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              of Spring
Issue 18 2009/03/08









己丑年春節己到了,人們又要寫春聯、貼「福」字、買年貨了。人生最有趣味的事情,就是送舊迎新,「爆竹一聲除舊歲, 桃符萬戶換新春」。



雖然在金融危機的環境下,但全球華人對春節的熱情不因經濟環境而改變。 全球華人用不同的習俗和方式,不論身在何處,都會在這一天舉杯團聚,共渡新春。





  • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的余柏寧先生、余榮燊先生、余金星先生。
  • 加拿大點問頓余風采堂的余英華先生。
  • 加拿大卡加利余風采堂的余策源先生。
  • 美國三藩市余風采總堂的余健全先生。
  • 美國斐匿余風采堂的余文澤先生。
  • 美國二埠余風采堂的余李慕蓮女士、余庭穩先生、余汝韶先生。
  • 美國紐約余風采堂的余鋼深先生、余宏基先生。
  • 美國舍路余風采堂的余海量先生。
  • 美國積彩余風采堂的余次屏先生。
  • 美國紐英崙余風采堂的余厚利先生、余超群先生、余定邦先生。
  • 美國休斯敦余風采堂的余頌輝先生。





                    2008 FTM Issue Cover   FTM Winter Issue Contents 






加拿大余風采總堂第三十七屆理事會(2009-2012年) 經由全加余風采堂第十五屆懇親大會出席代表按章選出理事共十八名,以下是全體職員名單:

名譽顧問: 宏榮、鳳和、健倫、超賢。

顧問: 錫儒。

主席: 根洙        副: 詠本、金星、耀祥。

理事: 美湛、金星、錦文、根洙、詠本、榮燊、耀祥、啓康、

侯補理事: 余陳小玲、鍚強、瑞芝、仕坤。

書記: 榮燊        副: 栢寧。

財政: 錦文        副: 詠本。

交際: 美湛        副: 冠栢。

福利: 啓康        副: 萍相。

樓業: 漢銳        副: 耀祥。

核數: 冠栢        副: 碧瑜。

婦女組: 余李翠燕  副: 余陳小玲。

香港五堂會海外顧問: 根洙、錫儒 。                                     

海外族務發展專責組: 根洙、美湛、錫儒、詠本、金星、榮燊。    

加拿大余風采總堂訂於二零零九年,一月十日(星期六)中午十二時正,在該堂所大禮堂舉行 09-12 年職員交代典禮。

海 內外鄉親鼎力支持 台山市武溪中學建校二十三周年

十二月五日,台山市武溪中學迎來建校二十三周年及一年一度的獎教獎學金頒發典禮。 黃偉紅、關澤鋒、黃國忠、劉征、譚國渠等台山市領導及市教育、統戰、外僑等部門和白沙鎮有關領導出席了慶典活動; 香港余氏宗親會理事長余渠先生、會長余健倫先生和余風采五堂會主席余柏齡先生等首長專程趕往學校為典禮致辭, 並親自為獲得獎教獎學金的師生頒獎。

整個典禮和頒獎儀式簡樸而又熱烈。 黃國忠副市長在致辭中說,武溪中學建校二十三年來,年年有建設,歲歲有慶典,從未間斷,實在難能可貴。 學校人才輩出,碩果累累,始終處在良好的發展態勢,有賴於香港余氏宗親會、余風采五堂會、海內外餘氏宗親及各界熱心人士的鼎 力支持, 同時也是全校師生共同努力的結果。

二零零八年香港余氏宗親會和余風采五堂會一如既往支持武溪的建設和發展, 本年度共捐資七十二萬元港幣改善設施設備和獎教獎學,他們的善行義舉, 不僅為師生們提供了良好的學習生活環境,更鼓舞著他們不斷進取,用實際行動報答關愛武溪的各界人士。

校慶活動上,師生們還表演了豐富多彩的文藝節目,他們精彩的演出贏得了在場嘉賓的陣陣喝彩, 在體現出武溪師生充滿熱情、積極向上的精神風貌的同時,也向關注著武溪成長的各界人士送來了一份令人滿意的年終答卷。

石謹 (台山市外僑局/二零零八年十二月八日)

任重道遠 紐英崙余風釆堂二零零九年度職員就職


全體職員合影,前排左起: 文博、積堯、厚利、仕昂、元亨、定邦。

二零零八年十二月七日的波士頓雨雪紛飛,氣溫寒冷。但在余風堂內則喜氣洋洋, 紐英崙余風釆堂在這一天舉行隆重的新舊職員交接儀式。 連任主席厚利、積堯及各元老、顧問、職員、宗親共三十多人齊聚一堂。儀式由中文書記建興司禮,由仕昂元老監交。 大家首先向先祖行三鞠躬禮,並上香祭告,儀式簡單隆重。

厚利主席致詞時表示,余風采堂最值得驕傲的地方就是非常團結, 認為只有團結才能搞好族務,才能受人尊重。並且表示,連任主席一職, 內心既高興又惶恐。高興的是有機會繼續為宗親服務,能結交社區的朋友。 惶恐的是未來一年的工作充滿挑戰。一是受全球經濟不景的影響,公所座落於乞臣街會址物業的土庫巳空置一年,公所的財務受到很 大的壓力。 另一事是二零零九年將有兩次懇親大會,分別是八月份在紐約舉行的全美余風釆堂第二十三屆懇親大會,及十一月份在馬來西亞舉行 的第四屆世界余氏懇親大會。 對於一個從未擔任過代表的人,第一次出席大會就要擔任很多領導的工作,內心感到非常擔心,因此懇請各元老、顧問、父老多加協 助,克服困難,共同辦好族務。 他並宣佈十四日中午舉行慶祝冬至吃湯圓活動、明年二月二十八日春宴。

積堯主席致詞時表示,公所的業務需要大家的支持才能做得更加有聲有色。 他鼓勵各會員及其身邊的親友多到公所走動,並表示他自己和厚利主席將會在每週日駐守公所會址,招呼到訪宗親。

仕昂元老在致詞時也籲請各宗親團結,大家亙忍互讓,贏取社區人士的尊重。 文博顧問則指出,洪門致公堂前任主席余培鋒,華埠主街現任董事會主席余俊明將於明年代表余氏出席中華公所,正是余氏人才濟 濟,新人回巢服務的好現象。


美西總長: 臻發、以信 。
元老: 仕昂、金爵。
顧問: 文博、元亨、式認、共才、定邦、國濟、超群、積炎。

主席: 厚利、積堯。
中文書記: 積禮、建興。
英文書記: 超群、定邦。
財政: 國濟、景新。
核數: 積炎。
理數: 定邦夫人,核數積炎。
樓業主任: 國濟夫人。
康樂: 潤冰。
交際: 文博、小蘭。
幹事: 積禮。
法律顧問: 文博、達明。
出席中華: 俊明、培鋒。
婦女組主任: 美后、秀琴。
婦女組書記: 厚利夫人。




