The Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice


Issue 72

各位尊貴的宗親、各位讀者,大家好!不經不覺,二○二二年又快要過去了。 展望來年,我們希望隨著疫苗的普及,新冠肺炎在全球得到廣泛控制,社會各界生活恢復正常。

歡迎來到第七十二期的《風采電子季刊》,這期的季刊以各分堂之春季活動消息由各余氏宗親會報導,給大家一齊分享。 更多精采內容,請見本期目錄。


我們秉承精益求精的服務理念,期望你們對本季刊能踴躍提供寶貴的意見和建議, 使我們在來年度製作季刊時能更加進步,更趨完善。再次感謝大家,並請繼續給我們支持和鼓勵!


    • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的余美湛先生、余金星先生、余佳卓先生。
    • 泰國余氏宗親總會的余紹基先生、余福標先生。
    • 馬來西亞雪隆余氏公會的余開雲先生。
    • 美國舍路余風采堂的余紹江先生。
    • 積彩余風采堂的余國倫先生。
    • 休斯頓余風采堂的余世傑先生。
    • 美國紐英崙余風采堂的余寶愛女士、余宗濤先生、余藹欣女士。
    • 香港余氏宗親會的理事長余偉明先生、香港余風采五堂會秘書李炳佳先生、余健倫先生。
    • 新加坡余氏總會的余漢炎先生、余子基先生、余細妹女士。
    • 僑社記者馬紅兵女士。
    • 波士頓大紀元記者劉景燁。
    • 廣東省開平市荻海風采堂的余澤欣先生、余杰鋒先生、余健強先生。


Fung Toy Monthly


FTM Summer 2022 Issue cover   FTM Summer 2022 Issue Contents


雖現時新冠疫情得到了緩和,每個人仍不能掉以輕心。以確保每個人在疫情的影響下能持續參與這年度重要的獎學金頒發活動, 溫哥華余風采堂於五月七日(星期六)上午十時至十一時在網絡上以 (Skype) 方式舉行獎學金頒發典禮。

典禮由余風采堂副主席暨獎學金基金會副主任余佳卓主持,首先他感謝獲獎學生及家長、嘉賓撥冗光臨。 然後介紹各位在線的獎學金基金會委員和理事會成員給獲獎 學生和家長們認識。



今年余風采堂共有十三名學生獲得了獎學金。三名小學生,包括余朗、余晴、余彥劼。 四名高中學生,包括余鳴、余天虹、余穎希、 余嘉豪及六名大學生,包括余穎姍、余彥輝、余慧盈、余國秀、余海亮及余美秀。 余佳卓還指導獲獎的學生們如何去領取他們獎學金及獎狀。

在頒獎典禮上,副主任余佳卓還向當中兩名學生頒發了兩項徵文競賽獎,包括余柏培夫人 (Mrs. Carla Yee) 贊助的徵文獎, 得獎者是余國秀同學,而獲余風采堂贊助的徵文獎是余彥輝同學。他們的文章被余風采堂評審小組評選為最佳文撰。

獎學金基金會主任余兆貞在典禮完畢後致鼓勵詞,她期望學生們,繼續勤奮努力向學,積極上進,爭取更佳的成績。 將來學業有成,服務社會,為余氏爭光。


溫哥華余風采堂 余柏寧報導


馬來西亞雪隆余氏公會於六月十二日(星期日)上午十時三十分在本會會所召開二○二二年度第二十屆第二次會員大會並頒發會員子女學業優秀獎勵金及會員養育 金, 出席會員踴躍,生氣蓬勃。


馬來西亞雪隆余氏公會 余開雲報導



榴槤在東南亞,素有“水果之王”之稱,對愛吃榴槤的群眾來說,它的風采,它的魅力,實在是無法擋,且榴槤的品種繁多, 有貓山王、黑刺、紅蝦、金鳳、D13等等。但說到受歡迎的程度, 我覺得還是以貓山王為首。


當天下午,兩大籮筐的貓山王榴槤送到了余氏總會會所的樓下,宗親們也陸續的來到,青年團團長貼心的準備了塑膠手套和鹽水。 戴了手套吃榴槤,乾淨衛生,不會弄髒手。吃了榴槤,再用榴槤殼盛鹽水喝,可解除榴槤的 燥熱,吃多了也不怕。



