The Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice


Issue 39 2014/06/15




Fung Toy

春季號(第 111 期)

                      Spring 2014 Issue cover  FTM Spring 2014 Issue Contents


Feng Cai Middle
                  School 開平市風采校園生活




各位親愛的宗親、各位讀者,大家好!歡迎來到第三十九期的「風采電子季刊」, 這是世界余氏宗親團体的電子訊報。

這期的「風采電子季刊」以各地余風采堂舉辦的春節聯歡、清明時節慶活動為主題。 各風采分堂之活動由各余氏宗親會提供。

二○一四年八月二十三日(星期六)對舍路余風采堂來說可算是一個值得銘記的重要日子,因這天是舍路余風采堂慶祝新會址落成,舉行開幕典禮誌慶, 歡迎您出席共襄盛舉。以下是舍路余風采堂的邀請函。

最後仍是這一句: 歡迎你們對本季刊繼續提出寶貴的意見和建議,使我們在來年度製作季刊時能更加進步,精益求精。 再次感謝大家,並請繼續給我們支持和鼓勵!


    • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的余美湛先生、余榮燊先生、余金星先生。
    • 美國余風采總堂的余健全先生、余武良先生。
    • 美國紐約余風采堂的余宏基先生。
    • 美國斐匿余風采堂的余文焯先生、余文澤先生。
    • 美國二埠余風采堂的余李慕蓮女士。
    • 美國舍路余風采堂的余海量先生、余紹江先生。
    • 美國積彩余風采堂的余次屏先生、余國倫先生。
    • 香港余氏宗親會理事長余海虎先生、香港余風采五堂會秘書李炳佳先生、余健倫先生。
    • 新加坡余氏總會余子基先生、余金龍先生。





出席宴會的嘉賓包括中華人民共和國駐紐約領事館張美芳副總領事、黃宗文領事、 紐約州聯邦參議員查克•舒默 ( Chuck Schumer)、 曼哈頓區區長布魯爾( Gale Brewer)、紐約州參議員史葛靜辦公室社區華人代表張笑瑛、紐約市議員陳倩雯、 駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處范國樞副處長、駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處華僑文教服務中心譚雪珍副主任、 中華公所主席吳國基,波士頓余氏宗親,馬氏和謝氏世表等也到場致賀。



美國余風采總堂婦女部於三月八日中午在舊金山堂所熱鬧舉行慶祝「三、八」婦女節活動, 婦女部主任余永源夫人、副主任余煦鴻夫人、顧問文山夫人,與婦女部各位嬸姆姐妹喜聚一堂聚餐聯歡。 今年並特別邀請到會聚大埠舉行會議的全美各地余氏首長一同參加聚餐慶祝活動, 共同慶祝「三、八」婦女節這個有意義的節日,首長嘉賓會聚慶祝,滿堂歡樂喜氣洋洋。


中文書記余柱鋒夫人主持慶會,主任余永源夫人致歡迎詞稱,今次是婦女部第八屆慶祝 「三、八」 婦女節活動,感謝各位余氏首長光臨,這是對婦女部的尊重及榮幸。 成立八年的婦女部,在各位首長委員的大力支持及捐助下,會務發展越辦越好。 每年慶祝「三、八」婦女節這個有意義的節日,是重要的活動之一。 今年很高興首次請到各位余氏首長一同參與,希望大家一同享用豐盛的午餐,共渡快樂時光。


美國余風采總堂春宴 逾千人到賀

美國余風采總堂二○一四年春節聯歡慶會於三月九日隆重舉行。喜慶不忘追思先祖,是日正午在舊金山該總堂舉行莊嚴肅穆的祭祖典禮, 奉上七頭金豬全蹄,還特邀梁館白鶴醒獅團表演助興,總堂門前金龍瑞獅騰舞,十萬嚮鞭炮齊鳴,在絢麗陽光 下,全家福大合照, 留下美好回憶,呈現一派春禧盎然景象。

