Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association 2023 (Year of the Rabbit) News Update
斐匿余風采堂 2023 年活動及文章

Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association 2023 Officers


Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association Banquet Announcement


余風采堂春宴筵開三十五席 為子弟頒發中文學習獎學金


當天中午十二時在堂所舉行祭祖,在三藩市全美總堂元老余以信夫婦、元老余永源夫婦、顧問余民輝、顧問余武良、美西總長余國恩、 副主席余寵異夫婦等外埠宗親見證下, 中文書記余富強主持儀式,顧問余文澤奉獻金豬全蹄,各嬸姆姑姐友好攜來精製家鄉糕點以及預訂的菜餚作供品相當豐富, 各宗親及外埠賓客在余美蓮主席帶領下祭拜祖先,禮儀簡單隆重,禮成後備有豐富布斐餐餉眾。
















宴會由英文書記余哲夫主持秩序,今年請來兩瑞獅繞場一周為大家賀歲,鳳凰曲藝社黃培、陳仲興演奏多首廣東歌曲助興。之後余美蓮主席致歡迎詞, 繼由亞省財務部長余艷芬、美西總長余國恩、元老余以信、元老余永源等致詞,大家一起緬懷余 文勁元老, 希望眾人秉承元老樂善好施,一心為僑社,為堂所服務的精神,繼續把堂務發揚光大。

余美蓮介紹一眾嘉賓以及堂所職員,余哲夫夫人和余榮銳夫人頒發獎學金。余風采堂一向重視中華文化傳承, 注重子弟學習中文。今年再次向入讀中文學校的子弟發放中文學習專項獎學金,鼓勵小朋友學習 中華文化,此舉在鳳凰城華人社團獨一份。 另外選出五位成績優異的中學應屆畢業生,向其頒發獎學金,他們分別是: Jacob Hing, Lucas Lo, Cindy Deng, Nathan Yee and Alan Yee

抽獎由余文勁元老的三公子余國康主持,禮品一如以往般豐富:除多款家用電氣外,還有六福酒家、 Harbor Seafood Buffet China Chili 餐券,及餐館會送出的李錦記禮品包。


亞省時報記者李真、阿鳴攝影報導  斐匿余風采堂訊

2023 PYFT Spring Banquet Report

On March 4, 2023, Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association held its annual Spring Banquet for the Year of the Rabbit at the Great Wall Restaurant. This was the first Spring Banquet since 2020, the Year of the Rat.

Special guests in attendance were San Francisco Headquarter Elder Mr. Eddie Yee and his wife, Headquarters Grand Elder Mr. Alan Yee and his wife, Headquarters Western Grand President Mr. Kenny Yee, Headquarters Advisor Mr. William Yu and Headquarters Advisor and President of Yee Shew Yan Association Mr. Sherman Yu. Last but not least, Honorable Arizona State Treasurer Kimberly Yee and her husband Dr. Nelson Mar were also in attendance.

The 2023 Spring Banquet was emceed by the English Secretary Jack JF Yee and Chapter President Brenda Yee Fung. This year’s Spring Banquet was very special as a pair of Imperial Lions performed the Lion Dance before the dinner and two traveling musicians, Mr. Pei Huang and Mr. Zhongoing Chen from the Phoenix Chinese Opera Art Club, performed a number of Cantonese songs and entertained the audience during the dinner.

After that, President Brenda Yee Fung, the Chapter’s first female president, delivered a Welcome Speech (see the full speech in the next section of the report). Following the Welcome Speech, our out-of-town special guests - Mr. Tony Leong Yee (Vice President of the San Francisco Headquarter), Mr. William Yu and Mr. Sherman Yu (Headquarters Advisors) and Mr. Kenny Yee (Western Grand President) - each gave congratulatory and encouraging speeches to all the Yee family members in the audience. Everyone in the audience remembered our beloved Uncle John, and all were encouraged to uphold the Spirit of the Elder’s kindness and to wholeheartedly serve the Overseas Chinese Community and to continue to carry forward the affairs of the Association.

Pastor Steven Yee gave a blessing over the food and then dinner was served.

President Brenda Yee Fung continued to introduce the guests and staff of the Association. Mrs. Betty Yee, Chairperson of the Scholarship Program and her committee board member Mrs. Jeannette Hing, presented five total scholarships. Scholarships were awarded to one graduating junior high schooler (Jacob Hing) and four graduating high schoolers (Alan Yee, Cindy Deng, Lucas Lo and Nathan Yee). Our Scholarship Program has always stressed the importance of our inherited Chinese Culture and encouraged children to learn Chinese in addition to their traditional schooling.