新加坡余氏總會 余細妹報導


自余聲清主席獲頒僑務委員會最高華光僑務專業獎章一事後,泰國余氏宗親總會多位宗兄們提議 “這也是我們余氏族的榮譽,應該找個時間給予宗親兄弟姊妹們機會 與聲清主席聚會慶祝”,宗親兄弟姊妹們就於七月五日(星期一) 在曼谷越拍耶皆區石龍軍路湄南河酒店二樓的「阿一鮑魚富臨酒家」 與聲清主席聚餐慶祝。

余聲清一向熱心僑務及僑教工作,於擔任泰華僑社重要職務時,對推展華文教育,協助臺商子女就學等,不遺餘力,並協助政府推展國民外交工作, 熱心社會公益慈善事務,融合華泰社會,造福同僑,增進族群和諧, 貢獻良多,深受僑界敬重與肯定。

泰國余氏宗親總會 余福標報導


積彩余風采堂於七月十日(星期日)在雷德福,密西根州的 「Capital」 公園舉辦一年一度郊遊大會暨獎學金頒發活動。

活動當日,場面熱鬧,大家慶祝我們年輕學者的「學業成就」,為鼓勵每年優秀年輕的學者認真向學,再接再勵,本堂頒發獎學金給他們。 並促進積彩大都會地區所有余氏家庭成員之間的友誼。當天的活動包 括各種遊戲,測驗小考, 練寫中國書法以及為所有出席者提供的美味午餐。





糖城紀念公園包括退伍軍人紀念館,兩個可供出租的涼亭,洗手間設施,帶遊樂場和攀岩繩 的封閉遊樂區, 開放的體育活動空間以及可進行釣魚,划皮艇和划獨木舟等戶外休閒活動的湖泊。

郊遊午餐包括以下脆香的燒臘:脆皮燒肉、叉燒、燒鴨、美味的炸雞、搭配白飯及惹味爽口的炒通菜, 適合多人一起享用,大家一起度過了一個愉快的下午!



泰國余氏宗親總會於八月二日(星期二),在余聲清理事長的帶領下,眾多泰國各地宗兄弟姊妹們一起在總會裡舉行了一年一度中元節拜祭先祖儀式, 為眾生祈福,虔心祈求風調雨順、國泰民安,更盼疫情早日退散, 保佑余氏宗親宗長身體健康。

泰國余氏宗親總會 余福標報導

紐英崙余風采堂 夏日郊遊樂

紐英崙余風采堂於八月十三日(星期六)在納提克巿(Natick) 的退 伍軍人會(AmVets Post 79)再一次成 功舉辦的夏季郊遊。

當日天氣非常完美,参加的會員、宗親昆仲達逾一百多人。堂所供應的一些食物包括雞翅,香腸,熱狗,比薩餅,烤雞, 以及由定邦夫人特製的義大利麵沙拉。甜點包括西瓜和冰淇淋杯。

每個年輕或年長的人都參加了投擲豆袋和推桿高爾夫等遊戲。 今年再次感謝美東總長余文博和余超群元老,他們為我們捐贈了所有現金獎品。寶愛主席捐贈了其它比賽獎品。堂員 Pamela 捐贈並分發給所有孩子「神奇寶貝」(Pokémon) 卡。 余風采堂的朋友,李保羅先生捐贈了今次活動的大獎,那就是一個披薩烤箱。我們還抽獎了 四十多個獎品給所有會員和朋友。


紐英崙余風采堂 余藹欣報導

世余宗親總會創會會長余健倫拜會美國余風采總堂 與宗親歡樂相聚

日前,世界余氏宗親總會創會會長余健倫抵達舊金山,親臨拜會舊金山余氏宗親,世界余氏宗親總會名譽會長暨總堂元老習文、永源; 余風采總堂主席文山、副主席寵異;元老臻發;顧問武良、民輝、健峰; 中文書記華湘等宗親在華埠荔香小館設宴款待遠道而來余氏貴賓。

創會會長余健倫在宴席中向宗親們匯報,因為受到疫情影響,世界余氏宗親總會原定在 2021 年,在泰國舉行盛大的懇親會,看來因為目前疫情仍然蔓 延,我們還要觀望 明年有好轉,再商定 2023 年舉辦世界余氏懇親盛會。

宴席間,正副主席、元老、顧問相繼致詞,言語中洋溢著對遠道而來的余氏貴賓致以熱烈的歡迎和誠摯的問候,大家相互敬酒, 互道美好的祝福,希望疫情穩定,世界余氏宗親總會懇親大會能在 2023 年如期舉行。

僑社記者 馬紅兵報導

雪隆余氏公會 大馬余氏總會聯合舉辦中秋聯歡晚會

雪隆余氏公會於九月三日(星期六)聯合馬來西亞余氏總會舉辦中秋聯歡晚會,余氏宗親不忘中華傳統佳節, 攜帶家眷兒女子孫男女老少共聚一堂提前歡慶中秋晚會。


雪隆余氏公會會長余開雲讚揚海外華裔不忘優秀中華傳統文化,並望後裔子孫代代相傳,永續不斷,同時感謝宗親們今晚踴躍出席, 並祝家庭和諧幸福!

