Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association


2011 Event Logs

舍路余風采堂 2011 年新任職員 向各界恭賀新禧


美西總顧問: 樹湛。
顧問: 家樂、士景、樹湛、士晃、海量、碩正。

正主席: 汝深。
副主席: 耀東。
中文書記: 傑鋒、永鏇、盛昌。
西文書記: 仲鵬、永昌。
財政: 海量、耀東。
核數: 衛民、利民。
議長: 國定、耀青、國豪。
代表: 適儀(海量夫人)、家樂、健城、汝璋。
總幹事: 立群。

婦女部: 樹湛夫人、海量夫人、汝深夫人、緒宏夫人、士晃夫人、余翠薇姑、余慧貞姑、余慧雙姑。



舍路余風采堂於二月二十八日下午六時,假連頓市「食得福海鮮酒家」, 舉辦年度春節聯歡會,場面熱鬧。

當晚出席的嘉賓包括美西總長余健全伉儷、美西總顧問余樹湛伉儷、 温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛、温哥華余風采堂交際主任余冠柏及余兆貞女士。

雖然今年春節聯歡晚餐只是吸引了四十多位參加者,也許是由於氣候寒冷, 但是晚餐的氣氛是照常濃厚的。 可能是因我們有一些特别嘉賓出席。

宴會秩序由中文書記余傑鋒擔任司儀,繼有余汝深副主席致歡迎詞、 美西總長余健全致詞、及温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛致嘉賓詞。

這次美西總長余健全也特别來舍路與我們談論關於舍路余風采堂二零一二年全美余風采堂第廿四屆懇親大會的計劃過程, 在明年的八月將舉行。




今年四月五日是傳統清明節,舍路余風采堂代表於四月三日(星期日)前往霍利魯德墓園 (Holyrood Cemetery)、湖景墓園 (Lake View Cemetery)、萬年青-華秀麗墓園 (Evergreen-Washelli Cemetery) 及 萬柏墓園 (Mt. Pleasant) 拜祭舍路余氏先人。

清明節的最大意義,在於追思和緬懷。 哪些先人讓我們銘記,哪些先人讓我們難忘,這個追思、緬懷、祭奠的日子,給我們的思考提供了緩衝時間。 我們是孝順的子孫,而孝順是中華民族傳統美德。




前舍路余風采堂主席余海量於七月九日在新香港大酒樓舉辦退休宴會。 有逾一百位社區人士參加此次宴會。 總共籌得款項逾四千元。 將全數捐贈健安療養院及華州華人防癌互助協會。


余海量在本地少數族裔健康協會擔任顧問,為大眾解決醫療問題以及提供協助。 他曾在九十年代當任舍路余風采堂主席,此後一直擔任該堂顧問。



二零一一年八月十四日(星期日)正午十二時,藍天白雲、 晴空萬里、艷陽高照、清風拂面、碧綠的樹木、大自然之美,這不是夏威夷島的寫照,而是舍路余風采堂舉行第五十七屆郊遊暨 青年活動大會會場。 地點是在舍路活崙公園野餐區第一號灶爐。

今年應邀出席的嘉賓包括溫哥華余風采堂書記余柏寧伉儷、 教育基金組主任余漢銳、堂員譚余碧雲姑,及來自馬來西亞的余氏宗親余家慶伉儷。

余汝深主席首先致歡迎詞,他歡迎各堂員與各昆仲嬸姆諸姑、姑丈、姊妹、溫哥華余風采堂嘉賓前來, 共享一日夏末郊遊的歡樂。 他再次宣佈全美余風采堂第廿四屆懇親大會訂於二零一二年八月十一日至八月十四日在舍路舉行, 屆時敬請大家踴躍報名參與。 詳情日後再宣佈。 跟著溫哥華余風采堂書記余柏寧致詞、顧問余海量隨後致謝詞。

公所備有精美午餐食品包括酥排骨、炸雞、叉燒、炒麵、點心、菠蘿包、薯片、西瓜及飲料等。 余家樂顧問還特別贈送一隻燒豬,大受歡迎。當日近一百五十多人踴躍參加,大家吃得盡興﹐玩得開心。 郊遊活動大會同時頒發獎學金、由西文書記余永昌主持,頒發了獎學金給三十位成績優秀學生。 郊遊大會並有幸運抽獎助慶。

大家在愉悅歡笑聲中共同渡過了一個輕鬆愉快的夏日周末。 最後至下午二時,堂員與各昆仲嬸姆諸姑、姑丈、姊妹、在依依不舍的告別聲中圓滿結束。

當晚舍路余風采堂在連頓市「食得福海鮮酒家」特安排了歡迎晚宴接待四位溫哥華,以及兩位馬來西亞嘉賓,晚宴筵開二席,氣 氛熱烈。


2011 Seattle Yee Family Association Officers

Senior Advisor West Coast:       James Yee   
Advisors: Hing Yu, Jim Yee, James Yee, Suey Yee, Fred Yee, Shek Jing Yee.
Shum Yee
Vice-President:                     Yao Dong Yu                      
Chinese Secretary Kit Fung Yue, Wing Suen Yee, Sing Chong Yee.
English Secretary:
Chun Pan Yee, Danny Yu
Treasurer: Fred Yee, Yao Dong Yu

Seattle YFT 2011 New Year Dinner

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association held its 2011 New Year dinner at the Renton Seafood Restaurant at 6:30 pm on February 28.

Although this year's dinner drew fewer participants of about 40, may be because of the cold weather, the spirit and atmosphere of the dinner was excellent as usual. One reason is the we had quite a few special guests attending the dinner. Larry Yee, US YFT Association West Coast Grand President and his wife Denise were in attendance.