當晚,在舊金山華埠新亞洲大酒樓與半島酒家同步舉行慶祝聯歡盛典,筵開一○八席。 加州評稅局委員余淑婷宗妹、密爾布瑞市 (Millbrae) 市長李偉忠、舊金山市議會議長邱信福、市議員馬兆光親臨祝賀並頒發賀狀; 加州參議員余胤良、市估值官朱嘉文、余鼎昂、湯凱蒂市長均派代表蒞臨致賀並頒發賀狀; 「三藩市小商業委員會」委員余愛蓮宗妹;中華總會館總董暨肇慶總會館主席吳耀庭、 寧陽總會館主席蔡文燦、合和總會館主席余習文、岡州總會館主席陳振民、三邑總會館主席張冠榮、 中華通事關沃明;東華醫院院長伍璇燦、中華主席團前任主席周達昌、余銓針;美國余風采總堂主席余武良、 副主席余永源;全美余氏元老余文勁、余習文、余祝祐、余仕昂、余臻發、余顯良、余健全、余景新; 美西總長余以信、副總長余海量;美東總長余超群、副總長余鋼深;總顧問余樹湛、余保忠、余緒揚;顧問:余煦鴻、 余樹勳、余允仁、余振兆;婦女部主任余永源夫人、副主任余煦鴻夫人等首長職員,暨中西政要、僑社領袖、 社會先進、馬氏世表、謝氏世表、余紹賢堂,以及各埠分堂余氏宗親一千多人傾情盛會,共享歡樂。


主席余武良首先致歡迎詞感謝來自各埠的余氏首長宗親、馬氏、謝氏世表,以及各界朋友賞面光臨, 歡聚一堂,共賀春禧。亦感謝大家的撥冗光臨,是對余氏宗親的支持。他說,藉着喜慶之時,本堂不忘慈善公益, 特意捐贈二萬元善款給予東華醫院。與此同時,更要感謝前輩艱辛付出,無私奉獻心力,留下基業, 福蔭後人。他希望余氏宗親團結一心,共同謀求會務更大的發展,爲繁榮族務、爲僑社和諧作出貢獻。

來自波士頓的美東總長余超群致春宴詞向大家拜個晚年。很高興與大家齊聚一堂,共慶新年。 呼籲余氏宗親踴躍參與明年八月一日至五日在波士頓舉辦的全美余氏第廿五屆懇親大會,共襄盛舉。

美西總長余以信遠道洛杉磯亦獻上祝福話語。他指出,本堂是鞏固基業、凝聚宗親力,念祖懷親的地方, 他寄望大家,以包容之心團結一致,發展會務,只有團結才有力量,有力量才有進步。他說,華盛頓 DC 及西雅圖余氏分堂將成立,余氏隊伍日益壯大,共同為族務作出努力。

中華總董吳耀庭説,余氏春宴歡聚一堂,念祖感恩,藉此他代表中華總會館同人致以祝賀及敬意。 他讚揚歷史悠久的余風采堂,有著不尋常的歷程,為宗親謀福利,可圈可點,成績斐然。總堂與旗下十四分堂互動互助, 人才濟濟,出類拔萃,為宗親帶榮耀和光榮,受到社區的讚許。祈盼該堂新的一年,堂務蒸蒸日上, 會務更上層樓。











余海量顧問還宣佈,舍路余風采堂謹訂於八月二十三日(星期六)舉辦新會址落成開幕典禮, 詳細資訊將在不久後發送。



大鳳凰城僑聯總會換屆 余文澤當選新一屆主席

後排左起 Brenda Fung、余文焯、鄭永強、余詠喻、徐強。


選舉結果,斐匿余風采堂代表余文澤當選為大鳳凰城僑聯總會 2014 年度主席,副主席為崔增祁、張肇鴻、鄧洪鉞。 英文書記:余文焯。 中文書記:徐強。 財政:鄭永強。 核數:余詠喻。 通訊秘書:Brenda Fung

余文澤長期在通用動力公司的無線系統任總工程師,曾獲得過 29 項美國專利,是個工作有鑽勁,認真負責的人,他長期服務宗親團體和僑聯,擔任過斐匿余風采堂主席,在 ABC 系中樹有威信。