The last program of the evening, the lucky raffle drawing, was officiated by Mr. Fred Yee and Mr. Paul Yee (Uncle John’s second and third sons). The raffle was as popular as ever. In addition to a variety of small home appliances, there were also many gift certificates donated by Great Wall Restaurant, Harbor Seafood Super Buffet and China Chili Restaurant. Lastly, a “Lee Kam Kee” gift pack donated by the Chinese Restaurant Association was given to a lucky winner at each table.

Finally, Chinese Secretary Mr. Fu Keung Yu made a toast and wished everyone good health, family happiness and good fortune in the Year of the Rabbit. Mr. Jack JF Yee gave the benediction and wished to see everyone again next year!

Brenda Yee Fung
President of the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association

2023 PYFT Spring Banquet President’s Welcome Speech

On behalf of the Phoenix Chapter of the Yee Fung Toy Association, I would like to welcome everyone to our annual Chinese New Year Spring Banquet.

Happy Year of the Rabbit! The Rabbit zodiac is believed to bring peace, prosperity and hope and we wish that upon everyone here today. On behalf of the Phoenix chapter, we want to specially welcome and recognize our distinguished guests the Treasurer of the Great State of Arizona the Honorable Kimberly Yee.

My name is Brenda Yee Fung and I am the President of the Yee Fung Toy Phoenix Chapter for this year. I have the great honor of being this chapter’s first female president. To be honest, when I was first asked to serve as president, I declined and used my lack of experience, my full time job and my involvement with other organizations as excuses. With more consideration, I became excited about the opportunity to represent this great organization. The Yee Fung Toy organization has helped give me a platform to serve our Chinese community here in Phoenix, to meet fellow Yee clansmen from around the country, and to stay connected with family members and friends from our city here in Phoenix.

This organization has given a lot to me and my family and I want to see it continue to prosper and grow. I want to use my presidency to focus on inclusion, building up our younger Yee generations, and serving the present and changing needs of our Yee family. I also want to make sure that our culture traditions are shared and passed down to the next generation. This is an important time for our organization and I hope to serve and represent my Yee family and our friends well.

I immigrated to this country from Hong Kong almost 50 years ago. My father, who was a teacher, wanted his oldest daughter to come to America to pursue an education and to seek opportunities and advantages that me and siblings did not have back in Hong Kong. I am sure that what my father wanted for me all of those years ago - education, perseverance, opportunity, and success - are the same things that every parent in here wants for their children and that have been passed down from generation to generation. This is also the mission of the Yee Fung Toy organization.

Our organization tries to build up the connections, community, wisdom, and resources of our Yee Family and to share and integrate them with our children and the future Yee generations. With that, I hope that everyone enjoys this time of fellowship with other members of the Yee Family. Please be sure to meet someone new, connect with old friends, and provide a warm welcome to our distinguished guests.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2023 Year of the Rabbit.

Brenda Yee Fung
President of the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association


今晚我謹代表余風采堂鳳凰城分會歡迎大家參加我們一年一度的農曆新年春車宴慶祝活動。敬祝大家兔年快樂!兔生肖被認為能帶來和平、繁榮和希望, 我們希望今天在座的每一個人都能如此。我們謹代表鳳凰城分會特別歡迎我們的亞利桑那州的財 務主管余艷芳女士參加我們的晚會。

我的名字是余美蓮,是今年余風采堂鳳凰城分會的主席。我很榮幸成為本分會的第一位女會長。老實說,當我第一次被邀請擔任這職位時,我拒絕了, 並以我缺乏經驗、全職工作和參與其他組織為藉口。經過更多的考慮,我對有機會代表這個美好 的組織感到興奮。余風采堂組織為我提供了一個平台, 讓我可以為鳳凰城的余氏家族服務,結識來自全國各地余氏的兄弟姊妹,叔伯嬸母,並與鳳凰城余氏的家人和朋友保持聯繫。

這個組織給了我和我的家人機會認識親戚朋反,我希望看到它繼續繁榮發展。我想利用我的主席職位任期專注於教育, 文化包容,培養我們年輕的余氏家族的年輕人, 並滿足我們余氏家族當前和不斷變化的需求。我還想確保我們的文化傳統能夠共享並傳承給下一代。 這對我們的組織來說是一個重要的時刻,我希望能夠有機會為余氏家族服務和代表我的風采堂出 任務。

大約五十年前我從香港移民到這個國家。我的父親是一名教師,他希望他的大女兒來美國接受教育,並尋求我和兄弟姐妹在香港沒有的機會和優勢。 我敢肯定,我父親多年前對我的期望——教育、毅力、機會和成功——與在座每一位父母對他們 孩子的期望是一樣的,並且已經代代相傳。這也是余風采堂的使命。

我們的組織試圖建立我們余氏家族的人脈、社區、智慧和資源,並與我們的孩子和余氏後代分享和整合它們。因此,我希望每個人都能享受這段與余氏其他成員的團 契時光。 希望今晚在座認識些新的親戚朋友,聯繫老朋友,並熱烈歡迎我們尊貴的客人。

就此我祝您 2023 年兔年快樂,身體健康,萬事如意!

