                Yee logo The Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice


              of Spring
Issue 10 2007/04/06








一年一年的過去,轉眼之間,西曆和農曆新年都慶祝過了!「風采電子季刊」巳出版了二年半之久。期數慢慢的加大, 由第一期到現在的十期, 我們的「風采電子季刊」並沒有為時間的消逝而嘆息。而第十期又正式與各位余氏宗親們見面了。 承蒙各位讀者之愛戴,我們不斷收到一些讚賞及鼓勵性之意見。但各讀者給予之寶貴意見,值得「風采電子季刊」編委會認真參考, 不斷改善,務求精益求精。

揮別狗年迎接豬年,僅祝大家吉祥如意、農曆丁亥年行大運。送走了二零零六年,二零零七年開始於冬陽的温暖中。 新的一年有全新的希望,祝福大家身體健康!

根據農曆計算,中國新年適逢一月尾或二月中旬。二零零七年農曆春節正值為農曆四七零四至四七零五年。 而西曆計算則為二零零七年二月十八日(星期日),是歲肖豬。

新春時節,令人有一股春回大地,萬象更新之感。感謝余氏宗親們去年一年的照顧,希望新的一年繼續指導。 「風采電子季刊」今後的路還很長,我們要做的工作還很多,希望你們秉承以往的熱情,繼續給予我們支持與鼓勵。 相信在大家的齊心協力下,「風采電子季刊」的 明天一定更加輝煌!



  • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的 余柏寧先生、余榮燊先生。
  • 美國三藩市余風采總堂的 余健全 先生。
  • 美國二埠余風采堂的 余李慕蓮 女 士、余庭穩先生。
  • 美國紐約余風采堂的余應昌先生、余宏基先生。
  • 美國紐英崙余風采堂的余積禮先生。
  • 美國休斯敦余風采堂的余頌輝先生。
  • 美國企李崙余風采堂的余顯良先生。




Newly Elected Officers 仇錦光攝影/大紀元


美東總長: 顯良
美西總長: 臻發、以信
元老: 仕昂、金爵
顧問: 文博、元亨、式認、共才、定邦、國濟

主席: 積炎(正)、厚利(副)
中文書記: 積禮、景新
財政: 國濟、佩芳
核數: 超群
理數: 定邦夫人
康樂: 潤冰
樓業主任: 國濟夫人
交際: 文博、定邦
出席中華: 積堯、俊明
法律顧問: 文博、達明
幹事: 積禮
婦女組主任: 美玲、小蘭
婦女組書記: 芷筠


二零零七年二月十八日 猪年的開始,祝新年快樂!

接受大學獎學金申請表時間由 二月十二日至三月十日止.詳情請 按此….

二月十八日 (星期日) 農曆(丁亥猪年)正月初一日中午豬年宗親團拜
二月廿五日 (星期日) 農曆正月初八日中午  祭祀
三月四日    (星期日)開始售餐券
三月廿四日 (星期六) 假座帝苑酒家舉行春節聯歡暨敬老宴會及頒發  二零零六年度獎學金
四月    清明掃墳(布菲午餐)


Installation of
                2007 Officers 02

紐約余風采堂近日正式選出 二零零七年度新一屆各科職員

元老: 余維慶、余耿石
美東總長: 余顯良
美西總長: 余臻發、余以信
總顧問: 余保忠
主席: 余景新、余鋼深
顧問: 余珷樂、余應昌
名譽顧問: 余廣一
法律顧問: 馬淑華
出席中華: 余景新、余鋼深

中文書記: 余典榮、余富國
西文書記: 余美珍、余宏基
財政: 余乾綱、余錦韶
核數: 余石麟、余棟榮
交際: 余應昌、余炎正
幹事: 余儀樂、余敬衛
庶務: 余偉球

另外,該公所屬下的余武漢別墅也選出了新任墅長余福銳,以及余 樂。


主任: 余宏基、余廣一
書記: 余典榮
財政: 余乾綱
核數: 余富國
委員: 余永祥、余美珍、余景新、余鋼深

紐約余風采堂新舊職員交接 喜氣洋洋

該堂於十二月二十四日舉行新舊職員交接典禮。馬氏、謝氏世表多人均有到場來致賀。 會場花籃錦簇,隆重熱鬧。

President Kenneth

蟬聯主席景新致就職詞表示,感謝宗親厚愛,再度推舉他出任主席一職,他當竭盡所能,團結宗親,為發展會務作出貢獻。 會中他並對今年損失了兩位德高望重的顧問銘禮及總長樹燦,表示痛惜。最後,他祝願大家聖誕快樂。

