The Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver

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2020 Event Logs


“鼠年春節快到,歡聲笑語處處有,喜氣洋洋快樂多,福到運到祝福到, 人旺運旺財運旺,願君歲末交好運,吉祥如意萬事順,健康平安福滿多,大吉大利氣更順!”


Wishing you all a healthy, peaceful and joyful 2020

Ring in the New Year with firecrackers, confetti, champagne and happy New Year wishes! The New Year brings with it a fresh start, new opportunities and an exhilarating sense of rejuvenation.

We often make New Year’s resolutions in an attempt to improve ourselves and to be better towards others. As we celebrate the New Year, the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver Board members wish everyone success, a healthy long life and a fresh new start. Happy New Year!



加拿大余風采總堂及溫哥華余風采堂於一月廿一日(星期二), 晚上七時在富大海鮮酒家舉行庚子年新春團拜餐敘, 筵開三席。總長、主席、理事、職員攜眷及友好在一片喜氣洋洋的氣氛下慶祝庚子鼠年的來臨。





Canada YFT HQ and Vancouver YFT Spring Annual Get-together Dinner

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada and the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver co-hosted an annual Spring get-together Dinner for the officers and spouses before the arrival of the traditional Chinese Spring Festival on Tuesday, January 21st at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

This annual event provides a unique opportunity for the YFT staff and spouses to socialize and to share their company and enjoy their mutual interactions.

Dinner attendees wishing each other good health, wealth and prosperity for the upcoming Chinese Lunar new Year.

Martin Yee


儘管近日中國爆發新型冠狀病毒肺炎並蔓延全球,掀起環球民眾恐慌, 在温哥華華人社區內多人高度關注及擔心這武漢肺炎的疫情。 中華人民共和國駐溫哥華總領事館亦非常關心,所以發出關於防範新型冠狀病毒感染的通告,提醒公眾做好防範措施, “如有出現類似流感症狀,尤其是近期到訪過武漢者,應該立即報告當地的公共衛生部門或致電加拿大衛生健康專線。 並在就醫時,如實告知醫生感染和發病事實,以免延誤治療。”

溫哥華中華會館也有關注意防範新型冠狀病毒肺炎緊急通告特別提醒各華人團體及廣大市民, 注意防範新型冠狀病毒肺炎並遵守加拿大衛生部門的防範規定。

有了這防範措施,溫市華埠的春節大遊行慶祝春節活動及聯歡宴會不會因新型冠狀病毒肺炎而取消,也如期舉行。 余風采總堂及温哥華余風采堂ほ人祝願所有感染病毒患者早日痊愈。

余風采總堂及温哥華余風采堂代表於一月廿六日(星期日)大年初二,出席了由温哥華中華會館、 大温哥華中華文化中心、温哥華華埠商會、中僑互助會、雲埠洪門機構、 加拿大鐵城崇義總會聯合僑團暨各界共同合辦的庚子鼠年春節聯歡宴會, 在華埠富大海鮮酒家隆重舉行。



溫哥華中華會館理事長姚崇英先生,大溫哥華中華文化中心主席郭英華先生, 華埠商會會長陳耀輝先生向會眾恭賀鼠年新春吉祥、萬事如意。

慶會上,精彩的文娛節目豐富、現場氣氛熱烈,歌聲飛揚,歌舞升平,財神拜年派利是等。 晚會在一片歡樂氣氛中落幕結束。


Chinatown's 2020 Spring Festival Celebration Gala Dinner

Representatives from the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada, the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver attended this year's Spring Festival Celebration Gala Dinner on Sunday, January 26th.

Photos courtesy of Crystal Addison, Dana Mah and Esther Yue.