會長余開雲感激雪隆余氏公會青年組成員辛勞,佈置場地,具備各種美食與月餅,讓參與宗親品嘗,總務余賦文精心籌劃, 絞盡腦汁預備猜謎字條,逐一讓出席者搶答,並備有搶答噠対者給以豐富獎品。

感謝今晚老天爺眷顧,天氣晴朗,天空皎月已大半月圓高照,讓我們在四樓陽臺上,可以欣賞環顧首都四周夜色霓虹燈閃爍優美的夜色, 男女小童手提燈籠,欣喜雀躍奔走場地周圍,留下日後兒時歡欣雀躍 的回憶!

馬來西亞雪隆余氏公會 余開雲報導

紐英崙余風采堂慶中秋 宗親與嘉賓齊賀


當天中午,二十多位余氏宗親齊聚一堂,慶祝傳統中秋節。主席余寶愛及幾位宗親親手烹飪了蘑菇燉肉和蠔油菜心,並買來了貴妃雞、 炒粉等菜餚,以豐盛的午宴款待來賓。

在正餐之後,余風采堂為大家準備了中秋月餅,而且駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處也帶來了美味的水果慕斯蛋糕。公所大廳里歡聲笑語, 大家其樂融融。


到場參與宴會的政要有波士頓市議會議長費連(Ed Flynn)、 議員墨菲( Erin Murphy)、 駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元和僑教中心主任潘昭榮。他們也都紛紛祝福大家健康、團圓。

費連首先感謝了波士頓地區余氏宗親和臺灣辦事處為華埠社區,乃至整個波士頓的居民服務。在疫情期間, 余風采堂參與為長者居民提供食品和服務,做出許多貢獻。 費連還說,吳弭市長及各位市議員都大力支持華人,反對歧視,並將繼續努力從事這方面的工作。

波士頓大紀元記者 劉景燁報導


又是一年一度中秋佳節大團圓美好日子。美國二埠余風釆堂於二○二二年九月四日(星期日)中午十二時至下午三時在堂內頒發敬老金和余族子弟獎學金, 場面高興熱烈。大家互祝安康,希望早日重新全面開放回復二○一九 年狀況,共聚一堂,共商會務。

本堂今年共有一百○六位七十五歲以上會員領取本堂頒發每人一百元敬老金。其中前主席國禧母親一百○七嵗長壽健康! 獎學金共發放七千二百四十元,二十名優秀子弟獲得。 希望他們爭取更好成績回報社會和本族。光我余族!



下一期的風采電子季刊將在二○二二年十二月中出版。報導各地余風采堂及余氏宗親會的最近活動消息,歡迎大家投稿。稿件需在二○二二年十一月十五日前經電郵 (world.yee @ gmail.com) (no space) 或郵寄(風采電子季刊, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。

Welcome to the 72nd issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In this issue we are featuring Summer activities from the Yee family associations around the world.

We thank all those who have made contributions to this issue, including:

  • Jim Yee, James Yu and George Yee of Vancouver
  • Worachai Aurprayoon and Fook Biu Yu of Thailand
  • Bing Kai Lee, Johnson Yee and Wei Ming Yu of Hong Kong
  • Paula Yee, Ringo Yu and Karen Yee of Boston
  • Roger Yu of Houston
  • Peter C.K. Yee, Eu Han Yam and Xi Mei of Singapore
  • Allan Yee, Ron Yee of Detroit
  • Kevin Lee of Seattle
  • Yee Kai Yon of Selangor, Malaysia
  • Yu Ze Xin, Jie Feng Yu, Jian Qiáng Yu of DiHai, China

Martin Yee, Vancouver

South Land Park native appointed to state Asian, Pacific Islander Commission

Dr. David Yee, a native of South Land Park and a sixth generation Californian, is among the newest commissioners of the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs. He was appointed as a commissioner by Gov. Gavin Newsom, and sworn into that position by State Controller Betty Yee during a ceremony at the state Capitol on April 23..

The mission of this commission is to raise “the political, economic and social issues of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders by contributing to and strengthening how state government addresses the needs, issues and concerns of the diverse and complex Asian American and Pacific Islander American communities.”