斐匿余風采堂 余美蓮主席

Grand Advisor David M. Yee and the San Francisco Headquarter Leadership Team Visited the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada

The San Francisco Headquarter Leadership Team, led by the National Western Grand President Kenny Q. Yee, along with Grand Advisor David M. Yee, Headquarter Advisor Sherman Yu and Vice President Tony Leong Yee visited the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada and the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver on Friday, April 21st.

Copies of a History of the Chinese in Greater Phoenix, Arizona "Gold Mountain in the Desert", "2022 Autumn Celebration" - from the Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix, and the 33 Year Anniversary "Phoenix Chinese Week" were given to the Grand President Kan Yu, Vice Chairman Jim Yee and director Martin Yee.

David M. Yee

Phoenix YFT 2023 Picnic

On September 30, 2023, about 350 Yee clansmen, friends and families gathered at Steele Indian School Park to participate in the annual autumn picnic (Year of the Rabbit). At around 11:30 a.m., Phoenix Chapter President Brenda Yee Fung delivered a welcome speech, expressing her nostalgia for our beloved Uncle John M Yee, the founder of Yee Fung Toy Annual Fall Picnic tradition many years ago; and promised to pass on this tradition so that all clan relatives and friends can gather in this season every year to spend a wonderful and unforgettable day together.

Our champion grilling crew grilled delicious hamburger and hot dogs in front of the barbecue grill. Our women auxiliary group arranged a buffet style service line and happily served up the delicious food to everyone who were in line. They served up the delicious food which included mixed Chinese vegetables with to-fu, vegetable chow-mein, hot dogs with chili, hamburgers, our famous Fried Chicken, soft drinks, bottled water and watermelon as desserts. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food and the fellowship with each other.

We would like to welcome a new Yee Clan family who moved to Queen Creek, Arizona from Michigan recently -- Wing Kuen Yu and wife, son Ying Wai Yu and wife (Amanda Wong).

There were activities for everyone as well. Activities such as fishing, lake tours, a cornhole bag toss game and the children throw balls nearby the lake.

There came raffle door prizes drawing time. The drawings were conducted by Paul K. Yee, son of uncle John M. Yee and his helpers. The door prize drawing is one of the favorite activities at all time. The children were allowed to pick the prizes they want and the adults were happy to pick their favorite prize as well.

This year, we are especially thankful to see Benny Yee and Rudy Yee who were able to attend the picnic as they both encountered some health issues this year. Wishing them both stay healthy and many happy returns.

Last but not least, Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association participated in the collection of canned goods for the Needy program. We collected several boxes of canned good and dried goods as well. We will be delivering the collected canned good and dried goods to St. Vincent De Paul.

We had a very good showing at our Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Annual Picnic this year, wishing everyone a Healthy and Happy Year of the Rabbit! Happy return next year!

Brenda Yee Fung
President of the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association


九月三十日中午,約三百五十位余氏宗親、僑界好友攜家眷 聚集在美國亞利桑那州「斯蒂爾印第安學校公園」 (Steele Indian School Park), 參加了斐匿余風采堂年度秋遊活動。余風采堂主席余美蓮致歡迎詞,表達了對余風采堂秋遊創始人,資深僑領余文勁老先生的懷念之情, 並承諾會把這一傳統傳承下去,讓各位宗親好友每年相聚於這個季節,一起度過美好難忘的一 天。

余氏壯年男丁們在烤肉爐前為大家燒烤美味肉餅和香腸,嬸母們為大家分發午餐,為每個孩子準備了珍貴的玩具禮物, 並接受大家捐贈的食物罐頭用於幫助有需要的人。 活動還包括公園湖畔釣魚、遊湖及趣味抽獎,禮品之豐富足夠每個人都抱得一份獎品。

久未露面的余風采堂顧問余長全 (Rudy Yee) 和顧問余民立 ( Benny Yee) 出現讓大家興奮不已,爭相與他們合照,並送上慰問和祝福。 顧問文裕嬸仍然精神氣爽,聲如洪鐘,她自行開車趕來招呼親朋好友,她是大家公認的開心果。 最後余風采堂一眾理事在一塊寫著「斐匿余風采堂郊遊聯歡」的橫匾前留影,大家盡興而歸。

亞省時報 鳳凰城内外訊

Copyright ©2004-2023 The Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Last updated on 2023-10-06.