Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association



2010 Event Logs




舍路余風采堂於二零一零年七月廿五日(星期日)上午十二時至下午二時。 在舍路活崙公園野餐區第三號灶爐舉行第五十六屆郊遊活動大會,同時頒發獎學金。




今年有六位余氏嘉賓從温哥華出席參加舍路余風采堂郊遊大會, 包括温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛伉儷、書記余栢寧伉儷、女兒余慧欣及友好黃盧少芬女士。

另外還有剛剛一個禮拜前從廣東新會市到達舍路的余文波先生一家人也來參加郊遊活動。 歡迎!歡迎!


舍路的中文書記余傑鋒先生及千金余嘉敏是今年的獎學金司儀,首先主席余汝深致歡迎詞、 他宣佈全美余風采堂第廿四屆懇親大會訂於二零一二年八月十一日至八月十四日舉行, 屆時敬請大家把握時間,踴躍報名參與。 詳情日後再宣佈。 温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛致詞、顧問余海量隨後致謝詞。





Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Ching Ming Cemetery Visit

Members of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association spent Easter Sunday to observe their annual Ching Ming cemetery visit to pay respect to our past Yee members.

The whole day began a with simple ceremony at the Seattle Chapter's office, followed by visits to four Seattle area cemeteries.

The cemeteries visited included Lake View in Volunteer Park on Capital Hill, Holyrood Cemetery in Mountlake Terrace, Waselli Cemetery in Northgate and Queen Anne Hill cemetery.

The weather was surprisingly nice for this Easter Sunday and there were no rain at all during the visits.

Chapter President De Shum Yee, Vice-President Yao Dong Yee, Advisors Fred Yee, Hing Ng and Suey Yee were among those participated in the ceremony.

Fred Yee

The Seattle Yee Family Association 2010 New Year Dinner

The Seattle Yee Family Association held its 2010 New Year dinner on Thursday, March 4 at the Renton Seafood Restaurant.

About 70 members and friends attended the dinner, including Jim and Betty Yee and Esther Yu of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver.

Seattle Chapter President De Shum Yee thanked all the guests for attending the dinner. Fred Yee, Seattle Chapter advisor gave a brief report of the progress of the initial planning efforts for the 2012 National Yee Convention to be held in Seattle.

The master of ceremony for the dinner was Kit Fung Yee, the Chapter's Chinese Secretary. Jim Yee of Vancouver brought greetings from Canada as well.

A marvelous multiple course dinner was served under the great supervision of Shek Jing Yee, co-owner of the Renton seafood Restaurant and a former Seattle Chapter President. The dinner ended with great joy!

More than 10 Seattle Yees will be attending the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada Spring Banquet to be held on March 13 in Vancouver B.C.

Fred Yee

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association 56th Annual Picnic

The 2010 Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association’s annual picnic was held on July 25 at the Woodland Park picnic area #3. This was the 56th annual picnic for the Seattle Chapter. In addition to the plenty of good food, the program included the annual scholarship awards which include 23 recipients and the drawing of many cash and non-cash prizes.


The weather was very warm and sunny for the picnic. Special guests this year included Jim Yee (and spouse Betty Yee), President of the Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Association, Martin (and spouse Rosa Yee, daughter Annabelle Yee), Vancouver Chapter Secretary and friend Mrs. Amy Wong.

Attending the picnic also included Mr. Man Po Yu and family, arriving only a few days from Sun Wei, China. Ms Carmen Yu was responsible for the distribution of this year’scholarships.



Seattle Chapter President De Shum Yee gave the welcome speech and announced that the Seattle Chapter will be hosting the U.S. National Yee Convention on August 11-14, 2012. He asked all Seattle Yee members to plan to attend this event. Jim Yee sent greetings from Vancouver and Fred Yee, Seattle Chapter Advisor offered the thank you speech.

The day ended with about 30 members attended an appreciation dinner at the Renton Seafood Restaurant. The Vancouver chapter visitors attended the dinner and said farewell for another great visit to Seattle.

Fred Yee

Phoenix YFT Advisor Eddie Yue Visits The Seattle Yee Family Association

Advisor Eddie Yue of the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association and friend visited Seattle earlier in October 2010 and paid a visit to the Seattle YFT Association and met with members of the Seattle Chapter.

The group also had lunch at the Renton Seafood Restaurant, managed by former Seattle Chapter President, Shek-Jin Yee. The Seattle members were delighted to host Eddie during his visit and valued much of his interest, support and friendship. Advisor Yue also made a generous donation to the Seattle Chapter.

Fred Yee

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