持抽獎。獎品由六福酒家、China Chili、陶苑 餐館、 欣欣超市和亞省中餐館協會慷概贊助,金龍金鋪帶來的金雞,更成為當天抽獎高潮。 春宴全程喜氣洋洋、賓主盡歡,直至晚上九時半才興盡而散。

美國鳳凰城亞省時報 報導

Photos courtesy of Kenny Yee and Arizona Chinese News 亚省时报

Phoenix Yees At Spring Festival Honored By Distinguished Guests


Annually at the Lunisolar New Year, the Yees in Phoenix area gather for the festive full-house banquet to honor the prospects for another chance at prosperity, good health, family harmony, and general happiness in the cycle we ascribe to the eponymous ancestor of our “race,” the Yellow Ruler (Huang Ti*) of the Hua people, roughly accounted to have begun in hoary antiquity, and reaching now to us as the Year 4715**..

As usual, the occasion on March 5th was one of careful preparation, assiduous implementation, and accordingly signals success; indeed, the number of tables reserved exceeded the capacity of the Great Wall Hong Kong Cuisine site. Three of the kindred graciously volunteered to enjoy their banquets on the night following.

Considerably more unusual were the number and provenance of our distinguished guests. As the Great Sage, the Master K’ung is recorded to have emphatically declared in the Analects 倫語 – “Is it not pleasant when friends from afar arrive?” For the Year of the Southern, Fiery, Red ,
the Yees in the greater Phoenix area were able to welcome –

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Yi-shun Yu – Grand Elder & past Western Region Grand President
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Yee – Grand Elder and past Eastern Region Grand President
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Yee – Eastern Region Grand President
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Yee – Eastern Region Grand Vice President
Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Yee – Chapter Adviser & past President Southern California
Mr. Jing Han Yu – Chapter Vice President Southern California
Ms. Jackie Yu – New York Chapter

Guests arrived from both of the coasts into our little corner of Flyover USA, and several were able to stay longer to enjoy our mild winter and scenic sites – thereby prolonging the great pleasure of those of us able to play hosts and hostesses.

Chapter President Joe Yue and Western Region Grand Vice President David M. Yee were the formal heads of our hosting this year, although of course Grand Elder John M. Yee strove to be sure that every detail was properly attended to from beginning to end.

Yees from around the Nation, from our great northern neighbor of Canada, and indeed from anywhere in the world, are always welcome to observe Spring Festival with us here in the Valley of the Sun on the first weekend in March. The date is already set, just book your tickets, let us know, and increase our happiness in welcoming not just friends, but indeed, family.

In the meantime, may your upcoming 12 moons be filled with concord and success, with every wish entirely fulfilled.

Note *: this is the 黃帝, but is not the 皇帝. The latter title, usually translated as Emperor, was devised at the time of the initial establishment of an imperial state when the Kingdom of Ch’in completed the conquest of the last of the Warring States after 5 centuries of disunity and epic battling in 221 B.C.E. and its ruler became the Ch’in First Emperor 秦始皇.

Note I **: There had never been any sort of linear chronology during the ancient times anywhere: and instead, everywhere, the years were accounted according to the local ruler or the reigning dynasty. And, while this generally became more and more “accurate” by modern understandings, and while the birth of one accounted by Christians as a long-promised Messiah of Israel began what is now a nigh-universal adoption of a nearly single thread for counting time – there are various hiccups.

One of these affects the designation of A.D. 2017 as 4715. In the last iteration of the Chinese custom, on the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty officially as of January 1, 1912, the Provisional President of the new Republic of China (first in Asia), Dr. Sun Yat-sen (or by his best known Chinese courtesy name, 孫中山 Sun Chung-shan, or his preferred name in signing documents, Sun Wen), decreed an Inaugural Year, and he specified 1912 was equivalent to 4609 as Huang Ti’s Year 1 on the assumption that would have been 2698 B.C.E. Since then, archaeological evidences have mooted the traditional calculated dates for the earliest rulers/dynasties in Chinese history.

M. Cheak Yee 余文焯



今年四月二十二日,是斐匿余風采堂建堂廿八週年慶典的日子。 當日會所廳內喜氣洋洋,正面牆上是余忠襄公畫像,四面牆上是建堂以來的各種紀念活動的照片 和各個余氏大事的圖片。 各位宗親友好約百五十餘人冠蓋雲集,紛紛準時前來參加堂慶活動。

中午十二點,慶典活動準時開始,首先是祭祖活動,由余氏宗親余錦銳、 余自任、余文勁、余文澤、余文裕夫人、余文偉夫人奉獻的六頭金豬整齊擺放在供桌前, 各位宗親首領齊聚,全體起立,向忠襄太祖三鞠躬,然後敬香、奉元寶、奉酒。 整個儀式莊嚴肅穆,充滿喜氣。

嬸姐親友團為慶典準備了各式風味美點,有中式也有西式的, 各種口味齊全,真的是既賞心悅目又可口的點心。慶典上還有布菲大餐: 燒豬、炸雞、炒麵、雜碎、白飯、涼水等。大家都互致問候,彼此祝福, 享受着具有家鄉風味的午餐,慶典在一派融合喜興的氛圍中結束。

美國鳳凰城亞省時報 報導

Senator Kimberly Yee selected to Women in Government Leadership Program

Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Yee has been chosen to participate in the Governing Institute’s Women in Government Leadership Program Class of 2018. The bipartisan national program is made up of elected women leaders from across the country who are chosen based on their service, courage and commitment to advancing government. The first class was established in 2014 and adds 25 new women each year.

“I am honored to be selected to serve in this prestigious program to honor and advance women in leadership,” said Senator Yee. “As Arizona Senate Majority Leader, I have served in the Arizona Senate chamber where gender parity has been recognized as one of the highest in the country. Three out of our four Senate majority leadership positions are held by women and 14 out of our 30 Arizona State Senators are women. I look forward to getting to know the new participants in this national leadership program and working together to encourage and empower other women to become more involved in government.”

The purpose of the program is to create a national network of women who can continue to “pay it forward.” Members from previous classes will mentor and pass on their institutional knowledge to the 2018 class. The program is now 100 women strong and plans on holding its first Leadership Retreat in November right here in Arizona.

Arizona State Senate Majority Caucus News September 20, 2017



僑務委員會美國地區業務總協調暨洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心主任翁桂堂、 駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處組長劉立欣於十月四日在僑務諮詢委員高志中、 僑務顧問邱順雄、王瑞瑾、方慧賢、 僑務促進委員張慧美等人陪同下拜會鳳凰城的斐匿余風采堂, 受到本堂主席余自重、元老余文勁及宗親熱烈歡迎。


斐匿余風采堂郊遊 親友聯歡高興熱鬧



是日天氣晴朗,惠風和暢,空氣新鮮,令人心曠神怡,宗人親友,踴躍參加者近二百人, 情況高興熱鬧。

郊遊大會設有免費午餐,備有炸雞、炒麵、什菜、熱狗、漢堡包、餅食、涼水等, 使男女老幼大飽口福,盡情歡樂。



Photos courtesy of Benny Yee, Stephanie Deng and Yu Fu Keung.


Copyright ©2004-2018 The Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Last updated on 2018-01-19.