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The Yee
Fung Toy Global Village Voice
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Issue 8 | www.yeefungtoy.org/newsletter | 2006/11/12 |
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In this Issue:Message from the EditorYee Family Association Conventions
Reports from Yee Fung Toy Chapters
What is in the Next Issue?Message from the EditorWelcome to the 8th issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. As promised, in this issue we are featuring stories and images of the World and National Yee Conventions held in Monterey Park, California as well as summer activities from associations of the Yee Fung Toy around the world. This issue marks the second time we have covered a
World Yee Family Convention. We reported the 2nd World
Yee Convention in our second issue (Spring 2005). So
much has happened in two short years! The Conventions in
Southern California has turned out to be a great
opportunity for the World Yee Website Committee to
regroup and formulate plans for the next 3 years, and to
attract recognition from the Convention delegates who
demonstrated their support for the web project with over
$5,000 from their own pockets. The Yee Family
Association is fortunate to have created a world wide
project that can spark so much energy and focus. This is
an unprecedented opportunity to make the Family
Association more relevant to our youth and other Family
members. Let us make the most of this opportunity and
showcase our progress at the next World Yee Convention
in 2009. We thank all those who have made contributions to this issue, including:
We look forward to our third year of publication, and
many more years to come! Jim Yee, Vancouver The 3rd World Yee Family Association ConventionThe 3rd World Yee Family Association Convention was held successfully at the Lincoln Plaza Hotel at Monterey Park in Los Angeles, California from August 12 to 14, 2006.
Volunteers from the Southern California Yee Fung Toy Chapter were at the airports all day welcoming guests and delegates from the World, awaiting buses transported their guests to the Monterey Park Lincoln Plaza Hotel where registrations and check-ins followed, a welcoming dinner was held at the Lincoln Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom in the evening. ![]() ![]() On Sunday August 13th, three buses picked up the guests and delegates from the Lincoln Plaza Hotel and the Best Western Markland Hotel and drove them to LA Chinatown's Southern California Chapter's Hall for Ancestral rituals. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Inside the Lincoln Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom, the audience listened as the World Yee Chairman Mr. Damon Yee declared the third Convention opened at the noon ceremony, various distinguished guests made congratulatory speeches, followed by a delicious lunch. Group photos which would capture these historic moments were taken by professional photographers right after lunch. Guest and delegates were later picked up by buses in the evening and transferred to the Ocean Star Seafood Restaurant for an incredible meal and entertainment. The emcees were Ms. Lo Lee Yu and Mr. Kenny Yee. ![]() On the following day, the World Yee Convention Committee delegates held their meeting at the California Conference Room in the Hotel while the guests enjoyed a one day tour to the Hsi Lai Temple, Richard Nixon Library and Whittier College. ![]() ![]() In the evening World Yee
Family Convention closing ceremony was held at the
Lincoln Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom.
![]() The World Yee Family Association committee passed the following resolutions during the convention: (1) The Chairman or the Vice-chairman at the expiration of his term shall automatically become a Honorary Chairman of The World Yee Family Association Board. (2) Committee unanimously resolved in support of renovating our Yee Chung-sheung ancestral hall. (3) Budget for the World
Yee Family Association web project was approved and the
US delegates contributed over $4000 two days later at
the Yee Fung Toy Family Association 22nd National
Convention. (4) The World Yee Executive committee approved amendments to the Constitution following discussions pertaining to the objectives of the organization. (5) Allocations of Regional Representatives as follows: 9 from Hong Kong, 15 from the United States, 12 from Canada¡M5 from Malaysia, 9 from Thailand, 4 from the Philippines, and 2 from Macau.