元老余耿石致詞時則指出,余風采堂在兩位主席的帶領下這年來取得很好的成績, 特別是在余應昌顧問的支持下,更先後推出青年組、婦女部,壯大組織,培養新力軍。





二零零七年元旦日下午三時,美國余風采總堂假天后廟街本總堂禮堂舉行年度職員就任暨婦女組成立典禮, 參加交接典禮有美西總長余臻發、元老余習文、元老余祝佑、元老余纘強,交接典禮由中文書記余子剛主持。

余樹勳及余煦鴻連任該總堂正、副主席,在元老余習文監誓下接過印信, 就任新一屆正、副主席; 其他各科職員亦一一進行交接。

美國余風采總堂美西總長余臻發在致詞中,希望該堂昆仲團結一致,大力支持余樹勳及余煦鴻正、副主席的工作, 並且相信該總堂的堂務在該正、副主席帶領下,必定會更上層樓。他也希望僑社能和諧相處,積極發展會務,把余風采總堂辦得更 好。


余煦鴻感謝全堂昆仲的愛護和支持,選他為總堂副主席,他會和總堂職員通力合作,努力服務僑社,協助余樹勳主席將余風采總堂堂 務發揚光大。




美西總長: 臻發、以信
美東總長: 顯良
元老: 杰民、文勁、習文、維慶、乾海、祝佑、仕昂、金爵、纘強、耿石。
總顧問: 樹湛、保忠、璞和、緒揚、振權、國雄。
顧問: 兆光、文庚、紹基、煥文、健全。
美國五堂會聯絡小組: 文勁、習文、杰民、維慶、臻發。


主席: 樹勳、煦鴻
中文書記: 子剛、家聲
英文書記: 允仁、錦澤
財政: 文山、炯熙
核數: 凱熠、超先
交際: 超權、洪進


仕儒、立群、超群、永源、新倫、煜煥、朝亨、 周岐、文廣、洪民、振兆、德馴、啟超、樹沛、偉健、仲賢、育渭、文雅、沾棠、源益、振垣、植雲、武良、健峰、余洪、余濤、崇光、 啟正、新德、遠正、春焯、 偉康、翕暖。

福利組主任: 煜煥、仕儒
文娛組主任: 允仁、超權
總幹事: 立群
庶務: 振垣
婦女組長: 文山夫人、樹勳夫人


美國余風采總堂二零零六年新春期間舉辦團年、開年、祭祖、春宴等集體活動。年中時節如端午、中秋等節令舉行聚會。 又清明、重陽省墓。夏日郊遊。繼今年上半年獎勵英文學校應屆高中畢業升讀大學的宗親子女學生頒發英文獎學金後, 下半年又向三藩市灣區經政府立案的中文學校頒發中文獎學金及余姓學生助學金。屆耶誕節期間依傳統俗例慈幼敬老。 十二月十七日舉行本年聖誕兒童慶會,向到會三百二十五名宗親的一百一十四名兒童派送禮物。 十二月十八日慰問住安樂居五處耆英中心及長期居家修養的廿五名耆英長者致送温暖。 十二月二十二日冬至節日備冬圓食品共慶佳節,宗親踴躍參加。


美國余風采總堂成立逾壹佰二十多年,宗親僑居三藩市及灣區眾多。為各姓氏團體大族之一,素有善良傳統俗例。 近年新移民來美聚居三藩市宗親人數增加,宗親生活平穩,克勤克德,從事各行各業族人專長職業者日多,有業電腦科技者、 業醫生、工程師、會計師、藥劑師、銀行家、政治家等專業人才,大都是第二代、第三代土生族裔。如宗親余胤良博士, 得三藩市僑社及各界人士愛戴,今年中期選舉稱為一百五十六年來首位華裔加州參議員。