For more details, please click here.

Lance Armstrong, Sacramento

Vancouver YFT Scholarship Award Ceremony via Skype

Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver held a scholarship award ceremony via Skype on Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 10-11am.

Our scholarship committee Vice Chairman George Yee presided the meeting by introducing the scholarship committee members and the YFT board of directors in attendance.

He then explained the type of scholarship and the source of funding, the history of Yee Fung Toy Society had also been made known during the ceremony.

Then it is the students' turn to introduce themselves by telling the audience their names and schools, also their recent accomplishments and something they are proud of doing.

This year we had a total of 13 students receiving the scholarship award, 3 primary school, 4 high school and 6 university.

During the ceremony we also presented two essay contest awards to two students whose essays were chosen as the best write up by the team of YFT directors.

Esther Yue, Vancouver

C.A.C.A. Seattle 2022 Fred Yee Citizens Award

On Sunday, June 5, 2022, the Chinese American Citizens Alliance (C.A.C.A.) Seattle, in celebration of its 11th anniversary, held an in-person banquet, after cancelling the last two years due to the pandemic. Almost 130 attendees filled 13 tables at China Harbor Restaurant, representing Cathay Post #186, Chinese Information and Services Center (CISC), International Community Health Services (ICHS), Kin On, OCA Greater Seattle, Taipei Economic & Cultural Office, Wing Luke Museum, and many distinguished community members and friends.

This year, the Fred Yee Citizens Award honorees are: Ron Chew, community activist and author of "My Unforgotten Seattle", and Shawn Wong, UW Professor of English and author of multiple books, to honor them for their continued service to the Seattle community.

The Fred Yee Citizens Award was presented by Alex Yee & Andrea Yee, Fred Yee’s adult children. Also facilitating the evening event were Seattle YFT President Kevin Lee and Seattle YFT Auditor Warren Yee.

Photos courtesy of Chinese American Citizens Alliance.

Kevin Lee, Seattle

The Yee Clan Association of Singapore’s Durian Party

Durian season was here again, and thanks to a surprise bumper crop in Malaysia, prices for the prized "Mao Shan Wang" or Musang King grade had dropped. Quality durians were cheaper now than in previous years. So we decided to organise a durian party for our Clan members on Sunday, July 3rd, 2022 .

Two huge baskets loaded with "Mao Shang Wang" durians were delivered to our doorsteps in the morning. Members started to arrive at the Association around evening time. There was a huge turnout. Our sub-committee members started to open the durians. The rich durian aroma attracted many passers-by and they stopped by to ask questions. Some inquisitive tourists even get to taste the fruits. The Germans called it "die stinkende Frucht" or the stinky fruit! But we loved its pungent aroma. We gave one whole durian to an Australian who said his wife will love to try it.

Peter C K Yee, Singapore

Thailand Yu Clansmen Luncheon Gathering with "Glory Professional Medal Award" Winner

After Chairman Seng Ching Yu was awarded the highest "Glory Professional Medal Award" by the Overseas Community Affairs Council Committee of the Republic of China (Taiwan) two months ago, many Yu clan members of the Thailand Yu Clansmen Association proposed that "this is also the honor of our Yu clan, we should find a time to give the clan brothers and sisters an opportunity to meet and to celebrate with Chairman Seng Ching ".

The clan brothers and sisters decided to celebrate with Chairman Seng Ching with a luncheon on July 5 (Monday) at the "Ah Yat Abalone Forum Restaurant" on the second floor of Menam Riverside Hotel, Charoen Krung Road. Wat Phayakrai. Bangkok.

Fook Biu Yu, Bangkok

Detroit Yee Fung Toy Association Annual Picnic and Scholarship Awards

On Sunday, July 10, 2022 the Detroit Yee Fung Toy Family Association held its annual Summer Picnic and Scholarship Event at Capital Park, Redford Township, Michigan.

This annual event celebrates the academic accomplishments of our young scholars and promotes fellowship among all Yee family members in the metro Detroit area. The day’s events included games, quizzes, Chinese calligraphy, and a delicious lunch for all attendees.

Photos courtesy of Charles Yee and Ron Yee

Allan Yee, Detroit

Houston Yee Fung Toy 2022 Scholarship and Picnic Day

The Yee Fung Toy Association of Houston annual summer party and scholarship awards was held at the Memorial Park of Sugar Land, TX on Saturday afternoon, July 16, 2022.

A nice turn out with mild Texas heat!