Martin Yee


“扶危濟困、互幫互助素來是中華民族的優良傳統。 天涯海角隔不開海外僑胞的赤子之心,萬水千山斬不斷血濃於水的同胞之情。” 一方有難八方支援的高尚情懷,中華民族的傳統美德再一次在我們身邊得到體現,為了幫助家鄉抗疫, 加拿大馬氏宗親總會循不同渠道, 搜購到一萬個法國製造口罩,捐贈給廣東省一批僑鄉城市;包括廣州市、台山市、江門市等地。

新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情在中國仍未消退,不少中國城市對外尋求幫助。 廣東省中山市日前就曾向姐妹城市本那比市求援,以尋找醫療物資的購買渠道。 加拿大馬氏宗親總會理事長馬威廉表示,收到不少來自中國不同城市的求助。宗親會為了響應求助, 捐贈了一萬個醫用口罩到中國廣東省的不同城市,包括廣州市、台山市、江門市等地。

馬威廉世表提到,現時全球醫療物資需求急增,這一萬個醫用口罩得來不易。他說先透過美國的專業人士牽線, 轉折地才買到這批法國製造的口罩。 而且購買口罩所需的資金龐大,加拿大馬氏宗親總會與各分會籌到一部分資金, 再由他與另一位宗親「包底」(付餘下款項)才籌到六萬元。


自疫情突發以來,中國政府採取了最全面及最嚴格的防控措施。對於疫情最嚴重的武漢地區,更是採取封城管制交通, 嚴防病毒擴散。

據報導:中國內地新冠肺炎確診病例持續攀升,截至二月十八日,全國累計確診病例七萬四千一百八十五宗; 累計死亡病例二千零四宗;累計治癒出院病例一萬四千三百七十六宗,現有疑似病例五千二百四十八宗。 湖北疫情仍然嚴峻,武漢的一千多萬同胞仍處於抗擊病毒最艱難的時期。 武漢當地及外地支援的醫護人員,人民子弟兵和自願者,不顧自我安危奮戰在防範救援的第一線。 疫區急需增添醫療設施,防疫和急救用品。國內外華人華僑紛紛自發捐款或捐助防疫用品,與祖國人民團結一心,共同抗擊疫情。

加拿大余風采總堂ほ人相信萬眾一心,一定能克服重重困難,真誠祈禱新型冠狀病毒相關肺炎患者早日康復, 以及中國的病毒疫情儘快結束。加拿大余風采總堂ほ人願望中華人民共和國湖北省武漢市早日恢復正常生活。


Mah Society of Canada Donated Medical Masks to Guangdong Cities

In order to help the oversea Chinese hometowns in mainland China to fight the recent COVID-19 pneumonia pandemic, The Mah Society of Canada purchased 10,000 medical masks made in France through different channels and donate them to a number of Chinese cities in the Guangdong Province; including Guangzhou, Taishan and Jiangmen City.

William Ma, president of the Mah Society of Canada mentioned that the current global demand for medical supplies is soaring, and that 10,000 medical masks are not easy to come by. He said that the first batch of French-made masks was bought on the go through American contacts.

He said that in addition to the Ma's Clan Association, he knew that all overseas Chinese communities in Canada used their own strength to help China fight the epidemic in the form of purchasing materials or donations.

The Directors of the Yee Society of Canada hope this COVID-19 epidemic will soon be contained, and send all those affected our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Martin Yee

喬遷之喜|新地址新氣象 溫哥華謝氏宗親會喬遷新址



出席參加喬遷聯歡會包括加拿大余風采總堂余根洙總長、加拿大馬氏宗親會理事長馬威廉世表、 溫哥華馬氏宗親會理事長馬仲鵬世表、溫哥華余風采堂理事余夢華宗妹及書記余柏寧, 昭倫親義公所代表,雲哥華許氏宗親會代表,譚氏宗親會代表以及謝氏宗親會宗親們等。

正午吉時,溫哥華謝氏宗親會與謝、許、譚、阮氏首長,宗親、會員及眷屬和余馬世表共聚在寶樹禮堂,敬奉金豬全蹄,虔誠祭祖。 祭祖儀式後,謝錫龍主席致歡迎詞,拜年賀歲,祝大家新春快樂!身體健康!萬事如意! 隨後各宗親會的首長致賀詞。