美國余風采總堂二十多年來支援祖國家鄉建設。建立學校,建樹教育,長期為家鄉四所中等學校提供獎教金及獎學金,培養祖國棟樑。 總堂資深元老帶領全美國余風采堂族務,二零零六年八月份主持在美國羅省召開第三屆世界余氏懇親會, 動員余氏宗親積極參加與祖國開平市人民政府合作理國家文物修葺荻海名賢余忠襄公祠。工程浩大,世界余氏宗親需籌集修葺經費人 民幣四百萬元。 美國余風采總堂正熱烈期待余氏宗親及歡迎社會各界熱心人士慷慨解囊,踴躍捐輸。彰顯余族繁衍昌盛敬祖。出錢出力,協同祖國開 展工作。 余風采總堂宗親長期以互助互愛、和諧團結,喜見祖國進步繁榮,繼承先賢背井離鄉移民來美艱苦創業的精神,為祖國效力。




臻發夫人、 良近夫人、 祝佑夫人、 紹基夫人、 仲一夫人、
培炎夫人、 纘強夫人、 煥文夫人、 余恂夫人、 習文夫人、
兆光夫人、 健全夫人。

正組長 (首任): 文山夫人(梅巧珍)
副組長: 樹勳夫人(黃惠芳)
正中文書記: 文練夫人
副中文書記: 凱熠夫人
正西文書記: 永源夫人
副西文書記: 文鳳姑
正財政: 朝亨夫人
副財政: 允仁夫人
正核數: 煦鴻夫人
副核數: 仕儒夫人
正聯絡: 遇華姑
副聯絡: 月素姑
正總務: 瑞英姑
副總務: 嬋英姑

文山夫人、 瑞雲姑、 佩瓊姑、 樹勳夫人 煦鴻夫人、
功偉夫人、 錦好姑、 文練夫人、 仕儒夫人、 玉屏姑、
懷俠夫人、 凱熠夫人、 遇華姑、 子剛夫人、 健文夫人、
永源夫人、 月素姑、 月媛姑、 文鳳姑、 瑞英姑、
惠笑姑、 朝亨夫人、 嬋英姑、 惠貞姑。

新德夫人、 錦笑姑、 超群夫人、 柱鋒夫人、 炎榮夫人、





顧問: 余厚義、余漢池、余錦彥
主席: 余頌輝、余世雄
中文秘書: 余朱佩玲、余達賢
英文秘書: 余頌輝、余世雄
財政: 余美芳、余莉莉
核數: 余修敏、余秀娟
青年組: 余世傑、余偉林
獎學組: 余秀娟、余漢池
網站: 余浩杰、余金漢
婦女組: 余朱愛花、余笑娟、余碧娥
中華代表: 余厚義、余世雄、余頌輝、余莉莉



美西總顧問: 余樹湛
顧問: 余家樂、余士景、余樹湛、余士晃、余海量

正主席: 余國強
副主席: 余碩正
中文書記: 余傑鋒、余海量
西文書記: 余仲鵬、余利民
財政: 余士景、余國強
議長: 余永鏇、余國定、余汝深
代表: 余家樂、余高俊、余張適儀
核數: 余汝璋、余衛民、余耀東
庶務: 余盛昌、余汝深


二埠余風采堂于上月十七日經初選,復選產生二零零七年執行委員及各科職員。余國良連任主席, 余潤洪當選副主席,新舊職員於零七年一月七日舉行交接任職典禮。

一年來,本堂組織的各項活動,從年初的團年、團拜、春宴、清明節的掃墓、傳統風俗的端午節、夏日的郊遊、中秋節等等。 深得本堂宗親,昆仲嬸姆的積極支持,踴躍參加。春宴期間有六十五位年過七十五歲以上耆英獲頒敬老金;共有廿五位宗親 子女的大、中、 小學青年獲頒獎學金;聖誕節兒童慶會又有四十九位兒童喜獲聖誕老人的禮物及紅封包。去年八月份本堂有四位代表出席全 美廿二屆懇親大會, 通過交流,達到共識,昌興族務,與時俱進推動了本堂的族務,又支持捐助二千七百多元為國內出版北宋名臣「余靖世家 譜」作出一點貢獻; 現在本堂又為修葺荻海風采中學的名賢忠襄公祠積極籌集經費至目前已籌得一千六百多元。