We had total of 53 adults and one 1 year old child in attendance, we also had 6 Scholarship recipients, with two graduating High School Seniors, Karissa Lew and Noah Tien; 3 high schoolers, Kyle Lew, Kailee Yee and Remy Yu; and 1 middle school student Sophie Yu.

The Chinese BBQ " Siu Lap" lunch was a huge hit! Everyone had a wonderful time.

Roger Yu, Houston

Thailand Yu Clansmen Celebrated Zhongyuan Jie

Our Thailand Yu Clansmen members celebrated Zhongyuan Jie Festival at the clubhouse on Tuesday, August 2, 2022.

Fook Biu Yu, Thailand

New England YFT Chapter’s Summer Outing 2022

YFT’s Boston Chapter had another successful summer outing at AmVets Post 79 in Natick on Saturday August 13.

The weather was perfect and more than 100 members and friends attended the event. Some of the food served were chicken wings, sausages, hot dogs, pizza, rotisserie chicken,pasta salad (made by Mrs. Winston Yee). For dessert watermelons and ice cream cups were passed out.

Everyone (young and old) participated in games like bean bag toss and putt-putt golf. Thanks again this year to Elder Peter and Grand President Kenneth who donated the cash for all our prizes. President Paula donated all the game prizes. Member Pamela donated and passed out Pokémon cards to all the kids. YFT friend Paul Lee donated the grand prize which was a pizza oven. We also raffled over 40 prizes to all our members and friends.

Many thanks to all the volunteers who drove, purchased and cooked the food and coordinated the games and activities. Everyone left happy and with a full stomach!

Karen Yee, Boston

Malaysia Yee Association Host a Mid-Autumn Festival Party

The Selangor Yee Association and Persatuan Keturunan Yee Malaysia hosts a Mid-Autumn Festival party on Saturday, September 3rd. The Yee family clan does not forget the Chinese traditional festival, bringing grandchildren, women, and old children together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

The President of the Persatuan Keturunan Yee Malaysia, Yu Bao Chun, welcomes the participation of the relatives and the children.

The President of Selangor Yee Association had high praise for the overseas Chinese who never forget their Chinese traditional culture, and he is looking forward that this tradition be continue to pass down from generation to generation, and at the same time he was thanking the relatives for attending this evening event, and wishing happiness to the families!

President Yee Kai Yon of Selangor Yee Association expressed his gratitude to the members of the youth committee for their hard work, arranging the venue, providing all kinds of delicious food and moon cakes for the participants to taste. Another fun part of the Mid-Autumn Festival is solving riddles, these riddles are like brain teasers. Some can be so hard to figure out. But the answer can be so fun to know. General affairs director Michael Fuh Wen Yee carefully prepared these riddles, so that the attendees could answer, and there were plenty of prizes to give to the riddle solvers.

The weather was clear, the half-moon was already shining high in the sky. We sat on our chairs on the fourth floor of the balcony relaxing, and view the beautiful night around the capital, and the boys and girls carry lanterns and enjoy walking around the field, leaving happy memories of their childhood!

Yee Kai Yon, Selangor, Malaysia

NE YFT Celebrated the Annual August Moon Festival

YFT of NE celebrated the annual August Moon Festival this past Sunday September 4. This is the first celebration post-Covid and many of our members attended.

We were joined by our friends from Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Boston, Director General Jonathan C. Y. Sun and Director of the Culture Centre of TECO of Boston, Chao-Jung Pan. They brought a delicious mango mousse cake. City Council President Ed Flynn and City Councilor Erin Murphy also stopped by.

All our members got to enjoy a delicious lunch with President Paula making a homemade ham and mushroom dish, followed by 4 different types of mooncakes and of course TECO’s mango mousse cake.

Thanks to the Women’s Group who helped set up and served the food. We also want to give credit to Learner Liu of the Epoch Times who took all the pictures for us.

Karen Yee, Boston

Sacramento YFT Mid-Autumn Festival and Scholarship Award Ceremony

It's another beautiful day for the Sacramento YFT Chapter’s annual Mid-Autumn Festival, honoring our senior members and scholarship award ceremony on Sunday, September 4th.

At noon after paying homage to our ancestors, honoring our senior members and awarding scholarships and assistance tuition to the qualified students.

Our Mid-Autumn Festival evening dinner was held at the Ming Hui Dim Sum 2 Chinese restaurant.

Hok Cheung, Sacramento

The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid December, 2022, featuring current events and activities of the Yee Fung Toy associations across the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (world.yee @ gmail.com) or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by November 15.

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