Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association



2009 Event Logs



美西總顧問: 樹湛。
顧問: 家樂、仕景、樹湛、士晃、海量。

正主席: 碩正。
副主席: 汝深。
中文書記: 傑鋒、永鏇。
西文書記: 仲鵬、永昌。
財政: 海量、耀東。
代表: 適儀、家樂、健城。
核數: 汝璋、衛民、利民。
議長: 永鏇、國定、耀青。
庶務: 盛昌。

婦女部: 樹湛夫人、緒宏夫人、士晃夫人、海量夫人、汝深夫人、余翠薇姑。





舍路余風采堂於三月五日下午六時,假連頓市「食得福海鮮酒家」,舉辦年度春節聯歡會,場面熱鬧。 晚宴聯歡會節目第一項是醒獅賀歲,由梁師父的醒獅隊擔任演出。






余碩正主席首先致詞歡迎大家的光臨,並祝大家牛年身壯如牛,金牛滿屋,全家幸福! 温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛祝願舍路余風采堂堂務昌隆,蒸蒸日上。


余海量顧問在致詞中作一簡要報告,關於舍路余風采堂面前的籌款活動計劃為購買堂址物業、以及今年八月八日在紐約市舉行第二十 三屆墾親大會。






第廿三屆全美余風釆堂懇親大會於二零零九年八月八日至八月十一日在紐約召開。 舍路(西雅圖)余風釆堂也派遣了代表參加是次大會。 所派代表為余海量顧問、余汝深副主席及余耀東財政主任。 另外有美西總顧問余樹湛博士亦以資深領導代表身份參加。

在紐約余風采分堂之余鋼深主席及余宏基副主席之領導下,與一群熱心勤奮之義工,共同成功與有效地舉辦該次四天之盛會。 會議項目非常豐盛。與會之六十位工作代表每天用上十二小時討論很多面對着余風采堂之重要議題。 参加是大會之人士共約有百多名,與會之非工作代表則可選揀參加紐約市一日遊與大西洋城一天之旅。 加拿大余風采堂也有兩名代表參加會議。

八月九日在紐約余風采堂舉行傳统祭祖儀式後,於下午一時在紐約中華會館禮堂舉行大會之開幕禮。 晚上在金豐大酒樓公宴,有超過九百位人士,包括了各代表及代表各僑社及地方組織之嘉賓參與。

舍路之代表成員活躍地參與了大會之進程。 余海量作為舍路代表及世余網站委員會委員副主席,與來自婓匿余文澤共同在大會報告網站委員會之成就。 再加上余汝深亦在八月十一日擔任一討論項目主席。 余耀東及余海量亦被選入為大會財務及審核委員會委員。

舍路余風釆分堂於大會上提議主辦二零一二年第二十四屆全美余風釆堂懇親大會。 此提議由余海量代表於最後一天會期上提出。 提議獲得與會代表之絕大多數贊成通過。 是以舍路分堂對此予有榮焉。 並對於大會代表及領導團所給與之信任致無任謝意,並決心以最佳行動辦好二零一二年第二十四屆全美余風釆堂懇親大會。


2009 Seattle Yee Family Association Officers

The 2009 officers were elected at the annual meeting held on December 7, 2008. Shek Jing Yee was re-elected as the Seattle Yee Family Association President. Shum Yee was also re-elected as the Chapter's Vice President.

Senior Advisor West Coast:       James Yee   
Advisors: Hing Yu, Jim Yee, James Yee,
Yee, Fred Yee
Shek Jing Yee
Vice-President:                     Shum Yee                      
Chinese Secretary Kit Fung Yue, Wing Suen Yee
English Secretary:
Chun Pan Yee, Danny Yu
Treasurer: Yao Dong Yu, Fred Yee

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association attended the 105th Annual Banquet of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada

On February 14, seven members and friends of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association attended the 105th Annual Banquet of the Canadian Yee Fung Toy Association held at the Floater Restaurant in Vancouver' Chinatown.


Fred Yee, Advisor of the Seattle Chapter, gave brief greetings and words of congratulation.

As in previous years, the banquet was well attended by several hundred individuals representating government, community. members and friends of the Association. In addition to the great dinner, the banquet program included a lion dance, singing and dance performance of the Fung Toy Alumni Association, scholarship awards and karoake entertainment. It was a wonderful and memorable evening for all.

Fred Yee

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Spring Banquet Dinner

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association held its 2009 New Year banquet on March 5th at the Renton Seafood Restaurant.


About 80 Seattle chapter members and friends attended along with four representatives from the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver led by Chairman Jim Yee. Before the dinner, there were lion dancing and kung fu performance by Master Leung and his associates.