二零零七年二埠余風采堂全體職員暨委員一 觀表

美東總長: 顯良
美西總長: 臻發、以信
元老: 杰民
總顧問: 緒揚、振權
顧問: 國平、國湛、汝韶

主席: 國良
副主席: 潤洪
法律顧問: 玉湛
中文書記: 庭穩、樹雄
西文書記: 金堅、樹雄(兼)
財政: 悅燊、樹堯
樓業: 汝晃、英才
核數: 藹新、若舜
幹事: 文惠、少武
庶務: 瑞華

委員: 英漢、潤洪、健穰、鐸清、樹雄、英才、 藹新、子良、

候補委員: 英漢、余柏、紹操、長仁。
出席中華: 國良、杰民、緒揚、國平、國湛、汝韶。
校董代表: 庭穩
樓業代表: 英才


賀!紐約余風采堂婦女組 首屆職員就職

2007installation womens league

近年也有不少會所日漸讓婦女參與族務,紐約余風采堂日前成立婦女部, 吸引嬸姆姐妹加入,希望有日能最終達到男女平權,增加對風采堂的歸屬感。

紐約余風采堂於二零零七年一月二十一日舉行婦女組成立暨首屆職員就職典禮。 該會是華埠眾多傳統僑團中,第一個為婦女組舉行就職儀式的僑團。

元老余耿石當日在致詞時強調,風采堂已有近八十年歷史,創會之初堂內都是來美淘金後打算返回中國落葉歸根的單身漢, 但近年華僑思想改變,多在美落地生根,女性會員一直增加,雖然還沒追上男性,但也有很大比數。



該堂顧問余應昌說,事實上,全美各地的余風采堂分堂都設有婦女組,唯獨紐約未有,這次成立婦女組, 相信對紐約余風采堂來說是個很好的開始。他更以自作對句「巾幗鬚眉齊額手,滿堂風采盡開懷」來祝賀首屆婦女組職員就 職。 而余鋼深則代風采堂向來賓致謝,另謝氏世表、馬氏世表均有捐款支持婦女組。

組長余錦娉表示,首次領導婦女組協助該堂發展會務,一定會盡一切努力達成目標,絕不讓公所成員失望。 副組長余慧儀則指她們的組中有各界別的精英,相信將來能為風采堂帶來貢獻。


組長: 余錦娉
副組長: 余慧儀
中文秘書: 余金清
英文秘書: 余昭美、余秀麗
財政: 余美珍
核數: 余美娜
公關: 余慧貞



美東總長: 顯良
顧問: 錫堃、顯良、英豪

主席: 顯良、務樵
中文書記: 雅林
西文書記: 英豪、余陸綺雯
財政: 錫堃
核數: 雪娟
婦女部: 余李玉環、余陸綺雯
樓業部: 錫堃、顯良、務樵、英豪、雅林、國基。


美東總長: 顯良
美西總長: 臻發
美西副總長: 以信
元老: 乾海
總顧問: 國雄
顧問: 永吉、鴻詠、文顯
主席: 賢鐸、余黃嘉麗
西文書記: 次屏(Edward Yee)、Ron Yee
中文書記: 鏡疇、康禮
財政: 國雄、彥寧夫人
核數: 文顯
議長: 品勇
議員: 朝植、國宇、耀明、耀鵬、曼華姑、文顯夫人、乾海夫人、 永吉夫人、國雄夫人、賢鐸夫人、康禮夫人、立和夫人、龍焯夫人、余美蓮、卓文夫人、鏡疇夫人、國龍夫人、小曼姑、 Catherine Agacinski、Marilyn Yee、Wah Wong、Tony Yee、Dick Yee、Willy Yee、Raymond Yee、Brian Yee。
婦女組主任: 余熊翠翠、文顯夫人