余根洙總長在致賀詞時祝謝氏宗親會會務興隆蒸蒸日上,並表示,余謝兩氏互稱世表經有三百多年的歷史,大家可以在以下網站 連結 參考。

余氏和馬氏謝氏也是互稱世表,海外的余氏後代大部分都與馬氏和謝氏兩位太婆有淵源。 根據余氏宗譜,馬氏太婆和謝氏太婆在不同時期嫁入余門,都對余族興旺有很大貢獻, 兩人分別為余家帶來福澤子孫的安葬福地,一為龍山一為龜山,此后余族人丁興旺、吉祥如意,必不忘馬氏和謝氏的大德,數百年來余氏和馬氏謝氏, 彼此感情甚篤。



TCAV New Club House Celebration

The Tse Clansman Association of Vancouver held a Lunar New Year Celebration and a new Club House location ceremony on February 16, 2020.

Tse Clansman Association of Vancouver President Lawrence Der invited the Mahs and the Yees to join in their festive occasion. Their new address is 15 East Pender Street.

Photos courtesy of Crystal Addison and Martin Yee.

Martin Yee



然而,溫哥華余風釆堂理事會商議後決定堂所內外的一切活動立即暫停,直至疫情有所緩解為止及另行通告。 如有不便,敬請見諒,祝各位安康。

隨著新冠肺炎疫情已奪去逾十萬多人性命,而且未有受控跡象,全世界各地數十億人都要留在家中。在家裡我們可以做好家務,閱讀些小說、上網搜尋一些資料, 或欣賞以上香港電視廣播有限公司的飲食節目: 黃淑儀(Gigi 姐) 踏遍台山、開平及新會的山水,吸收當地「靈氣」、 嚐盡家鄉風味美食,選擇恩平、鶴山作為「五邑美食之旅」的終點站。 其中一集她介紹了名賢余忠襄公祠—荻海風采堂及位於開平碉樓景區內由當地旅美華僑謝維立先生於九二六年建立的私家園林「立園」,令人回味無窮。

江門除了瀰漫蝦醬、鹹魚的「鹹香」,偶然還有一股「豆香」撲鼻,皆因當地豆製品如腐竹、枝竹同樣享負盛名, Gigi 姐親到豆製品廠一睹其製作過程。Gigi 姐採摘新鮮節瓜,加上鮮製枝竹等食材,在明媚風光下即席烹調一道「節瓜煲粉絲」等等,給鄉里大快朵頤! 希望大家喜歡。

五邑,地方名,指江門市新會區及四個縣級市:台山、開平、恩平、鹤山。另外,雖然古鎮鎮及斗門區現時分別歸入中山市及珠海市管轄, 但斗門北部在過去属于新會管轄,斗門、古鎮主要人口都講四邑話,文化上屬於是四邑的一部份。


Eating Well With Madam GiGi Wong

In response to the growing concerns and risks of spreading of COVID-19, The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada and Vancouver has decided to temporary shut down the facility effective March 22, 2020. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and wish you well.

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, most of us are staying home, we must ensure to take all the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of catching COVID-19, by washing our hands thoroughly etc., so we are staying home by either reading, watching TV, surfing the internet or do whatever we like to do,

Eating Well With Madam Wong TV series introduce different types of food menu preparations in Wuyi, Wuyi refers to the five county-level administrative regions under the jurisdiction of Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, which are Xinhui, Taishan, Kaiping, Enping, and Heshan. Originally known as Siyi, it was named Xinhui, Xinning, Kaiping and Enping. Also known as Liuyi, Chixi is added to Wuyi.

I hope you all will enjoy watching these TV travel food series!