僑聯總會目前由有十八個僑團組成,分別是鄧心平退伍軍人會、科工專協會、鳳凰城同源會、華美專業協會、 中華商會、亞省中餐館會、沙漠玉婦女會、鳳凰城龍岡公所、鄧高密公所、海外華人婦女會、華人耆英會、 華人福利會、榮光會、台灣同鄉聯誼會、黃氏宗親會、余風采堂、英端工商會,中國周委員會。 僑聯總會每年年初舉行僑團大會,以每個團體委派兩位代表參加投票,共同推選出新一年度的主席和其它董事局的成員。

上屆主席張華芳工作成效卓越,她在發言中對過去兩年的工作進行了總結,感謝大家所作出的努力。 大家以熱烈掌聲對她的工作表示肯定和贊許。

僑聯今年工作將繼續展開傳統的慶祝美國國慶活動,並將全力協辦鳳凰衛視美洲台在亞利桑那州舉辦的 “中華小姐” 十週年美洲賽區選美,這是一次盛大的賽事,將提升亞省華人的知名度。 大家在會議中踴躍發言,熱烈討論,主席余文澤對今後的工作作出了新規劃和人事安排。




新加坡余氏總會於四月六日(星期日,農曆三月初七)中午十二時正在總會的和順廳舉行甲午年春祭典禮, 春秋二祭在於飲水思源、慎終追遠,看到越來越多的年輕人前來參與祭祀余氏先祖的典禮,是很令人鼓舞的。

會員宗親出席了隆重的慶典。主持祭典的主祭是由德高望重者擔任,還有兩位陪祭。 祭臺上擺滿茶水、美酒、三牲、菜飯、水果、財帛,敬奉先人。 祭典過後,大家齊聚一堂,共用豐富的午餐,也借此聯繫宗親情誼。





現場還有安良曲藝社演奏的傳統粵劇為當天的宴會添加了節日氣氛,及 50/50 彩券抽獎等娛樂節目助興。



新加坡余氏總會的三十二位宗親,在二○一四年四月十四日早上七時十五分從會所出發, 坐旅遊巴士經過兩個多鐘頭的路程,途經永平鎮休息購物,便抵達馬來西亞柔佛州麻坡的余氏宗祠, 出席宗祠成立八十周年暨青年團成立十六周年紀念的盛大慶典。 受邀前來參與盛會的還有來自大馬各州的余氏宗親和海外宗親。。

我們在中午到達宗祠,受到麻甲余氏宗祠的領導與宗親們的熱情招待。向麻甲余氏宗祠致祭敬禮之後, 賓主歡聚交流,糕點招待,相談甚歡。午後,我們到麻坡著名的南亭寺善才爺進香。晚上, 我們出席了熱鬧的迎賓宴會,和來自各地的宗親們歡飲高歌。


八十周年紀念晚宴在十五日晚上假麻坡中化中學大禮堂舉行。出席的嘉賓達一千一百六十多人, 包括國會議員和麻甲宗親,還有大馬各州的余氏宗親團以及新加坡、泰國、港澳、臺灣、中國永春、江門的余氏族人。 晚會上呈獻精彩的舞蹈等娛興節目,各團體也贈送紀念品留念, 最後是以切八十周年的巨大蛋糕和唱生日歌為壓軸,盛大的晚宴圓滿結束。




香港余氏宗親會余海虎理事長於日前接受邀請前往台北參加國際食品安全會議, 並順道拜訪桃園縣余姓宗親會,藉此促進兩地之間的情誼。 期間得到該會余寶雄理事長,余遠深總幹事及理監事殷勤招待及安排暢遊慈湖紀念雕塑公園, 閒談中被此互相交換了會務寶貴意見。

海虎理事長對此行,深感獲益良多,並知悉桃園縣余姓宗親會,有意於明年組團前往參加澳門世余懇親大會, 故誠邀該會宗親,屆時順道來港一行,共聚宗親情誼。



下一期的風采電子季刊將在二零一四年九月中出版, 報導「夏季活動」為主題。 歡迎大家投稿。 稿件需在二零一四年八月十五日前經電郵 (world.yee @ 或郵寄 ( 風采電子季刊, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。


In this Issue:

Message from the Editor

YFT Chapter Reports

What is in the Next Issue?