Chicago - 余風采堂

據美國《 世界日報》 記者黃惠玲報道, 駐芝加哥臺北經濟文化辦事處處長鄭天授一行,一月七日、八日兩天,在中華會館主席梅國彬、中華會館主任黃宗焯、董事 長黃顯揚、 新任僑務委員梅楹仲、僑務顧問張寶生、僑務顧問伍祖志、英文秘書洪經衛、財務李雅清、大芝加哥僑學各界金豬新年晚會 總幹事穆莎莎等僑界人士, 芝加哥華僑文教服務中心主任鄭介松、副主任蘇上傑以及經文處副處長王保新等人陪同下分別拜會了黃氏宗親會、溯源公 所、鳳倫公所、 華裔退伍軍人會、伍胥山公所、華埠廣場商聯、福建同鄉會、華商會、龍岡親義公所、至德三德公所、李氏公所等傳統僑社 和商會組織。


芝城余氏宗親組成的「余風采堂」,也在會所熱情歡迎鄭天授一行的來訪。主席余樹華、余覺民和會所職員們與鄭天授等人 互賀新年,氣氛融洽。



下一期的風采電子季刊將在二零零七年六月中出版,報導春節聯歡為主題。歡迎大家投稿。 稿件需在二零零七年五月十五日前經電郵 (editor @或郵寄 ( 風采電子季刊, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。

In this Issue:

Message from the Editor

New Officers Announcements and Inaugurations

Reports from Yee Fung Toy Chapters

What is in the Next Issue?

Message from the Editor

Happy New Year of the Pig! May it bring you and your family peace, happiness, and prosperity!

Welcome to the 10th issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In this issue we are featuring stories and images of yearly renewal from associations of the Yee Fung Toy around the world, including celebrations of the New Year and installations of new Associaiton Officers. I especially want to thank Martin in Vancouver for the research and assembling of the many inauguration articles. He was so diligent that he ended up correcting some errors in the source websites. There is no recent election in Vancouver so you will not hear of a new Board here until a year later. Now this is not all routine news. Is it not exciting to hear about women of the Yee Family on both coasts have installed their first Women's League or Committee? Is it a co-incidence that women of New York and San Francisco have picked this year to hold their first inaugurations? 

We gratefully acknowledge all the contributors to the current issue, including:

  • Andy Yu and Frank Yee of New York
  • Frank Yu of Houston
  • Fred Yee of Seattle
  • Henry Hin Leung Yee of Cleveland
  • Larry Yee of San Francisco
  • Martin Yee and Wing Yee of Vancouver
  • Melinda Yee of Sacramento
  • Peter Yee and Winston Yee of New England
Jim Yee, Vancouver

New Year Greetings From San Francisco

Happy New Year to All!

The Yee Fung Toy Family Association U.S. HQ in San Francisco celebrated the 2007 New Year Day with the swearing in ceremony of the newly re-elected President Phillip Yee and Vice President Wesley Yee. President Phillip Yee would like to thank everyone for helping out the family association and wishes everyone a great successful, healthy and prosperous year.

Grand President Joseph Yu also thanks everyone for their support in giving him an opportunity to serve as the Western Grand President of the Yee Fung Toy Family Association. He looks forward to the challenges ahead.

The 2007 Yee Fung Toy Women Auxiliary President is Esther Yee and Vice President Faye Yee.

2007 SF YFT HQ
                  Officers and Directors

Congratulations to the newly elected officers and the board of directors.

Western Grand Presidents: Joseph Yu, Alan Yee
Eastern Grand President: Hin Leung Yee

Grand Elders: Herbert K. Yee, John M. Yee, Damon Yee, Wai Hing Yee, Kin H. Yee, Henry Yee, Jack Yue Yee, Gim Dak Yee, Art Yee, Peter Yee.
Grand Advisors: John B.J. Yee, Jimmys Yee, Gum E. Yee, James Yee, Hsui Young Yee, Gene K. Yee, Kwok H. Yee.

President: Phillip Yee
Vice President: Wesley Yee

                  Auxiliary Group

Women Auxiliary President: Esther Yee
Vice President: Faye Yee

The Yee Fung Toy HQ’S in San Francisco Chinese New Year Celebration schedule for 2007:

February 17th: Year End Gathering

February 18th: New Year Ceremony at 10AM

February 24th: Chinese New Celebration Dinner

February 26th: Worship of our Ancestors at 12PM sharp.

March 25th: Spring Banquet at New Asia and Y Ben House Restaurant

Larry Yee

YFT Association of New England Officers for 2007

Congratulations! newly elected 2007 Officers.

