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Issue 81

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Welcome to the 81st issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In this issue we are featuring Autumn activities from the Yee family associations around the world.

I hope you and your loved ones are keeping well. As another year comes to a close, we¡¦d like to take this opportunity to extend our wishes to you and your family, for a most wonderful Holiday Season. Thank you for your continued support. We are proud to serve such loyal and discerning readers.The holiday season is a perfect time to connect with loved ones, reflect on the year that was, and give back where we can.

The Eighth World Yee Convention was held successfully in Bangkok, Thailand from October 26th to October 28th. For more details, please click here.

We thank all those who have made contributions to this issue, including:

  • Jim Yee, Crystal Addison, Victor Yu and George Yee of Vancouver
  • Worachai Aurprayoon and Fook Biu Yu of Thailand
  • Bing Kai Lee, Johnson Yee and Wei Ming Yu of Hong Kong
  • Paula Yee, Ringo Yu, Karen Yee and Winston Yee of Boston
  • John Tang, Brenda Yee Fung, David M. Yee of Phoenix
  • Kevin Lee of Seattle
  • Edith Yee and Kenny Q. Yee of Southern California
  • Frank Yee, Andy Yu and Gong Sum Yee of New York
  • Sherman of San Francisco
  • Allan Yee, Dick Yee and Ron Yee of Detroit
  • Jerome Yu and Ying Hua Yu of Edmonton
  • Eu Han Yam, Peter CK Yee and Winson Eu of Singapore
  • Guo Xi Yu of Sacramento
  • Yu Ze Xin, Jie Feng Yu, Jian Qiáng Yu of DiHai, China

Martin Yee, Vancouver

100th Anniversary Commemoration and the 27th US Yee Fung Toy Family Association National Convention

After 6 years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic concerns, the US National Yee Fung Toy Family Association Convention resumed with the New York Yee Fong Toy Association chapter co-hosting the 100th Anniversary Commemoration and the 27th Yee Fung Toy Family Association National Convention in the Hyatt Place Flushing/LaGuardia Airport from August 3-6, 2024.

Going forward, we must always remember where we came from and all those who have passed on that influenced us along the way. Since our last convention in 2018 in San Francisco, we have lost many family members and more notably some of our association's pillars, Grand Elders Herbert K. Yee, John M. Yee, Art Yee as well as Grand Advisors Fred Yee and Gene K. Yee. May they rest in peace knowing the torch will remain lit to carry on the legacy of our Founding Grandfather Yee Jing (Chung-Sheung) and our Yee Fung Toy Association.

2024 will be important milestone for Yee Fung Toy Family Association Headquarters and all the Yee members in the United States. The Centennial Celebration is only part of the story. Tradition has it that our history extends generations back to Founding Grandfather Yee Jing (Chung-Sheng) (1000-1064).

For the Yee Clans in the United States, we survived World Wars, the Great Depression, September 11th and more currently, Covid-19. Like our ancestors, we faced many issues but with strong character, kindness, sincere words and understanding of humanity, we will overcome. Although it's time to reflect, to honor the visionary leaders that built our great family association that we have now, it's time to continue their work for the benefit of future generation. With technologies, innovations and cultural trends changing so quickly, we need to celebrate the end of the first and welcome the founding of our "Second Century".

For this convention, working together to make our Yee Fung Toy Family Association grow into the next generation will be our mission statement. YES WE CAN!

Frank Yee, New York

Grand Elder Kenneth Yee Celebration

September 7, 2024, was a grand day in Boston, where we celebrated the promotion of Yee Fung Toy Family Association¡¦s Kenneth Yee §E¤å³Õ to Grand Elder ¤¸ ¦Ñ.

Grand Elder Kenneth hosted a party to thank all those who congratulated him in a grand newspaper ad. Close to 200 community friends and our own YFT families attended the joyful occasion.

Clan members from New York (newly elected Eastern Grand President Mr. and Mrs. Andy Yu §EÀ³©÷ - ¬üªFÁ`ªø¤Ò°ü and Grand Elder Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yee §E§»°ò - ¤¸¦Ñ¤Ò°ü and their spouses drove all the way to Boston to help celebrate.

Two lion troupes, led by our own Sifus Mai Du §E»A±ö and Chris Yee §E¼wµØ, entertained with close to 50 troupe members combined. Mai Du¡¦s Wah Lum started the evening off with a grand dragon dance followed by Chris Yee¡¦s Southern Lions coming out with five colorful lions.

Karen Yee, Boston

Sacramento YFT Held Mid-Autumn Festival Gala

At 6 p.m. on Sunday, September 8, 2024, the Yee Fung Toy Family Association of Sacramento held a Mid-Autumn Festival Gala at the Asian Pearl Restaurant, with more than 300 people attending, and the scene was very lively.

We welcome the VIP guests from San Francisco YFT Family Association headquarters and from the Yee Fung Toy Family Association of Southern California.

Of the front sitting 4 Senior Members in the group photo, the youngest one is 99 years young, the eldest is 110. They are the pride of Yee Clan. Wishing them good health and a long life!