顧問: 家樂、仕景、樹湛、士晃、海量。

正主席: 碩正。
副主席: 汝深。
中文書記: 傑鋒、永鏇。
西文書記: 仲鵬、永昌。
財政: 海量、耀東。
核數: 汝璋、衛民、利民。
代表: 適儀(海量夫人)、家樂、健城。
議長: 永鏇、國定、耀青。
庶務: 盛昌。

婦女部: 樹湛夫人、緒宏夫人、士晃夫人、海量夫人、汝深夫人、余翠薇姑。

舍路余風采堂 余海量報告


出席大休斯頓地區傳統僑社祝賀廣東省僑聯成立五十周年志慶包括余風采堂主席余頌輝 (世界名人網 )

余風采堂主席余頌輝(左五)出席參加大休斯頓地區傳統僑社感恩節晚宴及祝賀廣東省僑聯成立五十周年志慶時與大休斯頓地區 傳統僑社代表們合照。

二零零八年十二月十二日(星期五)上午, 廣東省僑聯成立五十周年紀念大會在廣州 白雲國際會議中心, 嶺南大會堂隆重舉行。


此次中國廣東省僑聯舉行的慶祝大會,邀請三十多個國家一百一十三個僑團的五百二十一名代表出席。 前往中國參加廣東省僑聯慶祝成立五十周年活動海內外各界代表包括休斯頓余風采堂主席余頌輝,他同時也代表休斯頓五邑同鄉會出 席。


在上午舉行的紀念大會上,中國僑聯副主席、省僑聯黨組書記、主席王榮寶致詞。 廣東省僑聯與海外五大洲三十多個國家的一百一十三個僑團締結成為友好社團; 向來自海外、港澳台的代表贈送了「中國印」; 向全省二百三十六名從事僑聯工作三十年以上的工作者頒發榮譽證書。 廣東省僑聯副主席張恭泰倡議廣大歸僑僑眷、海外僑胞和港澳同胞慷慨解囊,幫助四川地震災區重建北川中學, 把北川中學打造成為僑界愛的豐碑。

五十年來,廣東已建立了比較發達的僑聯組織體係,截至二零零八年,全省僑聯組織發展到六千七百二十六個, 深入基層、社區、村鎮;創建了五大工作平臺, 廣東省僑聯法律顧問委員會成為維護僑益的利器,廣東省僑界仁愛基金會成為僑聯開展扶貧濟困工作的載體, 廣東國際華商會成為僑商發展和經濟建設的「服務器」, 廣東省僑聯青年委員會成為僑聯事業的可持續發展的生力軍, 廣東僑聯網站等僑刊鄉訊成為僑聯開展文化傳播、對外宣傳的「喉舌」。

目前,廣東省僑聯已和世界上一百一十多個國家和地區的一千二百多個華僑華人社團建立了緊密聯係, 形成一支宏大的愛國愛鄉、對我友好力量。

[詳情] 廣東省僑聯成立 50 週年紀念大會

加拿大風采總分堂暨風采校友會共聚 互賀佳節



聯歡會活動節目以輕鬆、娛樂、歡快、聊天、祥和為基調,以聯絡宗親感情為主題。 參加的來賓共聚一堂,宗親、世表、校友之間把茶談歡,共進豐盛聖誕美食午餐、一齊歡樂暨卡拉OK歌唱。


加拿大余風采總堂主席余根洙及温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛歡迎大家出席這場聯歡午餐, 期待藉此機會,多多聯繫溝通,共敘鄉情,同慶佳節,最後向大家致意並祝大家聖誕及新年快樂。


出席者然後輕鬆一齊品嚐由福利組的啓康叔安排的美味佳肴自助午餐。馬氏世表、謝氏世表、堂員、校友、 耆英及宗親們,各人乘興而來,盡興而歸。


温哥華余風采堂 余栢寧報告


記得童年在故鄉時,長輩每年都叮囑小孩子們,說是冬至大過年,在這一天必須說些吉利的話。 而在中國古代,無論是帝王之家還是平民百姓,都大事慶祝冬至節,可見中國人對冬至節的重視。 廣東人喜歡在冬至節合家圍爐吃湯圓,取湯圓與團圓諧音之故,中國人沒有比一家人團聚更重要了。

紐英崙余風釆堂由婦女部主辦提前在十二月十四日在公所內吃湯圓慶祝冬至節。 早上九時左右,包括兩位主席在內的近十位工作人員扺達公所,立即開始繁忙的工作。 有的切菜,有的煲湯,有的搓湯圓.直到中午十二時,三大煲湯圓才大功告成。

今天到來的宗親很多,在娛樂部就開了六檯麻將,大家一邊吃湯圓,一邊打麻將。 而在禮堂則有更多的宗親圍桌而坐,主席只簡單地說了一句「祝福我們余族大家庭團團圓圓!」 大家就開始品嚐湯圓,閒話家常,共同渡過愉快的一天。


紐英崙余風釆堂 余厚利報告



元老: 余維慶、余耿石。
美東總長: 余顯良。
美西總長: 余臻發、余以信。
總顧問: 余保忠。
顧問: 余珷樂、余應昌、余景新。
名譽顧問: 余廣一。
出席中華: 余鋼深、余宏基。
法律顧問: 馬淑華。
名譽法律顧問: 余麗珊。

主席: 余鋼深、余宏基。
中文書記: 余典榮、余富國。
英文書記: 余美珍、余石麟。
財政: 余錦韶、余永相。
核數: 余乾綱、余棟榮。
交際: 余靄瑜、余炎正。
幹事: 余儀樂、余敬衛。
庶務: 余偉球。

樓業委員會主任: 余景新、余廣一。
書記: 余典榮。
財政: 余乾綱。
核數: 余富國。
委員: 余永祥、余石麟、余宏基、余鋼深。

余武溪別墅墅長: 余福銳。
中文書記: 余典榮。
財政: 余乾綱、余偉球。
核數: 余紹炘。
庶務: 余偉球。

婦女組組長: 余錦娉。
副組長: 余慧儀。
財政: 余美珍。
核數: 余美娜。
中文秘書: 余昭美。
英文秘書: 余秀麗。
公關: 余慧貞、余淑芬。


紐約余風采堂 余宏基報告



顧問: 余厚義、余漢池、余錦彥。
主席: 余頌輝、余世雄。
中文秘書: 余朱佩玲、余達賢。
英文秘書: 余頌輝、余世雄。
財政: 余美芳、余莉莉。
核數: 余修敏、余秀娟。
獎學組: 余秀娟、余漢池。
網站: 余浩杰、余金漢。
婦女組: 余朱愛花、余笑娟。

休斯敦余風釆堂 余頌輝報告

紐約余風采堂舉行二零零九年新職員就職典禮  元老寄望懇親大會


連任主席鋼深(左二)和新任副主席宏基(右二), 在元老耿石(左一)及總顧問保忠(右一)的監交下,接過印信。


當選連任主席的鋼深感謝各成員及鄉親的支援並給予機會, 他將全力為宗親謀福利,促進社會和僑團和諧。


該堂元老耿石表示,紐約余風采堂明年接辦懇親大會﹐之前兩屆分別在底特律及羅省舉行﹐ 紐約上次承辦該盛活動已是十八年前的事了。屆時將會聯絡所有宗親﹐力求把這次全球懇親大會辦得更出色、更難忘。