Eastern Grand President: Hin Leung
Western Grand Presidents: Joseph , Alan
Grand Elders: Henry, Gim Dak
Advisors: Kenneth MP, Ngoon Hung, Sik Ying, Raymond, Winston, Kwok Chi.

Presidents: Yim, Ho Lee
Chinese Secretaries: Chu Choi, King Sun
English Secretaries: Ken, Mrs. Peter C. Yee
Treasurers: Kwok Chi, Pui Fong
Auditor: Peter C. Yee
Bookkeeper: Mrs. Winston Yee
Recreation Director: Yuen Bing
Property Manager: Mrs. Kwok Chi Yee
Public Relations: Kenneth MP, Winston
Delegate to CCBA: Jack, Tony
Legal Advisors: Kenneth MP, Paul
Office Manager: Chu Choi
Women's Group Chair: Linda, Sarah
Women's Group Secretary: So

NE Announcements
Upcoming Events

Scholarship Applications will be accepted from February 12 to March 10, 2007. Click here….

Feb  18 -
Celebrating the 1st Day of the Lunar Year of the Boar at Noon.
Feb 25 - The Ancestral Memorial Ceremony will be held at 12 Noon.
March 4 - Ticket on sale from 9 am to 4pm.
March 24 - The Spring Festival and Seniors Appreciation Banquet will be held on Saturday at 6 pm in the Evening at the Empire Garden Restaurant on 690 Washington Street, Boston. The year of 2006  Scholarship will be awarded.
April -Ching Ming (Memorial Day) Buffet lunch will be served.

Houston Yee Fung Toy Association Officers for 2007

Congratulations! newly elected 2007 Officers.

Advisors: Lewis Yee, David Chung, Kam Yu
Chairman: Frank Yu, Alan Yu
Secretary(Chinese): Pauline Yee, Art Yee
Secretary (English): Frank Yu, Alan Yu
Treasurer: Winnie Yu, Lily Yu
Auditor: Paul Yee, Vicki Ong
Youth: Roger Yu, William Yu
Scholarships: Vicki Ong, David Chung
Website: Natalie Yu, Stephen Yu
Women Group: Sue Ann Chu Yu, Siu Yee, Bik Ngon Yee
CCC Delegates: Lewis Yee, Alan Yu, Frank Yu, Lily Yu

Upcoming Events

Chinese New Year Banquet & Scholarship Awards
Fellow Yee Family members and friends, please join us to bring in the Year of the Hog at our annual Spring Banquet.

When: March 3rd, 2007 (Saturday) at 6:30 pm
Where: Aloha Diner
Activities: Scholarship Awards, Yee Association Updates, Door Prizes & much more!

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Officers for 2007 Officers for 2007

Kwok Keung (Michael) Yee was elected the 2007 Seattle Yee Family Association President for 2007. He served as the chapter's Treasurer in 2006 and was one of three chapter representatives attending the US Yee National Convention in August 2006 in Monterey Park, California. Shek Jing Yee was re-elected as the Chapter's Vice President. The Seattle Chapter now has five advisors: Jim Yee, Hing Yu, Fred Yee, Suey Yee and James Yee. James Yee is also the West Coast Senior Advisor for the US Yee Fung Toy Association.

Senior Advisor West Coast: James Yee
Advisors: Hing Yu, Jim Yee, Fred Yee, Suey Yee
President: Michael Kwok Keung Yee
Vice-President: Shek Jing Yee
Chinese Secretary: Kit Fung Yue, Fred Yee
English Secretary: Chun Pan Yee, Raymond Wah
Treasurer: Jim Yee, Kwok Keung Yee

Upcoming Events

Annual Chinese New Year Dinner
Yee Family members, relatives and friends, please join us to bring in the Year of the Pig at our annual New Year Dinner.

When: March 1st, 2007 (Thursday) at 6:00 pm
Where: New Kowloon Restaurant

New York YFT Association Installation of 2007 Officers and Advisors

December 24, Sunday 1pm - Installation of new officers.