Guo Xi Yu, Sacramento

Singapore Yee Clan Association Celebrate Mid Autumn Festival




On Saturday, September 14th, 2024, August 12th of the lunar calendar, the Youth Group of the Yee Clan Association of Singapore hosted a evening party to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, with nearly a hundred members and their family members in attendance

In addition to moon cakes, buffets and drinks for everyone to enjoy, the party also included parading through the streets with lanterns and playing games to win prizes. The scene was lively.

Eu Han Yam, Singapore

Newly Elected Western Grand Presidents Hosted Thank You Banquet




On Sunday, September 15th, 2024, the newly elected Western Grand presidents Sherman Yu and Alfred Yee hosted a thank you banquet at the Grand Palace Seafood Restaurant.

The evening emcee was Mr. Hua Xiang Yu, Both Grand presidents Sherman Yu and Alfred Yee thank all the guests for attending their thank you dinner.

Sherman Yu, San Francisco

Yu Clan Association of Thailand Double Ten National Day Celebration

Members and spouses of the Yu Clan Association of Thailand, led by President Seng Ching Yu, attended the Double Ten Celebration at the Dusit Thani Hotel on Sunday, October 6th, 2024.

The Double Ten National Day celebration was organized the Chinese Association in Thailand (Chong Hua), the Overseas Chinese Association in Thailand and the Taiwan Association of Thailand.

The celebration event was attended by more than 1,500 people.

Fook Biu Yu, Bangkok, Thailand

DYFTFA Autumn Fest and Halloween Celebration

Due to the 2024 YFT National Convention and the YFT Centennial Celebration in New York City in August, we had to delay our annual Autumn Fest event. So, on Sunday, October 27, 2024 the Detroit Yee Fung Toy Family  Association celebrated the Harvest Moon and Halloween at the 5 Star Lanes in Troy, Michigan.

We wanted something different and fun for our members, so a bowling event was something new and exciting. Our event was well attended with 94 members and friends. They were treated to a delicious lunch of pizza, salad, soft drinks, cookies, and Halloween candies; plus two hours of ¡§open bowling¡¨.

Later, our group met in their dining area for our raffle of door prizes, giant pumpkins, and the highlight of our event, ¡§Best Halloween Costume¡¨. We had 25 kids and 5 adults enter our contest and since we wanted to recognize every contestant, every participants was given a ¡§Red Envelope¡¨ and the best adult and child costume were given a ¡§Grand Prize¡¨. Overall, based on feedback from all attendees, this was a very successful and fun event.

Photos courtesy of Ron Yee and Allan Yee.

Allan Yee, Detroit

YFT NE Chapter Elected 2025 Officers and Directors

Congratulations to our newly elected 2025 officers and directors!  They'll lead us into an even brighter future - can't wait to see what amazing things they accomplish!

Paula Yee, Boston

Hong Kong Yue Clansmen Association Autumn Day Trip

131 Members of The Hong Kong Yue Clansmen Association went on an Autumn day trip on Saturday, November 16th, 2024.

The itineraries this year include the Zhongshan Juxiangyuan Food Limited Company ¡]¤¤¤s ¥«©C­»¶é­¹«~¦³­­¤½¥q¡^ ; Lunch at the Long Du Restaurant; after lunch we visited the Chinese Rosewood Culture Expo City.

On the return trip, we chose the "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge" to cross the customs and return to Hong Kong. The 55-km Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), comprising the 12km Hong Kong Link Road, 29.6km Main Bridge and 13.4km Zhuhai Link Road, is the longest bridge-cum-tunnel sea crossing in the world. Operating 24 hours a day, HZMB puts major cities in the Pearl River Delta within a three hours' commute from Hong Kong; and it will take only 40 minutes to travel the distance of approximately 42km from Hong Kong Port to Zhuhai Port and Macao Port.

Bing Kai Lee, Hong Kong

Singapore Yee Clan Association 95th Anniversary Celebration


On the 7th of December 2024, we celebrated our 95th Anniversary with a banquet at Jubilee Garden Restaurant, SAFRA @ Toa Poyoh. Our guest-of-honor was Mr Yee Chia Hsing (our advisor).

Eu Han Yam, Singapore

Thailand Yu Clansman Association Members Attended the 11th ASEAN + China Chinese Clans Friendship Conference

The Indonesian Chinese Social Clan (PSMTI) officially opened The 11th ASEAN + China Chinese Clans Friendship Conference, Monday December 9, 2024 at The Westin Hotel Jakarta.

Members of the Thailand Yu Clansmen Association, led by president Seng Ching Yu, attended the conference.

The event was attended by more than 1,000 participants from different countries. Including representatives of the Chinese community, academics, organizational leaders, as well as youth figures from ASEAN and China.

The event became a milestone to strengthen the fraternity of the Chinese community in Southeast Asia and China, as well as provide dialogue space for the younger generation as an agent of change in the era of globalization.

At the close of the event, the Chairman of PSMTI symbolically handed over the flag of the ACCA to representatives from Cambodia, which will host the next conference in 2025.

Fook Biu Yu, Bangkok, Thailand

The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid March, 2025, featuring current events and activities of the Yee Fung Toy associations across the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (world.yee @ gmail.com) or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by February 15.

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