出席嘉賓還包括中華公所主席于金山、台山寧陽會館主席伍權碩、聯成公所代主席吳國基、 紐約洪門致公堂蟬聯主席許健生及新任主席李國良等。

新一屆各職員包括中文書記典榮、富國; 英文書記美珍、石麟; 財政錦韶、永相; 核數乾綱、棟榮; 交際靄瑜、炎正; 幹事儀樂、敬衛; 庶務偉球。 婦女組組長錦娉、慧儀; 青年組組長文正。 屬下的余武溪別墅新一屆各級職員包括墅長福銳; 中文書記典榮; 財政乾綱、偉球; 核數紹炘;庶務偉球等。

僑報大紐約社區記者葉永康報道 (二零零八年十二月二十九日 01:28:09


                上面寫著“為姚明鼓勁!為火箭隊加油!” (《明橋體育》供圖)

二零零八年十二月三十一日除夕夜,休斯敦姚明球迷俱樂部聯合眾多華人社團組織約一千五百多名華人和其他一萬多名觀眾 一道在休斯敦豐田體育中心共同觀賞了休斯頓火箭隊與密爾沃基雄鹿隊的精彩對決戰, 並與來自中國的籃球巨星姚明一道共同迎來了火紅的二零零九年。


比賽開場前,由大休斯頓地區中國聯合校友會和余風采堂組成的二十名休斯頓華人和留學生球迷在球員入場處列隊熱烈歡迎火箭隊入 主場作戰。 姚明與其他球員一同熱情地與球迷朋友們互相擊掌致意,並散發小型籃球模型以作紀念。 同時,來自休斯頓華人籃球協會的十位球迷朋友還為姚明等火箭隊球員預熱了板凳,以特殊的方式為他們祝福。

接著,來自休斯頓潘立平舞蹈學校的近五十名兒童和青年華裔演員們表演了精彩的中國舞蹈"過新年"。 身著火紅色中國傳統服飾的演員,揮舞彩帶、手執燈籠,在火箭隊球場向火箭隊和姚明展示了吉祥喜慶的中國紅。 恰巧火箭隊本賽季的吉祥色也是紅色,全場上下一片火紅,預示著二零零九年一定是一個紅紅火火的年份。

比賽中場時,姚明球迷俱樂部的部分理事將由休斯頓眾多華人共同簽名的巨型橫幅贈送給火箭隊,上面寫著 "為姚明鼓勁! 為火箭隊加油! "祝福火箭隊和姚明在二零零九年取得更好的成績。中華文化中心的十位球迷列隊歡迎姚明和其他火箭隊再次返還球場繼續第三、四 節的比賽。 火箭隊與雄鹿隊的比賽相當精彩, 雙方分分必爭,現場扣人心弦。雖然火箭隊一直領先,但由於雄鹿隊緊咬不放,直至直至比賽結束前的幾秒鐘,仍然是險象環生,勝 負未料。

大大鼓勵了姚明和火箭隊的士氣。直至戰鬥到最後一秒,火箭隊終於在主場以 八十五比八十一擊敗雄鹿,取得本賽季的第二十一場勝利。 整個過程中,姚明獲兩雙,出場三十分四十三秒,十八投九中、罰球四罰四中,得到二十二分和十個籃板二次助攻, 並當選本場比賽最佳球員,也同時延續了姚明進入 NBA以來對雄鹿主場不敗的紀錄。



美東總長: 顯良。
美西總長: 臻發。
美西副總長: 以信。
元老: 乾海。
總顧問: 國雄。
顧問: 永吉、鴻詠、文顯。

主席: 積科、朝偉。
西文書記: 國倫、自麟。
中文書記: 鏡疇、康禮。
財政: 兆麟、國雄。
核數: 賢鐸、次屏。

議長: 品勇。
議員: 朝植、國宇、耀明、耀鵬、曼華姑、文顯夫人、乾海夫人、永吉夫人、國雄夫人、賢鐸夫人、康禮夫人、立和夫人、龍焯夫人、 余美蓮、卓文夫人、鏡疇夫人、國龍夫人、小曼姑、 Catherine Agacinski、Marilyn Yee、Wah Wong、Tony Yee、Dick Yee、Willy Yee、RaymondY ee、Brian Yee




美國余風采總堂於一月一日在三藩市總堂舉行新舊主席交接暨二零零九年度職員就任典禮。 多位元老、顧問出席了此次典禮。 余允仁及余振兆在元老余習文監交下連任該總堂正、副主席。 典禮由委員余子剛主持。

連任主席余允仁就職詞表示,承蒙堂內職員昆仲支持和愛護,使他能順利完成各項堂務, 包括堂內聯誼活動及捐款援助四川大地震災區重建工作。 他將與連任副主席余振兆及新屆職員通力合作,辦好該總堂堂務,和諧僑社,促進僑社發展與繁榮。

連任副主席余振兆致就職詞指出,該總堂今年八月舉辦全美懇親大會,他希望各科職員及昆仲團結一致,努力辦好此次懇親大會。 他並祝大家新年身體健康,生活幸福,萬事如意。

該總堂美西總長余臻發在致詞中,讚揚兩位連任主席在過去一年成績突出,希望該總堂昆仲團結一致, 大力支持余允仁及余振兆正、副主席的工作,並且相信該總堂堂務在兩位帶領下,積極發展會務,必定會將該總堂堂務帶上層樓。

明報記者吳卓明報道 (二零零九年一月二日)



合和總會館一月一日舉行新舊主席交接典禮暨新屆職員宣誓儀式,余習文在該總會館商董利寶祥和鄭力生監交下, 從滿任主席胡衍富手中接過印信,就任該總會館新任主席、滿任與新任通事和書記也先後進行交接儀式。 台北經濟文化辦事處副處長李鴻祥分別向各位滿任及新任主席、通事及書記頒發嘉獎狀與賀狀,感謝滿任職員對僑社的貢獻, 勉勵新任首長繼續為僑社服務。典禮司儀為總會館書記胡偉碩。

滿任主席胡衍富致退職詞時感謝該總會館職員和昆仲在過去兩年給予他的支持,協助他順利完成預訂的各項會務。 胡讚揚新任主席余習文是余風采總堂元老,服務僑社多年,也長期服務於該總會館, 他相信該總會館在余的帶領,在職員的配合協助下,會務定能更上層樓。

新任主席余習文致就職詞說,他在該總會館已服務三十四年,在十七位前任主席領導下服務僑社,從中獲益良多。 余又讚揚滿任主席胡衍富為該總會館發展立下汗馬功勞,余表示他將團結職員昆仲,按照會館章程辦事,促進僑社和諧發展。

經文處副處長李鴻祥致賀詞時表示,他每次來該總會館,都被其對聯「合群生力量,和氣致禎祥」所吸引,對該總會館以和氣促進僑 社團結, 服務僑胞的精神深感欽佩。 李稱讚滿任主席胡衍富在任時將會務辦得有聲有色,完成階段性任務後,又將轉任通事,襄助新任主席余習文。 李同時讚揚余服務僑社多年,他相信余在職員之配合努力下,定能將該總會館「合群,和氣」的精神發揚光大。