Martin Yee


每年溫哥華余風采堂都會獎勵一批品學兼優的余氏學子, 他們秉承余氏的傳統文化精神,刻苦學習、努力向上,他們為余氏爭光。過往在春宴聯歡會期間, 溫哥華余風采堂都會舉行獎學金頒獎典禮活動。這獎學金是用來支持、鼓勵和獎勵所有成績優異的同學,鼓勵他們勇敢築夢,更期待他們學成後回饋社會。


今年加拿大余風采總堂原定於三月七日舉行的春宴聯歡會也被無限期推遲, 但最終都決定要取消。為了不延誤將今年獎學金頒獎給成績優秀的同學,溫哥華余風采堂獎學金評判委員會組織了有史以來第一次線上舉行的“虛擬”獎學金頒獎儀 式。 這是通過二○二○年七月十一日 (星期六)上午十一時的 Skype「視 像會議」完成的。

今年共有十七位同學申請及獲發獎學金(從小學,中學至專上教育程度的優等同學)。十六名學生與他們的父母和溫哥 華余風采堂理事會成員一起出席參加當日的線上「視像會議」。

這次「視像會議」的儀式進行得很順利,我們簡單的介紹了余風采堂的歷史往事給學生與他們的父母聽。在參加實際頒 獎儀式之前,所有學生都有機會自我介紹。 虛擬頒獎儀式結束後,溫哥華余風采堂獎學金評判委員會的理事與學生和家長分享了如何到堂所收取獎學金和證書。會 談中有很多互動溝通和歡呼!


最後,我要感謝溫哥華余風采堂獎學金評判委員的成員和其他余風采堂的理事在堂所大廳頒獎和認證。 也感謝他們的奉獻精神和辛勤工作。沒有他們的幫助,這第一個虛擬獎學金頒獎儀式是不可能成功的。多謝大家!


YFT Vancouver Virtual Scholarship Ceremony

Traditionally, YFT Society of Vancouver will hold the student scholarship awarding ceremony during the Spring banquet every year. Due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the banquet was postponed indefinitely and eventually cancelled. So as not to withhold the scholarship fund and certification to the well deserved scholarship recipients, YFT Vancouver scholarship committee organized their 1st ever "virtual" scholarship awarding ceremony. This was done through a Skype conference call on July 11, 2020 (Saturday) @ 11:00am.

This year, a total of 17 recipients were awarded with merit scholarships ranging from elementary level to post-secondary level. An overwhelming attendance was recorded as 16 students managed to attend, together with their parents and YFT committee members.

The ceremony went well, as we managed to cover a brief introduction of YFT society and a short history down the memory lane. Before getting to the actual awarding ceremony (naming of recipients), all students are given the chance to self introduce to each other. After the awarding ceremony, YFT scholarship committee shared with the students and parents how they can pick up their scholarship certificates and awards. There was a lot of back and forth communications and cheers!

Above is one of the photos taken when the students claimed their scholarship certificates and awards at the YFT society hall on the following day.

Lastly, I would like to thank the YFT scholarship committee members and other YFT board members for their dedication and hard work for preparing the award and certification at the society hall. Without their help, this 1st virtual scholarship award ceremony would not have been possible. Great job!

George KC Yee


溫哥華中華會館修繕一新的山景墓園安魂亭祭台之訊,溫哥華山景墓園(Mountain View Cemetery)位於菲沙街夾東三十三街和四十一街之間。 據墓園記錄,有兩萬多華裔先僑長眠在此。山景墓園的露天祭台建於一九零一年。 溫哥華中華會館早在一九七三年開始籌款發動重建,於一九七四年落成, 亭台內設有祭台,取名“安魂亭”。山景墓園“安魂亭”是公眾祭台,每年清明節和重陽節前後, 許多華裔社團和宗親會都會到此祭拜先僑。

山景墓園祭台建立至今,已經超過百年曆史。從安魂亭重建,也有四十五年了。經過日久風吹雨淋,建築物未免破損, 需要修繕。會館於二零一九年三月向華人僑團及友好人士呼籲募捐修繕安魂亭。



YFT Vancouver Supports CBA Restoration of The Chinese Pavilion

YFT Vancouver Supports CBA restoration of the Chinese Pavilion located at the Mountainview Cemetery.

Details and photo images Courtesy of the Vancouver Chinese Benevolent Association.

Martin Yee

Copyright  ©2004-2020 Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver. All rights reserved.
Last updated on 2020-08-31.