De Shum Yee, Vice President of the Chapter, was the evening's master of ceremony and Fred Yee, Chapter Adviser, gave a brief report regarding the Chapter's plan for raising fund to purchase property for the Chapter and the upcoming August 2009 U.S. Yee National Convention in New York.


Fred asked Chapter members to actively support the Chapter's activities so that the Chapter can remain prosperous and vibrant.


Specially thanks are given to Chapter President, Shek Jing Yee, for hosting the banquet with excellent food and services from his restaurant.

Fred Yee

Mr. & Mrs. De Shum Yee are now naturalized United States citizens, Congratulations!

There are two basic categories of United States citizens. A natural citizen is someone born in the United States or born to American parents on foreign soil. A naturalized citizen is someone who was born in a foreign country, but took a series of steps with the end goal of being granted citizenship.

Mr. & Mrs. De Shum Yee recently became naturalized United States citizens. Congratulations!

Currently, Mr. De Shum Yee is the vice-president of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association.

Members of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association celebrated their new U.S. citizenship at the Renton Seafood Restaurant on June 4, 2009.

Fred Yee

2009 Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association 55th Annual Picnic

The 2009 Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association annual picnic was held on July 26 at the Woodland Park Zoo Picnic Area #3. On this beautiful Summer day, preparation for the setting up of the picnic began at 11:30 am when association advisor Suey Yee and wife Linda brought in a truck load of picnic essentials with boxes of paper plates and napkins, chips, sodas and bottled water, water melons and gifts for door prizes. Soon after, Vice-President De Shum Yee and wife arrived with a van full of hot food that include a whole roast pig, barbeque pork, chow mein, fried chicken pieces and Chinese style finger food and dessert items. Before long, enough association members arrived to help with the table set and arrangement of the food serving table.

By 12:30 pm, over a 100 association members and families had gathered together around the picnic area. With the arrival of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver Chairman Jim Yee and his wife Betty, the picnic began with the traditional brief remarks and thank you messages. Food was then served and the annual scholarship awards presentation began.

This year, over 30 students from Grade 1 - College Seniors received scholarships. Association Senior Advisor, Uncle James Yee gave an overview of the scholarships program and application requirements. Door prizes began after the scholarship awards were completed. The door prize drawing has been the highlight of each annual picnic for many years and this year was no exception. By 2:30 pm, the picnic ended with an atmosphere of great fellowships and enjoyment.

In the evening, the Association held the traditional dinner at Renton Seafood Restaurant of which Association Shek Jing is one of the owners. All then look forward to the 2010 annual picnic with great memories of another successful picnic for our association for 2009.

Fred Yee

Seattle Chapter Delegates at the The 23rd US Yee Fung Toy Association Convention

The 23rd National United States YFT Association Convention was held in New York from August 8-August 11, 2009. The Seattle YFT Chapter sent three delegates to attend this convention. The delegates were Fred Yee (Chapter Advisor), De Shum Yee (Chapter Vice-President) and Yao Dong Yu (Chapter Treasurer). In addition, Dr. James Yee (Chapter Advisor and US West Grand Advisor) attending as a delegate of senior leadership.

The 4-day event was efficiently and successfully organized by the New York YFT Chapter under the leadership of Frank Yee and Gong Yee, along with a large group of hard working and enthusiastic volunteers. The meeting schedules were very full and the 60 delegates spent over 12-hours days to discuss many important issues facing the U.S. YFT Association. A total 0f 200 individuals attended the convention. For those who were not delegates, they had the option of joining a day-long New York city tour and the day trip to Atlantic City.

The opening ceremony was held at the Chinese Community Benevolent Association meeting hall on August 9 at 1:00 pm after the traditional ancestral ceremony held at the New York YFT office. The opening banquet was attended by over 900 representatives and guests representing numerous community organizations.

The Seattle delegates were active in participating in the proceedings of the convention. Fred Yee, representing the Seattle YFT and the World Yee Web committee, made a presentation together with David Yee, delegate from Phoenix YFT Chapter reporting on the accomplishments of the web committee. Additional, De Shum Yee chaired one of the discussion session on August 11. Yao Dong Yu and Fred Yee were also chosen to serve on the Convention Finance and Audit Committee.

The Seattle YFT Chapter presented a proposal to the convention to hold the 2012 U.S. National YFT Convention (24th) in Seattle. Fred Yee presented the proposal on the last day of the conference. The proposal was overwhelmingly approved by the delegates.

The Seattle YFT Chapter is honored and thankful for the trust and confidence from the convention leadership and delegates and we will do our best to make the 24th Convention a successful one in 2012.

Fred Yee