明報記者吳卓明報道 ( 二零零九年一月三日)


二埠余風采堂於元月四日舉行二零零九年新舊職員交接典禮。大會由杰民元老主持,緒揚、振權總顧問監督將印信, 文件授於蟬聯正副主席汝晃,樹雄。參加交接儀式還有國平、國湛、汝韶、國良顧問,及新舊職員宗親。

前排: 顧問汝韶、總顧問緒揚、副主席樹雄、元老杰民、主席汝晃、總顧問振權、顧問國湛、國平。





美西總長: 臻發、以信 。
元老: 杰民。
總顧問: 緒揚、振權。
顧問: 國平、國湛、汝韶、國良。
主席: 汝晃。
副主席: 樹雄。
法律顧問: 玉湛。
中文書記: 庭穩、藹新。
西文書記: 英才、金堅。
財政: 悅燊、樹堯。
樓業: 群新、英漢。
核數: 鐸清、若舜。
幹事: 鉅沾、文惠。
庶務: 瑞華。
委員: 汝晃、金堅、健穰、庭穩、樹堯、鐸清、悅燊、潤洪、 文惠、
候補委員: 英揚、秀紅、余柏、錫文。

出席中華: 汝晃、杰民、緒揚、國平、國湛、汝韶。


加拿大余風采總堂交接 余根洙連任主席

Group photo

加拿大余風采總堂於二零零九年,一月十日(星期六)中午十二時正,在該堂所大禮堂舉行新舊任職員交接儀式, 就職儀式由書記余榮燊主持,顧問余錫儒主持監交印信和宣誓就職典禮。

Chairman Kan
                Yu accepting YFT Seal from Advisor Dick Yee


Chairman Kan
                Yu giving Acceptance speech

余根洙主席致就職詞表示,過去的四年任期中,每年新春時節,也是該堂周年紀念之期, 必然舉辦全體余氏宗親聯歡晚宴,還有各種活動,一切都是辦得非常成功。

二零零八年更是突出的一年,在點問頓舉辦全加余風采堂第十五屆懇親會暨紀念太祖余忠襄公一千零八歲誕辰、 點問頓余風釆堂成立六週年圓滿成功。同年九月,余氏宗親更義不容辭地伸出援手, 幫助遇溺中國留學生余慧春的家人來溫哥華辦理後事,該堂均獲得僑社各界極高評價。


余根洙主席相信總堂在新一年裡,新一屆的新職理監事將一如既往地衷誠合作,精誠團結,使加拿大余風采總堂和諧進步,充滿活 力。

Gary Yee accepted
                the Treasurer position from James Yu  David Yee accepted the Building Manager
                position from Wayne Yee



加拿大余風釆總堂 余栢寧報告



香港余氏宗親會網站(網址, 是繼風采月刊之後,成爲本會溝通海內外的另一座橋梁。 網站以推廣會務爲其首務。 向海內外宗親介紹本會宗旨、成立、發展、壯大的歷程,弘揚先賢的功績,藉以砥礪方來、積極投身族務、 承先啓後、繼往開來,弘揚祖德、敦親睦族。

2004.4 - 2009.3 Board of Directors

執行編輯:認奎 柏齡 余渠


左起: 彭慎副處長、余錦英主席、鄭天授處長、余順超主席。

即將赴芬蘭任代表的台北駐芝辦事處處長鄭天授第展開一年一度的僑社拜會活動,並表示「工作要有始有終」。 僑領們也說,鄭處長是他們所見的最有親和力的外交官員。

鄭天授處長與副處長彭慎、華僑文教中心新任主任陳永豐、副主任黃士聰在中華會館主席梅維政、董事長梅國彬、僑務委員梅楹仲、 僑務諮詢委員陳達偉、僑務顧問黃伍佩玲、伍祖志陪同下,於二零零九年,一月十一日(星期日)相繼拜會了余風采堂、溯源公所、 昭倫公所、黃氏宗親會、 龍崗親義公所、至德三德公所、李氏公所、梅氏總公所等。 並向這些傳統社團贈送了賀年春聯、月曆以及紅包,氣氛熱絡。


鄭處長表示,在芝加哥五年多了,這是他第六次,也是最後一次拜會各個僑社,既代表他自己,也代表即將就任的新處長申佩璜。 他說,新處長申佩璜曾經擔任中華民國駐菲律賓副代表和駐南非副代表,日前為駐芬蘭代表,有豐富的外交經驗。



Damon Yee
                takes Office at Hop Wo



書記長余振兆主持晚會秩序致歡迎詞,他用「金雞啼開千門喜; 東風吹入萬戶春」春聯向大家祝福,對在座嘉賓表示熱烈歡迎。

卸任主席胡衍富說,他兩年任期,是更好服務僑社和僑胞的機會,為此感到自豪和榮幸,也感謝大家一向給與支持和協助。 雖然卸任主席,但還是合和總會館一分子,將一如既往全力支持新屆領導班子的工作,共同為會務再創高峰而努力。

新任主席余習文說,該會館成立已有 146 年歷史, 今後自己定按章程,謹記先賢「和諧團結」的教導,共同做好服務僑胞,繁榮僑社工作。


中華總會館總董黃邦麟稱讚合和人材濟濟,崇尚民主自由理念堅定不移, 積極參與僑社慈善公益事業,為僑社樹立了榜樣。

經文處處長陳經銓稱讚余習文主席經驗豐富,相信合和總會館在他們的帶領下,會務定會長足進步。 加州參議員副執行長余胤良夫人代表余胤良、何孟君代表加州平稅局副主席余淑萍分別向新任主席余習文和卸任主席胡衍富致送了賀 狀和嘉獎狀。

三藩市教育委員余鼎昂祝賀和讚揚兩位主席為僑社付出的努力。 余習文頒贈紀念品予卸任胡衍富及通事余武良,表彰他們對僑社的貢獻。

三藩市星島電子日報 特約記者翁漢新報道 (二零零九年一月二十三日

紐英崙余風采堂團拜賀新春 祭祀念祖德


紐英崙余風采堂於年初一中午在該堂禮堂舉行新春團拜,主席余厚利(左五)、余積堯(左三)向宗親拜年,元老余仕昂(右 四)祝願國泰民安,世界和平。 首次參加團拜活動的余蘇芷筠(左一)、余何佩芳(右二)興奮地表示,感覺有如回娘家之喜悅。

爆竹一聲除舊,紐英崙余風釆堂於大年初一中午舉行新年團拜,在「恭喜發財」聲中,宗親相互祝賀,喜悅和祝福聲充滿整個公所禮 堂。 厚利主席、積堯主席、仕昂元老分別致詞,祝福各宗親在牛年身強力壯,事業成功,心想事成,也祝願世界和平,族裔和諧,經濟繁 榮。 在向祖先上香、鞠躬的簡單儀式後,按慣例分享各式素菜。