Installation of
                  2007 Officers 02

National Grand President Eastern US:
President: Hin Leung Yee (Cleveland)

National Grand President Western US:
President: Joseph Yu (San Francisco)
Vice President: Alan Yee (Southern California)

Grand Elders: Wai Hing Yu, Peter Yee
Grand Advisor: John B. Yee
Advisors: Hem Fook Yee, Andy Yu

President: Kenneth Yee
Vice President: Gong Sum Yee
Honorary Advisor: Kwong Y. Yee
Legal Advisor: Ms. Mah Suk Wah
Delegates to CCBA: Kenneth Yee, Gong Sum Yee
Chinese Secretaries: Dian Rong Yu, Foo Quock Yee
English Secretaries: May Yee, Frank Yee
Treasurers: Kin Kong Yee, Jin Shao Yu
Auditors: Shek Lun Yu, Dong Rong Yu
Public Relations: Andy Yu, Eugene Yee
Building Managers: Frank Yee, Kwong Y. Yee

Upcoming Events

February 18th (Sunday) - Chinese Lunar New Year (4705). Gung Hay Fat Choy (Year of the Pig).

Come down to see a special performance, courtesy of Yee's Hung-Ga Kung Fu Academy, founded by Master Frank Yee (Yee Chi Wai) at 10:30am in front of association's hall at 81 Bayard St. Dragon and lion teams will dance along with a Hung-Ga demonstration. Members can stop by also to get your hong bao/lai see (red envelope/lucky money).

March 10th (Saturday) - Assocation's Chinese Lunar New Year/Spring Banquet to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year and to honor senior members. 

Please join us to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year at our annual Spring Banquet. Buffet lunch following ancestor ritual at 12:30pm at association's hall and banquet at 6pm at Jing Fong Restaurant, 20 Elizabeth Street, NY 10013.. Members join us to welcome our cousins from Ma, Tse and Boston's chapter during our luncheon.

Sacramento YFT Inauguration Ceremony for 2007 Elected Board Members

Inauguration Ceremony for the 2007 Elected Officers was held at the Association Hall on Sunday - Jan. 7, 2007.

We paid homage to ancestors, followed by a Dim Sum lunch at 12 PM and a General Meeting at 2 PM.

That evening, we had a dinner banquet for the retiring and newly elected officers.

                          Inauguration of Officers

2007: Inauguration of Officers

President: Donald Fong
Vice President: Run Hong Yu
English Secretary: Art Yee
Chinese Secretary: Henry Tin Won Yee
Treasurer: Sam Yee
Assistant Treasurer: Shui Sum Yu
Auditor: Hoi Sun
Grand Elder: Herbert K. Yee
Grand Advisors: Hsui Young Yee, Gene K. Yee
Advisors: Kwok Ping Yu, John K. Yee, Sherman Yee

Upcoming Events

Sunday, Feb. 11: Chinese New Year Luncheon
      12 pm - Pay homage to ancestors
      Lunch - served after paying homage.

Sunday, Feb. 18:  New Year Member Get Together at our Sacramento Hall - all members welcome! Feel free to bring New Year goodies to share with others.

Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association Officers for 2007

Congratulations! newly elected 2007 Officers.

Grand President,Western Region: Joseph Yu, Alan Yee
Grand President,Eastern Region: Hin Leung Yee
Head Quarter Grand Elder: John M. Yee

Advisors: Jerry Q. Hom, Guy Lee, Herbert Kong, Willie Yee, Edward Yue
President: Benny Yee
Vice President: Rudy Yee
Chinese Secretaries: Kam Tong Yee, Kim H. Yee, Fannie Yee
English Secretaries: Jack Yee, Ched Yu, Mrs. Jon Yee
Treasurers: Doon Yee, Carl Yee, Stephen Yee
Auditors: David M. Yee, Chuck Mond Yee, Larry Yee
Speakers: William Yee, Sing Yee, Jr., Kam Yui Yi
Scholarships Committee: Mary Ann (Mrs. Rudy) Yee, Betty (Mrs. Jack) Yee, Janet (Mrs. Jerry M.) Yee
Women Auxiliary: Helen (Mrs. Benny) Yee, Susan (Mrs. Jerry) Hom, Jean (Mrs. Willie) Yee, Mrs. Guy Lee, Gayle (Mrs. Carl) Yee, Mrs. Kam T. Yee, Mary (Mrs. Sing Jr.) Yee, Mrs. Kam Tim Yee, Lynn (Mrs. Herbert) Kong, Mrs. Doon Yee, Mrs. Kim H. Yee
Legal Counsel: Harvey M. Yee

New York YFT Women's League of 2007

The long awaited installation of the 2007 New York Yee Fong Toy Association Women's League officers was held on Sunday, January 21st.