(6) The World Yee Executive committee unanimously chose Mr. Yee Si Meng from Malaysia for its Fourth World Yee Family Association Chairman, Vice-chairmen as follow: Mr. Johnson Yee (Hong Kong), Dr. Herbert Yee (US), Mr. Kan Yu (Canada), Mr. Antonio A. Yee (Philippines) and Mr. Seng Ching Yu (Thailand). (7) The next World Yee Convention will take place in Malaysia in 2009. Martin Yee 800 Delegates Meet in LA for 2006 3rd Worldwide and 22nd National YFT Convention![]() The Third World Wide and 22nd National Yee Convention met in Monterey Park, California for 2006. Grand Elder John M. Yee was presented an award for his dedicated community service to the Yee Family organization. 800 members and friends attended the Yee banquet at the Ocean Seafood Restaurant in Monterey Park. The 3rd World Wide and 22nd National Yee Fung Toy Family Convention were held at the Lincoln Plaza Hotel in Monterey Park, Los Angeles, California August 12-16. Grand Elder John M. Yee led Phoenix convention delegates, family, friends and guests to the opening ceremonies in the Grand Ballroom of the Lincoln Plaza Hotel. The second day of the Convention gave delegates the opportunity to attend the ancestral ritual events at the Los Angeles Yee Fung Toy Building in Chinatown. Nine roast pigs were provided to pay homage and honor ancestor Founding Grandfather Chung-sheung. The festivities also included a traditional Lion Dance and exploding fireworks. The Opening ceremony banquet was held at the Ocean Star Restaurant. Close to 800 Yee Family, friends, delegates and guests enjoyed an exciting evening of entertainment. Lion Dances by the San Gabriel Chinese Club, the talented Chinese Opera singers, musicians, and a Chinese orchestra conducted by a six year old provided outstanding performances throughout the evening. Phoenix Yee family members and friends that attended the convention included Willie & Jean Yee, Carl & Gayle Yee, Wanda Tang, Doon & Mee Yee, Wing Tam, Bow Tam, Jack & Betty Yee, David Kwan, Kim Ho Yee Family, Phoenix Yee Advisor Eddie Yue, Phoenix Webmaster David Yee, Phoenix Chinese United Treasurer Angie Yu, Phoenix Chinese United Advisor John H. Tang, and Phoenix guests Roosevelt and Lem Tang. The election of new officers and the selection of Malaysia for the 4th Worldwide Conference in 2009 were approved by the Yee delegates during the Monday morning 3rd Worldwide Yee Family conference. Phoenix delegates to the 22nd National Yee Convention included Advisor Willie Yee, Phoenix President Benny Yee, and Phoenix Vice President Rudy Yee. At this time the delegates were involved in discussions of various proposals and issues. The delegates approved the proposal for national conventions to be held every three years and the host city will be responsible for the transportation needed by the convention delegates. The national convention was attended by delegates from fourteen cities across the United States. Reports from each city¡¦s Yee Fung Toy were presented to the convention. The last day of the convention included the review of Bylaws for additional clarification and update. The election of new national officers and the selection of New York City as the site of the 2009 Yee National Convention concluded the meeting sessions. ¡§It is time for the next generation to become more involved and participate in various activities of the Yee Fung Toy Organization.¡¨ said Grand Elder John M. Yee. ¡§ As an example, The Yee Fung Toy Global Village website provides an opportunity for young members to communicate and share ideas with each other¡¨. The Phoenix Yee Family expresses its appreciation to all the hard working members of the Los Angeles Yee Fung Toy Family Association. The World and National Convention was a very fruitful event that provided an enjoyable and memorable experience for all who attended. We look forward to seeing our brothers and sisters at the 2009 Yee National Convention. Rudy Yee
Report on the Conventions from New York![]() The World Yee Family Association held its 3rd International Convention in conjunction with the Yee Fung Toy Family Association¡¦s 22nd National Convention in the Lincoln Plaza Hotel in Monterey Park, LA on August 12 thru 16th 2006. Twenty-two of us from New York joined about 200 others from the U.S. and the world for this event. ![]() This was the first time I had the opportunity to join one of these conventions. I was so grateful I did. I got a chance to meet so many great people from across the nation. As a newcomer, I want to thank all those who made me feel welcomed. I gained invaluable insight and learned so much in such a short time. This will surely come in handy in 2009 when the next Yee Family convention will be held in New York City. ![]() I also had an opportunity to attend all of the open meetings. This was a great learning experience. Like in life, there are the good, the bad and the ugly. I hope that together we can make the worse matters better for the future. Change is not