                Lieutenant Warren Yee 第一次參加祭祖大典與本堂同人合影留念

余姓傑出宗親 Lieutenant Warren Yee 第一次參加祭祖大典與本堂同人合影留念

慎終追遠是中國人的美德。余風釆堂同人於二月一日星期日備下金豬、雞隻、年糕、 鮮花在公所禮堂拜祭祖先,由主席帶領各宗親上香、 敬酒、奉元寶、行三鞠躬禮, 儀式隆重。 並由主席、元老、顧問及宗親父老多人致詞,語多吉祥。 祈求祖先保佑,余族興旺,子孫昌盛。祝福各宗親福星高照,身體健康,新年快樂。


儀式完畢後,各宗親坐在一起分享年食,並擁躍捐助香油,認捐全美第二十三屆懇親大會懇親費。 這一天適逢華埠沿街舞獅拜年,街上熱鬧滾滾,余風釆堂內親情洋溢,各宗親共同渡過愉快的一天。

紐英崙余風釆堂 余厚利報告


下一期的風采電子季刊將在二零零九年六月中出版,報導春節聯歡為主題。 歡迎大家投稿。稿件需在二零零九年五月十五日前經電郵 (editor @ 或郵寄 ( 風采電子季刊, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。

Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox
                  - 2009



In this Issue:

Message from the Editor

Reports from Yee Fung Toy Chapters

What is in the Next Issue?

Message from the Editor

Happy New Year of the Ox! May it bring you and your family peace, happiness, and prosperity!

Welcome to the 18th issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In this issue we are featuring stories and images of yearly renewal from associations of the Yee Fung Toy around the world, including celebrations of the New Year and installations of new Associaton Officers.

We gratefully acknowledge all the contributors to the current issue, including:

  • David M. Yee of Phoenix
  • Gong Yee and Frank Yee of New York
  • Frank Yu of Houston
  • Fred Yee of Seattle
  • Edward Yee of Detroit
  • Larry Yee of San Francisco
  • Martin Yee, James Yu and Wing Yee of Vancouver
  • Melinda Yee, Sherman Yee and Henry Yee of Sacramento
  • Peter Yee, Ho Lee Yee and Winston Yee of New England
  • Richard Yue of Hong Kong
  • Ying Hua Yu of Edmonton
Jim Yee, Vancouver

Happy Holidays!  Greetings from San Francisco HQ to All!


President Gene Yee Message:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! As we celebrate the winter holiday, may it be a healthy, prosperous and joyous time for you and your family.

I would like to thank everyone for your support and hard work in making 2008 a wonderful experience for me as president of the Yee Family Association.

I am looking forward to continue our hard work to serve our family members, friends and the community in making it a better place to live. Peace on Earth. Thank you!

2009 Officers of San Francisco Yee Family Association: -

President Gene Yee and Vice
                    President Zhen Zhao Yu accept SFHQ Seal from Elder
                    Damon Yee

President – Gene Yee
Vice President – Zhen Zhao Yu
Chinese Secretary – Kai Yi Yu
Assistant Chinese Secretary – Ying Xiang Yu
English Secretary – Eddie Yee
Assistant English Secretary – William Yu
Treasurer – Man S. Yee and Tao Yu
Auditor – Gill Yee and Kee Nim Yu
PR – Kevin Yu and Shi Ru Yu
Activities and Welfare Chair – Yuhuan Yu and Wei Jian Yu


Hop Wo
                  Benevolent Association President in 2009 to 2010, SFHQ
                  Elder, Damon Yee

Our executive board of director, a.k.a. elder Damon Yee, will be Hop Wo Benevolent Association President in 2009 to 2010. He will serve as Presiding President at the prestigious Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (a.k.a. Six Companies) during the months of July and August in 2009. The CCBA is the grand daddy of family associations in the Chinese community.

Event Calendar:

December 19, 2008 at 2pm – Winter Solstice day with eating Chinese yong or Tongyuán.

December 21, 2008 Christmas Party starting at 12pm to 1:30pm.

January 1, 2009 at 3pm – Inauguration of officers and board of directors. Followed by dinner at 5pm.

January 26, 2009 – Chinese New Year ceremony.

For more information, you can call (415) 982-1667 or email

Larry Yee, San Francisco HQ

Clay Sculpture of Ancestor Yee Jing



This clay sculpture design of Ancestor Yee Jing was drafted by Ms. Wu Ya Lin, an author, professor, sculptor and poet. She is currently the incumbent Assistant Director of The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, where she graduated with a Master's degree in 1982. This lifelike clay sculpture draft proposal will be finalized in December, 2008.

襄公塑像泥稿,作者吳雅琳(女),教授、雕塑家、詩人。 現任廣州美術學院雕塑系副主任,碩士生導師。泥稿定於2008/12/定稿。 ——余炯

吳雅琳這位頗負盛名的女雕塑家,1982 年畢業於廣州美術學院雕塑系,她一直在西方雕塑藝術的熏陶下,又對中國古典文化、古體詩詞有著無比的熱愛,不但 各大名家典故如數家珍,還寫得一手漂亮的古 體詩詞,這使得她在藝術家的開朗隨和中總是隱隱透出一種文人式的矜持。

Mo Kai Middle School 23rd Anniversary

On December 5, the Taishan Mo Kai Middle school celebrated its 23rd anniversary and the annual scholarship presentation ceremony.

Congratulations to the Newly Elected 2009 Officers of the Detroit YFT

Newly elected Detroit
                    YFT Officers

Some of the Detroit YFT Chapter's newly elected officers for 2009 are pictured here. Left to right, Allan Yee (English secretary), Willy Yee (vice president), Dick Yee (president), and Ron Yee (English secretary). The complete list of officers is being printed up and will be posted when it is available.

Photos courtesy of Cathie Agacinski.

Upcoming Events

Spring Banquet: Sunday, March 1st, 2009
Golden Harvest Restaurant
6880 E 12 Mile Rd Warren,
MI 48092

Contact us for more information.
Edward Yee, Detroit

New England Installs 2009 officers


Sunday, 7 December 2008, a cold dreary day with continuous light snow flurries, some 30 members brave the weather to meet in the warm Association hall for the installation of our 2009 officers. The proceedings were moderated by our Chinese Secretary Ken-Hing and officiated by our Grand Elder Henry.

Our president, Jimmy Ho-Lee thank everyone for attending in such poor weather conditions. He express appreciation and thankful for the smooth process that the re-election will allow him to serve another term as president. Over the past year he was honored to serve the Association and gained experience in community affairs while meeting many new friends. However, he is concerned that our basement store has been vacant for a year resulting in a lost of income. Also, not ever having been involved with convention proceedings, he must now plan for the 23rd US Convention in New York scheduled for August 2009, and possibly, the 4th World Convention in Malaysia, tentatively thinking it may be in November 2009. He's positive that with the help and co-operation of the officers and membership, the tasks will be successful.

Vice-president Jack also thank the membership for his re-election, then urged everyone to ask and bring more Yee family people to the Association. They are at the Association every Sunday, so please do come in for some socializing.