Jenny, May, Kennie, Kathy, Jin Qing, May Ng。


President: Kennie Yee
Vice President: Kathy Yu
Treasurer: May Yee
Auditor: May Ng
Chinese Secretary: Jin Qing Yu
English Secretaries: Elaine Yee, Sally Chin
Public Relations: Jenny Yee

2007 Ladies league group

Our association has a long and vast history, nearly 80 years but we are evolving its function to reflect today’s needs. This is evident on January 21, 2007 when the New York Yee Fong Toy Association celebrated the first inauguration of the Women’s League. According to a newspaper report, this was also the first time in New York Chinatown history that a family association hosted a formal ceremony to celebrate such an event.

Following the customary formalities, Grand Elder Peter Yee addressed the audience at the association’s hall. Peter spoke about the importance of promoting equality between men and women. Traditionally, the association served only men to support each other during their stay in America. Nowadays, the men have their wives and family here for support. Peter continued saying that forming the Women’s League would invite more women members giving them more opportunities to play a more active role in the family association. Throughout history, women are more diligent than men and he believes the Women’s League could definitely excel.

Our President Kenneth Yee spoke briefly about change. He is quote saying besides the fact society is going forward with the idea that men and women are equal, women can hold up half the sky. Advisor Andy Yu also spoke about new beginnings. This event was definitely a new chapter in the history of our association. He even composed a two line poem to commemorate the event. In translation, the couplets had the following message; “Our women and men honor one another; our family will flourish with glamor and happiness.” Vice President Gong Sum then welcomed all the guests.

Finally our newly elected Women's League President Kennie Yee spoke about her team and the hopes of the Women’s League. She thanked everyone for their support and pledged to do her very best to meet everybody’s expectation. Vice President Kathy Yu also said that her team has many talented people. She hopes that they will contribute in many ways. As a final comment, change is not necessarily a bad thing. So, why not join now.

Frank Yee

Vancouver joins the Chinese New Year Parade

Gung Hay Fat Choy! (May prosperity be with you !)

On Sunday, February 18th, 2007, the streets of Vancouver Chinatown were filled with tens of thousands of smiling and cheerful people waiting patiently for the Chinese New Year Parade to begin. Drums, cymbals and gongs blended with the Chinese New Year songs and loud music to welcome the first day of the Year of the Pig. Or, more specifically, the Year of the Fire Pig.

The dragon, unicorn and lion dance teams, accompanied by several marching bands, converged with various community organizations and culture groups amid the exploding sounds of raucous fire crackers.

It's the year 4705, and time to welcome the Year of the Pig! (Or, some call it, The Year of the Boar.)

Vancouver YFT Dancing Lions Team

The parade began at 12:00 noon at the Millennium Gate in Vancouver’s historic Chinatown. The weather was just perfect for the parade. The parade route started from West Pender Street, heading east along East Pender Street, passing through Carrall Street, Columbia Street, Main Street, and right turn onto Gore Street, another right turn onto Keefer Street and ended at the VIP platform next to the Sun Yat San Garden.

Kimberley and Dad

Our Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Lion Dance Team and members of the Yee Fung Toy Society helped usher in the Lunar New Year at this year's Chinatown parade.

Sifu Fan once again directing our Lion Dance Team in the parade this year. We thank him for his caring, dedication and commitment to the success of our Lion Dance Team. With extreme energy, our Team danced and in sync to the sound of cymbals, gongs and drums, which is meant to summon good luck for the year ahead.

2007 Chinatown Parade participants

Greeting the young parade watchers

After the parade, we all had a delicious lunch at the Society Hall.

Best Wishes to all for a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous Chinese New Year!

And, special thanks to all the participants in this year's parade.

Martin Yee

What is in the Next Issue?

The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid June, featuring reports of Ching Ming and Spring celebrations at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (editor @ or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by May 15.