necessarily a bad thing, but unless we get involved things will never change. One of the meetings I got involved with was the world website committee. I was very impressed and honored to get to interact with Jim from Vancouver, Richard from Hong Kong and the many others face to face. The group was younger, more progressive and more open-minded. Before this meeting, we did a great deal of emailing which is just not the same. The group was surprised by the overwhelming support when it asked for donations to continue the Web project. The committee raised over $5000.00 by the end of the convention. Again, change is not necessarily a bad thing. ![]() I, as well as all those attending this convention, want to thank the Southern California local chapter for doing such a great job hosting this event. Many do not realize what it takes to accomplish this. For the organizers, it was sleepless in LA those days. Faith always puts me in the smack of things. I got hands-on involvement with how things needed to be done. Peter, Alan, Robert and others were all so busy but still needed to attend to so many little matters. I felt a need to help. One person that really impressed me was Edith (Ling). She had so many hats to wear. Edith made sure everyone got pickup from the airport, got their rooms, got to the restaurant, got on the tours, etc. Lucky she had a great group of volunteers to help along with Beverly and Kenny. Edith was also the photographer, hostess and convention manager. What a life Edith has? Thank you so much, Edith and the LA group. Last but not least, we need to congratulate the newly elected Eastern U.S. Grand President Shu Chan Yu from New York, Eastern U.S. Grand Vice President Hin Leung Yee from Cleveland, Western U.S. Grand President Joseph Yu from San Francisco and Western U.S. Grand Vice President Alan Yee from LA. Also, congratulations to Mr. Si Meng Yee of Malaysia who is the newly elected World Yee Chairman. Malaysia will also be the host country for the 4th World Yee Convention in 2009. Finally, the Yee Family has a rich long history worldwide. We need to learn from the elders the past, but we also need to evolve into the future. Take the time to know the association, so we can change for a better future. It is our responsibility to continue this noble association. Frank Yee, NY More World Yee Convention PhotosPhotos from the Convention
opening ceremony Banquet, compliments of Dr. David Yee
of Irvine, California.
![]() New England Yee Family ![]() Dr. Herbert Yee, Monterey Park City Council Member Mike Eng, Dr. David's Dad, and Dave (3 generations of Dr. Herbert Yee's family together here at the Banquet) ![]() ![]() ![]() Sacramento Yee Advisor Sherman Yee and wife at opening ceremony dinner. ![]() Sacramento Yee Family Grand Advisor Hsui Young and Vivien Yee ![]() Canada YFT Chairman Kan Yu and wife ![]() Youngest traditional Chinese music symphony conductor ![]() Los Angeles Yee Family choir The US Yee Family 22nd National Convention![]() The Yee Fung Toy Family Association 22nd National Convention was also held successfully at the Lincoln Plaza Hotel in Monterey Park in LA from August 12 to August 16, 2006. ![]() From August 15 to August 16, all American Fung Toy Conference continued. The closing ceremony was held at the AAA Seafood Restaurant. Joseph Yu from San Francisco was elected as the new Western US National Grand President and Alan Yee from LA was elected as the new Western US National Grand Vice President. ![]() Shu Chan Yu from New York was elected as the new Eastern US National Grand President and Hin Leung Yee from Cleveland was elected as the new Eastern US National Grand Vice President. The next US Yee Fung Toy Family Association's National Convention will take place in New York in 2009. The members of the
Southern California YFT Chapter did a fantastic job in
organizing and hosting these two great events, lets all
give them a big round of applause! Thanks you very much!
Martin Yee Web Committee Report to World Yee Family Association delegates meetingCommittee formed in 2004 at WYC2 (second World Yee Convention) in Hong Kong. Thanks to the website sponsor (WYFA founding Chairman Mr. Johnson Yee) the Committee has made some progress.Accomplished between 2004 and 2006:
Financial ReportCommittee received $2,000 US in 2005. Approx. $1,000 spent so far on:
The WYC3 Delegates meeting accepted the Committee report and budget but did not provide a funding source. After the meeting, Grand Elder John M. Yee started
fundraising from the US delegates and raised $5,000 by
the end of the US Yee Convention on August 16. The
Committee gratefully acknowledges the donors, whose
names on the Chinese version of this report (on the