Grand Elder Henry praised and encouraged our members continue to respect each other and to maintain our peaceful trouble free organization. Advisor Kenneth express appreciation, and good for the Association, that we have 2 new people elected as officers this year.

The president then introduced the 2009 slate of new officers:

President: Jimmy Ho-Lee.
Vice President: Jack.
Chinese Secretaries: Chu Choi, Ken-Hing.
English Secretaries: Peter, Winston.
Treasurers: Kwok-Chi, King-Sun.
Bookkeeper: Kathy, ( Mrs. Winston).
Auditor: Yim.
Property Manager: Sherita (Mrs. Kwok-Chi).
Recreation Director: Yuen Bing.
Public Relations: Kenneth, Sarah.
Office Manager: Chu Choi.
Legal Advisors: Kenneth MP, Paul.
Delegate to CCBA: Tony, Jim.
Women's Group Chair: Mei-Hau, Karen.
Women's Group Secretary: So (Mrs. Ho-Lee)

Upcoming Events

Thursday, January 26, 2009
12 PM - 中午十二時農曆牛年初一團拜/Celebrating the 1st day of Chinese New Year.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
12 PM - 中午十二時祭祖/The Ancestral Memorial Ceremony.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
9 AM - 4 PM - 上午九時至下午四時售賣春宴餐券/Chinese New Year banquet tickets on sale.
Sunday, February 28, 2009
6 PM - 下午六時假座帝苑酒家舉行春節聯歡暨敬老宴會及頒發二零零八年度獎學金./The Spring Festival and Seniors Appreciation banquet will be held at 6pm at the Empire Garden Restaurant on 690 Washington Street, Boston. The year of 2008 scholarship will be awarded.

接受大學獎學金申請表時間由 1 月4 日 至 2 月 1 日止, 詳情請聯繫本堂, 電話 : 617-338-8179. 或請按此下 載申請表格. /Scholarship Application will be accepted from January 4 to February 1, 2009. Please call 617-338-8179 for more information. Click here for application form.
Winston Yee, Boston

Congratulations to the Newly Elected 2009 Seattle Yee Family Association Officers

The 2009 officers were elected at the annual meeting held on December 7, 2008.
Shek Jing Yee was re-elected as the Seattle Yee Family Association President.  Shum Yee was also re-elected as the Chapter's Vice President.

Congratulations to our newly elected 2009 Officers.

Senior Advisor West Coast: James Yee
Advisors: Hing Yu, Jim Yee, James Yee, Suey Yee, Fred Yee

President: Shek Jing Yee
Vice President: Shum Yee
Chinese Secretary: Kit Fung Yue, Wing Suen Yee
English Secretary: Chun Pan Yee, Danny Yu
Treasurer: Yao Dong Yu, Fred Yee

Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Mark your calendars, annual New Year Banquet will be held on March 5th, more details to follow at our web page.

Fred Yee, Seattle

YFT Society of Canada, YFT Society of Vancouver and Fung Toy Alumni Christmas Luncheon

The Fung Toy Alumni, the YFT Society of Canada and the YFT Society of Vancouver co-hosted this year's Christmas luncheon at the Society Hall at 11:30 am on December 14.

86 members and guests braved the icy cold weather and arrived at the Society Hall to celebrated this cheerful annual event.

Mrs. Rose Yee set up the Karaoke equipment and microphones for the singers of the Fung Toy Alumni and the Fung Toy Recreation Committee members.


The Christmas atmosphere was very joyous and merry. The Hall was filled with Christmas decorations and the musical sounds of Christmas.

The YFT Society of Canada Chairman, Mr. Kan Yu and the YFT Society of Vancouver Chairman, Mr. Jim Yee gave welcome speeches, wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.

Followed by the luncheon arranged by our YFT Society Vice-Chair, Mr. Steven Yee.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in this year's event.

Seasons Greetings! Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

Martin Yee, Vancouver

Celebrate Winter Solstice (Dong Zhi-冬至)


In the village of Southern China, like Guangdong province, villagers celebrate Dong Zhi every year around this time by eating "Tong-Yon", glutinous rice balls. The "rice ball" is round which symbolizes unity or together with family members and friends just like the Western people celebrated their Thanksgiving.

On Sunday morning, December 14th, President Jimmy Ho Lee and Jack arrived the Association at 9AM to prepare the chicken broth, cutting vegetables and making the "Tong-Yon", with the help of advisor Kwok-Chi and other members of the Women's Group. The lunch was ready and served at 12:00 noon.


After lunch, some members stayed and played a round of "Mah-Jong", some practiced of singing, dancing and Tai-Chi Fan. Everyone enjoyed the good food and had a wonderfully time.

Peter Yee, New England

Yee Association of Sacramento Children's Christmas Celebration

A children's Christmas Celebration was held on Sunday, December 21st for the children of the Sacramento Yee Association members.

Each child, 12 years old and under, received Christmas Lucky Money from the association.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, January 4, 2009

12 PM - The Inauguration Ceremony of the 2009 elected officers will be held in the Association Hall. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
2 PM - General Board Meeting
6 PM - Dinner reception for all retiring and newly elected officers.

Melinda Yee, Sacramento

Houston Yee Fung Toy Association Officers for 2009

Houston YFT officers

Congratulations! newly elected 2009 Officers.

2009 Houston Yee Fung Toy
                    Association Officers

Advisors: Lewis Yee, David Chung, Kam Yu
Chairman: Frank Yu, Alan Yu
Secretary(Chinese): Pauline Yee, Art Yee
Secretary (English): Frank Yu, Alan Yu
Treasurer: Winnie Yu, Lily Yu
Auditor: Paul Yee, Vicki Ong
Youth: Roger Yu, Elaine Yu
Scholarships: Vicki Ong, David Chung
Website: Natalie Yu, Stephen Yu
Women Group: Sue Ann Chu Yu, Siu Yee
CCC Delegates: Lewis Yee, Natalie Yu, Frank Yu, Lily Yu

Upcoming Events

New Year Eve event - NBA Basketball - Milwaukee Bucks vs Houston Rockets

On New Year Eve exactly 100 members and friends will attend the Houston vs Milwaukee NBA game.

Top raffle
                  prize at the 2009 Houston YFT Spring banquet

As a member of the Executive Board of Yao Ming Fan Club, I was able to get the minimum 100 discounted tickets, with partial subsidy from our Summer Activities Fund, to secure a Rockets signature basketball.

We plan to use the ball as our top raffle prize at the 2009 Spring banquet.


In case some of the readers don’t know who Yao Ming is, above is a picture of me (5'-7") standing tall above the squatting 7'-6" Yao.

Chinese New Year Banquet & Scholarship Awards

Fellow Yee Family members and friends, please join us to bring in the Year of the Ox at our annual Spring Banquet.

When: February 15, 2009 (Sunday) at 6:30 pm.
Where: Ocean Palace Restaurant
           11215 Bellaire Blvd.,
           Houston, TX 77072 Tel: 281-988-8898
For more information: please visit our web site, Events page.

Frank Yu, Houston

Installation of New York YFT 2009 Officers

The New York Yee Fong Toy Association held its Inauguration Ceremony for the 2009 elected officers on Sunday, December 28th.