Message from the Editor

Welcome to the 39th issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In this issue we are featuring Spring activities from associations around the world.

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association requests the pleasure of your presence of the Grand Opening of the Seattle YFT new Office building on Saturday, August 23, 2014. Ancestor ceremony at noon and dinner banquet at 6pm at the House of Hong Restaurant, for more details or information please contact Fred Yee or Kevin Lee.

We welcome more Yee chapters to contribute events and activities reports from their locale.

We thank all those who have made contributions to this issue, including:

  • M. Cheak Yee, John Tang and David M. Yee of Phoenix
  • Edward Yee, Allan Yee of Detroit
  • Fred Yee and Kevin Lee of Seattle
  • Melinda Yee of Sacramento
  • Ho Lee Yee, Warren Yee of Boston
  • Larry Yee and William Yu of San Francisco
  • Jim Yee, James Yu, Jaime Yu, Vanessa Yu, Andrew Wong and Wing Yee of Vancouver
  • Frank Yee of New York
  • Peter Yu, Bing Kai Lee, Richard Yue, Johnson Yee of Hong Kong
  • Peter Yee, Daniel Yee of Singapore

Martin Yee, Vancouver

New York YFT Spring Banquet

Gung hay fat choy ( 恭喜發財!) sun tai keen hong ( 身體健康!) to all as we welcome the Year of the Horse 4712. The New York Yee Fong Toy Association held its Chinese Lunar New Year and honoring senior members’ celebration on Saturday, February 15, 2014.

Frank Yee, New York

Seattle Members attended San Francisco HQs Women's Day Celebration

Seattle YFT Chapter's members attended the San Francisco Headquarter Women Auxiliary's International Women's Day celebration luncheon on March 8th.

Kevin Lee, Seattle

Sacramento Yees Welcome the Year of the Horse

On Sunday, March 16th, we welcome the Year of the Horse and the Spring Festival celebration. A dim sum luncheon was held at the office, with guests from the San Francisco Yee Family Association Headquarter attending.
In the evening, there was a dinner banquet at Rice Bowl Restaurant for all members, families and guests.

Melinda Yee, Sacramento

Seattle YFT 2014 New Year Dinner

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association held its 2014 Spring banquet on March 20 at the Renton Seafood Restaurant.

A total of 60 YFT members and Ma Family Association members attended. During the banquet, Shek Jing, Chapter President, gave the welcoming speech and gave a brief summary of the Chapter activities during the last year, including the purchase of the Chapter's own property.

The MC for the evening was De Sum Yee. Fred Yee, Chapter Advisor, gave the Chapter report including the property purchase in English.

The 2012 US Yee Convention books were distributed among the guests. Fred Yee also announced the Grand Opening of the Seattle YFT new home will be held on August 23 and invitation details will be sent out in the near future.

Fred Yee, Seattle

Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix New President - David M. Yee

David M. Yee was elected as Phoenix Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix new President on March 26th at the Hong Lok Senior Living Center. All eighteen CUAGP members of the Phoenix Chinese United Association met in its annual general meeting and voted for its 2014 Board. David succeeded Helen Zhang as President. David previously served as First Vice President. Congrats David!

David follows now in the footsteps of his elder brother, the late Willie M. Yee, and his first cousin (Uncle) John M. Yee in leading the largest and broadest association in the local Chinese American community which previously had been almost entirely of Cantonese extraction of Siyi (‘Szeyup’) “Four Counties” area near Macau – with Taishan (Toishan) being the most prominent of the four.

Today in the Greater Phoenix area, David noted our Chinese American community has substantial numbers from Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Mainland, so that often enough, English is the common language.