column on the left). To enable better communication among Committee members, David Yee of Phoenix volunteered to set up regular conference calls. Jim Yee Vancouver celebrates life and times of ancestorThe Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada celebrated the life and times of ancestor Yee Jing on June 11 (Sunday), the ceremony began around noon. Food offerings included a roast pig, chicken and wine was placed in front of the ancestor Yee Jing Altar. Secretary Wing Yee emceed the ceremony. This roast pig was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Yee. Advisors Jim Yu, Dick Yee, Chairman Kan Yu, Vice-Chairmen Wayne Yee, Jim Yee, Gary Yee, directors Phillip Yu, Steven Yee, Kin Man Yee, Benita Lee, Wai Fong Yee, George Yee, members David Yee, Martin Yee, Mrs. Sui Chi Yu, Mrs. Wing Yee and other relatives were present at the ceremony. We all paid our respect to our ancestor with the offerings and bowed three times. The atmosphere was solemn and respectful. Chairman Kan delivered a brief speech, welcoming all the members and relatives who attended. He said, ¡§We not only celebrate the 1006th anniversary birthday of Revered Yee Jing today. We also wanted to feel thankfulness for our ancestor; we are here to celebrate and to reflect on the life and times of our ancestor on the anniversary of his death on June 30, 1064". Yee Jing (1000¡X1064), a native of the Shao Zhou Qu Jiang Xian (in present day Guangdong Province), lived in the North Sung Dynasty. His other names are Xi-Gu, On-Dao and Moh-kai. When he was young, he was taught to read by his maternal uncle, Wong Jing, an imperial advanced scholar. Clever and with an extraordinary memory, he achieved great academic progress later when he followed Teacher Lam Wo-Jing. At age of twenty-five, Revered Yee-Jing passed an imperial examination and became an imperial advanced scholar. He was then commissioned to a number of important civil and military positions in the government, with the last position as high-ranking official in the imperial court, where he received decorations bestowed by the Emperor, in the first year of the Peaceful Reign period of the Ying Chung Emperor of the North Sung Dynasty, Revered Yee Jing went up to the Capital City for consultations by way of Nanjing. He became seriously ill after catching a cold; he later died at the age of 65. Ying Chung Emperor grieved on hearing the sad news, discontinued court attendance one day, honored him with a high-ranking posthumous title, and gave him a posthumous name ¡§Sheung¡¨ -respectfully referred to as Chung-Sheung (meaning faithfully assisting) by later generations. Revered Yee Jing¡¦s spouse, Mrs. Yee Nee Lam, gave birth to three sons (Bok-jong, Jung-suen, and Sook-ying) and six daughters. After the ceremony, everyone enjoyed a buffet lunch. Martin Yee Canada apologizes for Head Tax![]() Canadian Prime Minister
Stephen Harper offered on Thursday [June 22, 2006] a
long-awaited formal apology to the Chinese community for
the racist head tax levied more than 120 years ago,
states one media
report. Mr. Wing Yee, Secretary General for the
YFT of Canada was present with his wife and mother at
the Canadian House of Commons when the Prime Minister
made the official apology. They later met with Mr.
Harper (flanked by the two Mrs. Yee's in the photo). The
senior Mrs. Yee, one of the surviving Head Tax payers
and their widows who took the "Redress Express" train or
otherwise made their way to the nation's capital, is 103
years old, and moves around with the aid of a walker.
Nevertheless, she insisted on taking the long flight
from Vancouver to Ottawa to be present at this historic
occasion. Jim Yee Vancouver celebrates Summer with PicnicThis year the Vancouver
YFT Society Annual Summer Picnic was held at the Trout
Lake Park on July 2nd (Sunday) at noon. It was a glorious day at the park; the weather was warm, cheerful and sunny. The Vancouver YFT members, their families, and relatives spent an enjoyable afternoon together, chatting, enjoying their delicious lunch, waiting eagerly to see if their tickets are drawn for the prizes, and watching their children and grandchildren participating in the children¡¦s picnic games. Over hundred people participated in this year¡¦s event. The Fung Toy Alumni, our Mah cousins, our Tse cousins also joined us at the picnic. We thank them for coming. Special thanks go to our YFT Society Welfare Director Mr. Steven Yee who organized this year¡¦s event, Ms. Mavis Yee and Mr. Stan Yee who organized the games for the children, we thank them all for jobs well done. Mr. David Yee, Our Youth Committee Director, presented prizes to all the children who participated. Martin Yee Sacramento 2006 Annual PicnicSacramento annual picnic was held at William Land Park on July 9, 2006, between 11 PM - 2 PM. Over 250 people came to enjoy a free buffet lunch, raffle prizes and fun in the sun! Everyone enjoyed the buffet lunch which include chow mein, fried chicken, hot dogs, pastries, watermelon, soda and soft drinks. Activities include singing, dancing and other goodies for children. It was so much fun as they say; the children did not want to go home! We also had a raffle drawing for prizes. Raffle tickets were available at the picnic for $1 each. Prizes include: a digital camera, a DVD/CD/VCR recorder, a 20 inch color TV, folding table/chairs and more. Won Tin Yee