Congratulations to President Gong Sum and all the newly elected 2009 team. As the first American born Chinese member to serve as Vice President, I felt a definite air of change for our family association. Not only is our team younger, we are more bilingual and a more dynamic group. Change has finally come for our family association.

The recognition and support from the Chinese Community have been amazing. Especially this year, I was astounded by all the flower baskets that lined both sides of the stairway, hallway and into our ceremony hall. These were all sent from the various organizations and associations to congratulate and wish our 2009 team great success.

We began with our traditional ceremonies at 1:00 PM. Guests and members quickly packed our hall to capacity.

On behalf of our association, please accept our apologies that some did not get a seat. We were honored to have CCBA President Justin Yu, Lin Sing Association VP 吳國基, Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association President 伍權碩, Chinese Free Mason's Presidents 許健生、李國良, Tong On Association, Kwong Hoy Association, Inspector Gin Yee as well as our Ma and Tse cousins attending this occasion.

This year we were also fortunate to have SinoVision Television as well as all the local newspaper come to cover our event.


Continuing with the installation ceremony, outgoing President Kenneth then gave his farewell speech. Kenneth thanked everyone for making these last four years go by so quickly and smoothly. He also remarked that the two new presidents are the best people for the job, both talented and well educated. Kenneth then said that he was sure the two presidents will lead the Association to a better future and serve the community in harmony.

                  Gong Sum

Next, President Gong thanked everyone for their support and expressed his commitment to serve and do good for the community.

I continued to welcome everyone and thanked everyone for the flower baskets and wished everyone a happy and healthy New Year. I also wanted to acknowledge and thank the leaders of our association for their support. Without their encouragement, I would never have considered serving as Vice President.

Our Grand Elder Peter spoke briefly about the importance of this year. He said that our association will be hosting the 23rd U.S. National Yee family convention in August. Also it has been 18 years since New York last hosted this convention and we have to do our best to make this event memorable.

                  President Justin Yu

CCBA President Justin Yu, next joked that every time be comes to our hall he felt that this place is getting smaller but in reality there are more and more people. He continued saying although his last name sounds like Yu, it is not the same. However, he thinks the name has brought him good luck and wishes for continued cooperation between the Yee Fong Toy and CCBA.

Finally, Inspector Gin Yee confirmed that our association is growing and he looks forward to working with the two newly appointed presidents to keep the association in unity. After a brief photo session, everyone enjoyed the buffet luncheon. All asides, this year, I am confident that, together with President Gong Sum and our members we can make a difference and lead our family association to greatness.

Congratulations! newly elected 2009 Officers are as follows:

National Grand President Eastern U.S.:
President: Hin Leung (Cleveland)

National Grand President Western U.S.:
President: Joseph Yu (San Francisco)
Vice President: Alan Yee (Southern California)
Grand Elders: Wai Hing Yu, Peter Yee
Grand Advisor: John B. Yee
Advisors: Hem Fook Yee, Andy Yu, Kenneth Yee
Presidents: Gong Sum Yee, Frank Yee
Honorary Advisor: Kwong Y. Yee
Legal Advisor: Ms. Suk Wah Mah
Delegates to CCBA: Gong Sum Yee, Frank Yee
Chinese Secretaries: Dian Rong Yu, Foo Quock Yee
English Secretaries: May Yee, Shek Kun Yu
Treasurers: Jin Shao Yu, Sam Yee
Auditors: Kin Kong Yee, Dong Rong Yu
Public Relations: Jackie Yu, Eugene Yee
Building Presidents: Kenneth Yee, Kwong Y. Yee
Honorary General Counsel: Lai Sun Yee

Women's League

Presidents: Kennie Yee, Kathy Yu
Treasurer: May Yee
Auditor: May Eng
Chinese Secretary: Elaine Yee
English Secretaries: Sally Chin
Public Relations: Jannie Yee, Maggie Yu

Upcoming Events

Monday, January 26th, 2009
Gung Hay Fat Choy! Lunar Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox (4707). Members can stop by to get your hong bao/lai see (red envelope/lucky money).

Saturday, February 21st, 2009
Association's Chinese New Year/Spring Banquet to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year and to honor senior members. Banquet celebration will start at 6PM at Jing Fong Restaurant, 20 Elizabeth Street, NY 10013. (details to follow)...

For link to short news clip from Sinovision TV click here.

Frank Yee, New York

Making a Difference in 2009!

23rd National Yee Fung Toy Family Association Convention


Please mark your Calenders. 23rd National Yee Fung Toy Family Association Convention will be held in New York on August 8-11.

Host city contact info:
NY Yee Fong Toy Association
81 Bayard Street, 2nd fl
New York, NY 10013

2008 New Year's Eve Celebration at Toyota Center in Houston

Yao Ming Fan Club, with support from other Chinese organizations, spearheaded this year end celebration to witness an exciting basketball game between the Houston Rockets and the Milwaukee Bucks at the Toyota Center. The 1,500 red-clad Chinese felt right at home in front of the 18,228 capacity crowd to usher the old and welcome the new with Yao Ming.

The United Associations of Chinese Alumni in Houston and Yee Fung Toy Association of Houston formed a 20-member honored guard team, aka Tunnel Greeters. Upon entering the court during the pre-game warm-up, Yao Ming and team-mates slapped hands with them in appreciation. Another 10-member team served as the bench warmers, literally sitting on the players un-occupied chairs to "warm up the bench", so to speak. Finally, each member of the ball-exchange team received a mini-signature ball from each of the 5 starting line-up player. What an honor and experience!

As part of the pre-game show, Pang's Dancing Academy marshaled up 25 talented youngsters in traditional Chinese red festive costumes, toting lanterns and waving streamers to perform a spectacular New Year dance. What an accompaniment of red—Rockets team color, Chinese traditional color, and tonight’s crowd dressed in red—heralding a red hot year in 2009!

Houston YFT
                  representative Chairman Frank Yu

Yao Ming Fan Club Board members presented a huge banner labeled: Go Yao Ming, Go Rockets, Shine in 2009, with signatures from many supporters, to the Houston Rockets. Each Board member was awarded a Rockets signature ball for having sold 100 or more tickets for this event. The Chinese Community Center supporters now formed the 10-member tunnel greeters to welcome the players back for the second half. Although the Rockets led all the way in the first half, the third and fourth quarters were quite different. It was nip-and tuck all the way until the final few seconds where the Rockets prevailed 85-81. The vocal support from Yao Ming Fan Club members had much to do with the outcome, as they screamed the hearts and lungs out which triggered Yao to register a double-double (22 points, 10 rebounds). His FG was 9/18 and FT was 4/4 in 30 minutes and 43 seconds earned him the game MVP, culminating an undefeated streak for all home games against the Milwaukee Bucks since his joining the NBA in 2002.

Ms. Song Haiyan sang the Drinking Song for the post game entertainment to cap off a remarkable night.

Source: USA Sino News
Translated by Frank Yu, Houston

Sacramento YFT Inauguration Ceremony for 2009 Elected Board Members

Inauguration Ceremony for the 2009 Elected Officers was held at the Association Hall on Sunday - Jan. 4, 2008.