Graduating from Arizona State University in Electrical Engineering, David has worked for forty plus years in that and related fields. First for Motorola, and now for a spinoff, General Dynamics.

He has been awarded numerous U.S. Patents. He has contributed generously of his time, talent, and resources to Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association, to Phoenix Chinese Week, to Phoenix Chinese Seniors Citizen Association, to Valley of the Sun Koi Club, to Phoenix Matsuri Festival and Japanese Friendship Garden, as well as to various professional associations and charities.

David in his brief inaugural remarks stressed that all Chinese Americans need to work together and he hope to promote our general unity during his term of office.

Photo by John H. Tang.

M. Cheak Yee, Phoenix

Singapore Yee Clan Spring Ancestral Remembrance Ceremony

Singapore Yee Clan held its Spring Ancestral Remembrance Ceremony on 6th April, 2014 at 12pm.

Members observed this annual event by taking part in the ceremony. It was encouraging to see the younger generations lingering with us. As usual, a table was laid full of offerings and food. The elders initiated the ceremony. After which all members enjoyed a sumptuous meal.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Yee.

Peter Yee, Singapore

Detroit YFT 2014 Spring Banquet


The Detroit Yee Fung Toy Association Spring Banquet was held on April 13, 2014 at the Golden Harvest Restaurant in Warren, Michigan. The dinner was held in partnership with the On Leong Association. Entertainment included a group of singers and musicians performing Chinese opera.

Members and their guests enjoyed a dinner consisting of seafood tofu soup, fried shrimp balls, beef with Chinese broccoli, lobster with ginger and onion, pork chops with special sauce, and several other dishes. There were also door prize and 50-50 raffles to add to the entertainment.

Photo courtesy of Brian Yee.

Edward Yee, Detroit

Muar Yee Clan 80th Anniversary Celebration

On the 14th April 2014 7:15am, 32 members of the Yee Clan Association (Singapore) took a 2 hour coach ride to Muar, Malaysia. On route, we stopped over at Yong Peng town to shop for some local produce. The Muar Yee Clan was celebrating their 80th Anniversary and regional Yee Clansmen were invited.

Next morning, all of us went for a day tour of Malacca, which was an hour’s drive away. Visited the King’s Well or Hang Li Po Well, Christ Church Melaka, Clock Tower and Hang Jebat Road for some small shopping.

The gala dinner was at Chung Hwa High School’s huge auditorium. Dinner was well attended by 1,160 guests - local and overseas. Representatives from China Yongchun, Jiangmen, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore were present. We were entertained with orchestra and dance performances. Representative Clans of their respective countries exchanged plaques and mementos with Muar Yee Clan. The grand finale of the dinner was cutting of a huge 80th Anniversary cake and singing the birthday song. That brought the grand dinner to a successful conclusion.

We were very grateful to the Muar Yee Clan for their efforts and looking after our comforts during this visit.

For more photos, please click here.

Peter Yee, Singapore

Chairman of the Hong Kong Yue Clansmen Association Visits Taiwan Yu's Family

The Chairman of the Hong Kong Yue Clansmen Association, Peter Yu recently accepted an invitation to travel to Taipei to attend the Asia Pacific International Conference on Food Safety, he dropped by and visited the Taoyuan County Yu's Family (桃園縣余姓宗親會) on April 24th 2014 to promote the friendship between the two Associations.

Bing Kai Lee, Hong Kong

Detroit Yee Fung Toy Family Association Celebrates Ching Ming


On Saturday, May 17, 2014 the Detroit Yee Fung Toy Family Association made our annual trip to Mt Hope Cemetery in Livonia to remember our loved ones.

Included in the ceremony, we gave offerings of the Roast Pig, Steamed Chickens, various pastries, and Courvoisier Cognac. Later we burned some incense and over $2 million dollars (play money) and some included some fireworks.

Later we went to our family building in Lincoln Park for a great lunch, fellowship and some Mah Jong.

Allan Yee, Detroit

What is in the Next Issue?

The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid September, 2014, featuring summer picnics and other activities at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (world.yee @ or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by August 15.

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