Larry came to visit Seattle as part of his tour of his presidency and more specifically, he came to discuss and obtained updated information about the Seattle Chapter's planning process towards the 2012 US YFT National Convention, to be held in August of the year. Fred Yee, Seattle Chapter Advisor accompanied Larry to visit the hotel which the Convention is to be held. In addition, Larry visited the Seattle YFT Association office in the Chinatown-International District.  

In attendance of the dinner included Jim Yee, Chairman of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver, Esther Yue and Albert Yu, both members of the Vancouver BC Chapter. Kit Fung Yee, Chinese Secretary of the Seattle Chapter gave the welcoming remark, followed by greetings from De Shum Yee, Seattle Chapter President.

Both Grand President Larry Yee and Vancouver President Jim Yee spoke and the thank you message was delivered by Fred Yee, Seattle Chapter Advisor.

One special note is that the food provided by Renton Seafood Restaurant was excellent. Great thanks to Shek Jing Yee, Seattle Chapter Advisor and co-owner of the restaurant, for making the dinner arrangement.

Great thanks are also extended to all those attended the dinner and we all look forward to next year's celebration.

Fred Yee

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association 2011 Ching Ming Cemetery Visit

On April 3, members of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association met up at the Chapter's office at 10:15 am to visit several cemeteries in the areas.

Paying respect to our ancestors has been a tradition of the Chapter for decades, 2011 being no exception. The group went in two separate vehicles and visited four cemeteries, Lakeview, Holywood, Evergreen-Washali and Queen Anne (Mt. Pleasant).

Many of our past Yee members were buried and are now resting in peace; the earliest of the grave sites dating back to the 1910s. It was a wonderful and sunny day. Sharing old memories and connecting new experience were the highlights during the day-long visits. The group has lunch together at the Northgate McDonald's, a great favorite for the youngsters that went along on the visit.

Fred Yee

Happy Retirement Fred!

2011 is a milestone year in Frederick H. Yee's lustrous career, he officially retired on July 2, 2011.

He and his wife, Clara hosted a retirement party for friends and relatives at the New Hong Kong Restaurant (Pacifc Place Plaza at 10th Ave S and S. Jackson Street, 2nd Floor) on July 9 (Saturday). Over 100 guest attended this memorable event.

Fred Yee, recently retired as a Regional 10 (States: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) Minority Health Consultant for the Office of Minority Health, US department of Health & Human Services. The Department of Health and Human Services is the principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans.

Prior to his retirement dinner party, Fred asked his guests not to bring any gifts. But instead, if the guests are so desired, they can consider donating to the following good causes:

Kin On Health Care Center (donation to the Kin On Table Tennis Tournament 7/23/2011). Proceeds from this event directly benefit Kin On Community Health Care in providing culturally and linguistically appropriate long-term care services to Asian seniors and families in the Puget Sound Region. Kin On website:

His guest can also pledge him as a player if they like, or donate to the

Washington State Chinese Cancer Network Association The Washington State Chinese Cancer Network Association (WSCCNA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serve cancer survivors and their families in the Chinese community. The WSCCNA provides activities and programs to support and enhance the quality of life for cancer survivors and their family and friends.

Both are 501C3 non-profits and are organizations dear to his heart. All donations are tax deductible.

Over $4,000 was raised that evening.

Fred Yee is an avid table tennis (Ping Pong) player, he loves to sing Karaokes, he loves to cruise and to travel...

Fred Yee also served as President of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association in the 90's. He is currently an Advisor of the Association.

Fred Yee was also one of Kin On's past Executive Director from 1988 to 1991.

He will now devote more of his time for the upcoming 24th US Yee Fung Toy National Convention which will be held in Seattle, from August 11th to August 14th, 2012.

The Seattle YFT Association also hosted a dinner for Fred on July 17 at Renton Seafood Restaurant. Fred hosted a similar retirement dinner for the Seattle YFT members on July 10 at the same restaurant as well.

May you have days full of joy, laughter and happiness…Happy Retirement Fred!


Martin Yee

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association 57th Annual Picnic

On August 14, 2011, the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association held its 57th annual picnic at the Woodland Park Picnic Area 1 in Seattle. The weather was wonderful with blue sky and mild breeze creating a picture perfect setting resembling that of the Hawaiian Islands.

Attending this year’s picnic included members of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver, represented by Martin and Rosa Yee, Chapter Secretary, David Yee, Chapter Education Fund Chair and Chapter member Pauline Yee Tom.

Seattle Chapter President De Shum Yee gave the welcome speech and announced the upcoming US National Yee family Association Convention to be held in August 11-14, 2012. He urged all members to participate in the Convention. The Convention detail will come in the coming months. Martin Yee also spoke and brought greetings from Vancouver. Seattle Chapter Advisor Fred Yee gave the thank you message.

The delicious food included spare ribs, chow mein, fried rice, bakery products and fresh water melon. Advisor Hing Ng donated one whole roast pig for the occasion. The over 150 attendees had a wonderful time enjoying the food and the prize drawings. Danny Yu, Chapter English Secretary, distributed this year’s scholarship to 30 students from Kindergarten through college seniors. The picnic ended at around 2:00 pm after much fun, high spirits and relaxing atmosphere.

To welcome the Vancouver guests, the Seattle Chapter held a dinner at Renton Seafood that same evening attended by 20 members and our Malaysian guests, Mr. and Mrs. J.C.(George)Yee.

Photos courtesy of Steven Yee and Martin Yee.

Fred Yee

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