We paid homage to ancestors, followed by a Dim Sum lunch at 12 PM and a General Meeting at 2 PM.

That evening, we had a dinner banquet for the retiring and newly elected officers.

Grand Elder: Herbert K. Yee
Grand Advisors: Hsui Young Yee, Gene K. Yee
Advisors: Kwok Ping Yu, John K. Yee, Sherman Yee, Donald Fong
Stanley Yee
Vice President: Robert Yee
English Secretary: Eugene Yee
Chinese Secretary: Henry Yee
Treasurer: Sam Yee
Assistant Treasurer: Shui Sum Yu
Auditor: Ock Ting Yee
Building President: Tom Yee
Legal Advisor: Jimmy Yee
Executive Committee Member: Moon Wai Yee
General Affairs Administrator: Sui Wah Yu

Installation of the YFT Society of Canada 2009 - 2012 Officers

Happy New Year! Wish you all have a prosperous 2009!

After three weeks of record breaking heavy snow storm, Vancouverites are finally enjoying a relatively mild winter weather again, except for those residents living in the low-lying areas that are still affected by the heavy rainfall, and the melting snow that has caused flooding and some mud slides.

On Saturday, January 10th 2009, the newly elected board members came to the YFT Hall for the Inauguration Ceremony. The ceremony took place shortly after 12 noon. It was arranged by the secretary Mr. Wing Yee and was witnessed by the advisors Dick Yee and Jim Yu. There were about 25 people gathered at the Hall to witness the ceremony.

Congratulations to Chairman Kan Yu and all the newly elected 2009 - 2012 Board of Directors.

Honorary Advisors: Bill Yee, Jim Yu, Johnson Yee (Hong Kong), Shao Xian Yu.
Advisor: Dick Yee.

Chairman: Kan Yu.
Vice-Chairs: Wayne B. Yee, James Yu, Phillip Yu.
Secretary: Wing Yee, Martin Yee.
Treasurer: Gary Yee, Wayne B. Yee.
Auditor: Albert Yu, Benita Yee
Public Relations: Jim Yee, Albert Yu.
Welfare: Steven Yee, Ping Shang Yee.
Building Manager: David Yee, Wayne B. Yee.
Women Committee: Mrs. Shui Chi Yu (nee Lee), Mrs. Siu Ling Yee (nee Chan).
Elected Directors: Jim Yee, James Yu, Gary Yee, Kan Yu, Wayne B. Yee, Wing Yee, Steven Yee, Martin Yee, Benita Yee, David Yee, Albert Yu, Ping Shang Yee, Stephen Shao Ran Yu (Montreal), Wayne Yee (Ontario), Jack Charles Yee (Calgary), Frank Yee (Edmonton), Mrs. Shui Chi Yu (Vancouver).

                  Kan Yu reports the YFT Society of Canada 2008

Mr. Kan Yu presented thoroughly with his report for the four years of duties in his office. He highlighted a few events, particularly, the 15th YFT National convention in Edmonton, and the involvement to assist the family of the late (Simon Fraser University student) Huichun Yu's funeral service in Vancouver, Canada.

The secretary, the treasurer, and the property manager were all in turn reported their duties of the four year term. The property manager Mr. Wayne Yee at the end of his report made recommendation to have the roof of our building replaced with new roofing. The existing roof is over 15 years old and we have experienced a few leakages and patching repairs had cost us a few thousand dollars. It is no longer justified to pay for further repairs and getting a new roof is undoubtedly the solution.

Installation of the new officers was presented by Advisor Dick Yee. All officers raised their right hand for the swearing-in ceremony along with Advisor, to commit themselves for the upcoming four years.


The inauguration ceremony ended with a luncheon reception. Thanks to Uncle Steven Yee in arranging for the tasty meal.


The 2009 first Board meeting was held at 2 PM. After the fiscal financial statements and its summary were reported, the Board members attention were drawn immediately to the Balance Sheet. Our retail bay next door is currently vacant. It means a monthly income amount approximately to $4500 will be lost as a result. It is the Board's responsibility to seek for a possible remedy to minimize this loss. A detailed run down on each expense was also analyzed and it seemed there was not much the Board could possibly do or be improved. Finally, Chairman Kan initiated to forgo his own transportation expense for 2009. It was followed by all officers, voluntarily to have their transportation expenses suspended for 2009 as well.

Considering their frequent travels to Chinatown to perform their duties at the YFT, the secretary, the treasurer and the maintenance personnel would have their transportation expenses remain unchanged. However, Mr. Wing Yee, the secretary insisted to waive his portion like everyone else. His kindness and generosity was rewarded with a round of applause.

There is no question that we all are facing a financial tsunami personally or as a company. We have faith that we shall overcome this crisis if we stay together and make some level of personal sacrifice. It would also help if we would contribute more time and energy to work things out.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 14th, 2009
YFT Society of Canada's Chinese New Year/Spring Banquet - to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year and the annual YFT Society of Vancouver Scholarship presentation. Ancestral Ceremony at 12:00PM, followed by refreshments at YFT Society Headquarters. Banquet celebration will start at 6PM at the Floata Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown.

James Yu, Vancouver

PRC Consul General Huang Ping Visits Chicago YFT

The Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Chicago, Mr. Huang Ping (黄屏), continue to visit the Chicago Chinese community in Chinatown between January 17th and 19th, wishing them all a happy Chinese New Year of the Ox.


The YFT Family Association of Chicago was visited by the PRC Consul General and his delegates on January 18th. Members of the YFT welcome the Consulate-General and his delegates.


NYC Yee Fong Toy Association Celebrates Chinese Lunar New Year

The NYC Yees celebrated Chinese Lunar New Year Sunday morning February 8 at the Yee Fong Toy Association on 81 Bayard Street in NYC Chinatown.

Yee's Hung-Ga International Kung Fu Association Dragon and Lion Dance Team led by Grand Master Yee Chi Wai (Frank Yee) performed a special Lion Dance and Martial Arts demonstration to mark 4707 on the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Ox.


President Gong Sum Yee and Vice President Frank Yee invited the lion and dragon dance teams to pay their respects to revered family founder Yee Fung Toy (aka Yee Jing and Chung-sheung) before the ancestral altar.

Then the dance teams gave a spectacular show in front of the association headquarters ending with the lion dancers scaling the building wall to retrieve the symbolic "cabbage" from the 2nd story balcony. Yee officers showered the lively crowd of over 300 people with confetti from the cache of popping sticks.


The thrilling martial arts demonstrations with various weapons followed.

All enjoyed the festivities on this beautiful NYC day and will not soon forget the memorable Chinese Lunar New Year celebration at the Yee Fong Toy Association.

David Yee, New York

Editor Note:

David Yee, M.D., M.P.H. is a Urologic Oncology Fellow at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and a former editor of Accents, a University of California Asian American newspaper. He is also a contributor to the Yee Fung Toy Global Village.

What is in the Next Issue?

The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid June, featuring reports of Ching Ming and Spring celebrations at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (editor @ or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by May 15.