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Åwªï¤j®a§ë½Z¡C½Z¥ó»Ý¦b¤G¹s¤@¤C¦~¤G¤ë¤Q¤¤é«e¸g¹q¶l ( world.yee @ gmail.com )
©Î¶l±H ¡]·ªö¹q¤l©u¥Z, 226 East Georgia Street,
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7¡^¨ì¥»¥Z½s¿è¦¬¡C
Welcome to the 49th
issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an
electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In
this issue we are featuring some of the Autumn
activities from the Yee associations around the world.
And now, we'd like to
thank all contributors, and remind anyone who wants to
become a contributor that they can email us their
reports and photos of events and activities from their
As you all are heading
out to celebrate the holiday season with friends and
family, on behalf of the World Yee Web Committee, I
wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe holiday
And we thank all those
who have made contributions to this issue, including:
- David M. Yee, Cheak M. Yee and John M. Yee of
- Fred Yee and Kevin Lee of Seattle
- Ho-Lee Yee, Peter Yee and Warren Yee of Boston
- Kai Fay Yee of Washington DC
- Larry Yee and William Yu of San Francisco
- Kai Yon Yee of Malaysia
- Kenny Yee and Chao Yu of Southern California
- Jim Yee, James Yu and Wing Yee of Vancouver
- Henry Yu, Alfred Yee and Paul Yee of Sacramento
- Bing Kai Lee, Peter Yu, Johnson Yee of Hong Kong
- Iu Siu Chi and IU Va San of Macau
- Peter Yee and Xi Mei of Singapore
- Worachai Aurprayoon of Thailand
- Yu Zexin and Yu Jian Qiang of Dihai, China
Martin Yee, Vancouver
Macau Yu Clansmen Association
Awarded Scholarships
In order to strengthen clansman's
liaison and encourage members' children to study
hard for nurturing talents for the society's future,
Macau Yu Clansmen Association awarded scholarships
2015/2016 to outstanding members' children. More
than 40 primary and secondary pupils were awarded.
The ceremony was attended by many guests and
members, which was filled with active and joyful
Before the awarding ceremony
started, led by U Cheok-pui (§EÚZ°ö),
vice-chairman of the supervisory committee, the
attendees worshiped the great ancestor, Yu Cheng,
famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, by
burning incense and bowing for three times for
showing respect to his high integrity for being a
upright minister.
Iu Va-san (§EµØêP),
first vice-chairman of the executive committee,
mentioned that the Association had awarded
scholarships for many years. The purposes are to
praise and recognize members' children for studying
hard in the past year; encourage the young
generation to keep on learning actively and humbly
so as to equip themselves to contribute to different
areas of the society in the future.
Iu Siu-chi (§E¤Ö¦À),
Yu Chi-keong (§E§Ó±j), U
Kin-man (§E°·¤å),
vice-chairmen of the executive committee and Robert
Yee (§E¶WÅv), committee
member also attended the ceremony.
Va-san, Macau
Southern California YFT Welcomes
DC YFT Volleyball Team
The Southern California Yees on
September 3rd, welcome the Washington DC Yee Fung
Toy Thunder 9 man volleyball team to LA for the
recent NACIVT. We wish them to have a great
tournament and to win all their games.
And specially thank our Western
Grand President Eddie Yee for coming down here for
Yu, Southern California
Singapore Yee Clan Mid-Autumn
The Mid-Autumn Festival was held
on the 10th September, 2016 in our Association¡¦s
premise. Under the meticulous leadership of Cai Yan,
the Women¡¦s Group and Youth Group jointly organized
this successful function.
A huge turn-out of just under a
hundred members arrived and packed our premise. We
had plenty of games, food, singing and good time.
One member rocked the room with his repertoire of
More photographs may be viewed at
Flickr, please click here.
Yee, Singapore
Sacramento YFT Mid-Autumn
Celebration and Scholarship Awards
The Sacramento Yee Fung Toy
Association's Mid-Autumn Festival was held at noon
on Sunday, September 11th.
After paying homage to our
ancestors, awarding scholarships and assistance
tuition to the qualified students, a luncheon was
Our annual Mid-Autumn Festival
Dinner was served at the Hong Kong Islander
Yu, Alfred Yee, Sacramento
NE YFT August Moon Celebration
Sunday, September 11, 2016, our
Association celebrated this year's August Moon
Festival with a day of food and activities. Everyone
grabs a plate and enjoyed the fine selection of food
and general socializing.
England YFT
Macau Wo Sing 2016 Yee Jing
Chinese Opera Gala
Organized by the Macau Wo Sing
Chinese Opera ¿Dªù©MÁnÀ¸¼@¦±ÃÀ·|
and sponsored by ¿Dªù°òª÷·||
Fundação Macau | Macao Foundation, the Yee Jing
Opera Gala was held at the ¥Ã¼ÖÀ¸°|
Cinema Alegria on November 14.
Iu Siu
Chi, Macao Yu Clansmen Association
is in the Next Issue?
Now that Winter is fast approaching, most chapters
are having their annual elections and celebrations.
The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village
Voice will be published in mid March, 2017,
featuring reports of Winter or New Year celebrations
and inaugurations of new Officers at Yee Fung Toy
associations around the world. Please submit your
articles to the Editor via email (world.yee @
gmail.com) or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East
Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by
February 15.