Ontario Yee Fung Toy¡¦s Summer EscapeAlthough the weather was warm with sunshine on July 30, the surface temperature had already risen to approximately 30 plus degrees Celsius. Members of the Toronto YFT Association held their long awaited picnic at the farm of YFT Honorary Association Chairman, Yue Kun. By 11 AM, many of our members had arrived at the farm¡¦s nearby prefabricated rectangular storage warehouse. Seven or eight round tables were already set up on the inside left area, covered with white plastic tablecloths. At the center of the warehouse a golden roasted suckling whole pig was displayed on a long table. At that moment auntie Guo Ming began wielding her large meat cleaver. She started chopping the roasted pig into smaller portions, so every member could enjoy it later. Another big long table on the right was set up with paper plates, forks, knives, assorted drinks, salads and so on; a similar table was set up across the warehouse adorned with desserts and fruits. Among the desserts were different varieties of cakes and pastries, lots of fresh tasty fruits such as sweet large cherries, juicy watermelon, and brilliant red strawberries. Quite a few youths and children came and joined us today. On the green field nearby, they went on to practice lion dancing with Tony (Zhuo Wen) Yee; we thought the dancing team performed fairly well even though they did not have much prior experience. The children gathered around Uncle Ron (Bing Hua) Yee and asked him for helium balloons. Some of the younger children were chasing their balloons that had slipped away. We started to have our lunch at noon. After lunch the picnic crowd then divided into several groups: some of them were telling jokes, some of them were playing ball games and some of them were just chatting about anything in general, while others were playing Chinese mahjonggs. The children were happily blindfolded, striking at a pinata in hopes of successfully getting the candy within. Before our "Summer Escape" came to an end, we all grouped together and formed a circle, holding a balloon each, awaiting for the signal to let go, then, we all watched with amusement as these colourful balloons floated towards the sky. What a pretty sight it was! We all relaxed inside the open warehouse for a while, its roof provided the shade for us. At 4 PM, we reluctantly left for home. Eugenia Khouw Translated by Martin Yee 2006 Houston Yee's Family Summer PartyThe Houston Yee's Family Association Summer Party Pizza & Indoor Games for the Houston Yees was held at the INCREDIBLE PIZZA COMPANY at 3412 State Hwy 6 South / Williamson on July 30th (Sunday) between 12:30-3:00PM. The members enjoyed a Pizza Buffet, Putt-Putt Golf, Go kart, Video Games, Bowling, and Bumper cars. Frank Yu
Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Annual PicnicThis year¡¦s Seattle Yee picnic was held on August 6 at the Seattle Woodland park picnic area #1. The picnic was the 52nd picnic held consecutively for the Seattle Chapter. As in previous years, over 100 members attended with enthusiasm. ![]() The participation of our
Vancouver Yee cousins made it an even more joyful
occasion. There were a total of 29 scholarship awards
presented this year. Thanks to the generosity
of President Hing Yu and chapter members, we had
plentiful of delicious food and great gifts for all of
the participants. Kit Fung Yu did a great job as master
of ceremony. A dinner was held at the New Kowloon Restaurant in Chinatown, attended by 20 Chapter members and four of our Canadian guests. Overall, we enjoyed another great picnic and dinner and are looking forward to next year¡¦s event. Fred Yee Wayne Yee of Vancouver, BC visits Phoenix![]() Grand Elder John M. Yee hosted Wayne Yee and his wife to a Luncheon in Phoenix, Arizona. This past June 2006, Benny Yee (right in photo), president of the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association, had visited the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada in Vancouver, BC. Along with his wife Helen and children, it was their first trip to Vancouver and just happened to drop by and visit Wayne Yee (front left in photo) and David Yee at their headquarters in Chinatown Vancouver. Later, Wayne repaid the visit by coming to Arizona to see his daughter off at the University of Arizona Tucson Medical School and stopping in Phoenix on their way back to Vancouver in August. Benny Yee
What is in the Next Issue?Now that summer is over, it is Back to School for most students. The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid December, featuring reports of scholarship awards and celebrations of the Moon (mid Autumn) festivals at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (editor @ yeefungtoy.org) or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by November 15. |