
2012 Event Logs

舍路余風采堂 2012 年新任職員 向各界恭賀新禧


顧問 家樂、士景、樹湛、士晃、海量、碩正。
正主席 汝深。
副主席: 耀東。
中文書記: 傑鋒,永鏇、盛昌。
西文書記: 仲鵬、永昌。
財政: 海量、耀東。
核數: 衛民、利民、國豪。
議長: 國定、耀青。
代表: 適儀(海量夫人)、家樂、健城、巨榮、汝璋。
婦女部: 樹湛夫人、海量夫人、汝深夫人、緒宏夫人、


2012 Seattle Yee Family Association Officers

Senior Advisor West Coast:         
James Yee
Advisors: Hing Yu, Jim Yee, James Yee, Suey Yee,
Fred  Yee, Shek Jing Yee.                   
President: Shum Yee
Vice-President: Yao Dong Yu                                                       
Chinese Secretary: Kit Fung Yue, Wing Suen Yee, Sing Chong Yee.
English Secretary: Chun Pan (John)Yee, Danny Yu
Treasurer: Fred Yee, Yao Dong Yu


舍路余風采堂於二月六日下午六時,假連頓市「食得福海鮮酒家」, 舉辦年度春節聯歡會,場面熱鬧。


Seattle YFT 2012 New Year Dinner

About 60 members and guests of the Seattle Yee Yee Fung Toy Family Association attended the February 6 Chinese New Year Dinner celebration at Renton Seafood Restaurant.

Jim Yee, Chairman of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver, his wife Betty, and Albert Yu represented the Canadian Yees at the dinner.

Welcoming speeches were given by De Shum Yee, President of the Seattle Chapter and by Dr. James Yee, West Coast Grand Advisor of the US Yee Fung Toy Association .

Fred Yee, Chapter Advisor gave a brief update of the planning efforts of the 2012 US National Yee Convention to be held in Seattle from August 11- August 14.

All the attendants enjoyed the excellent food and the upbeat atmosphere. The dinner was concluded by around 8:30 pm.

Great thanks are also extended to all those attended the dinner and we all look forward to next year's celebration.

Fred Yee


舍路余風采堂代表於二月廿六日(星期日)下午六時, 出席全加余風采總分堂壬辰龍年新春晚會,現場氣氛熱烈融洽。

當晚出席全加余風采總分堂新春晚會包括舍路余風采堂主席余汝深伉儷、 副主席余耀東伉儷暨兒子和女兒、 顧問余士晃伉儷及余海量伉儷。

舍路余風采堂主席余汝深致詞時宣佈舍路余風采堂將在今年八月十一日至八月十四日召開全美余風采堂第二十四屆懇親大會。 屆時歡迎大家踴躍參與。


Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association attended Canada YFT Society 2012 New Year Dinner

A full table of 10 members from the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association attended the February 26 Canada Yee Fung Toy Society 2012 New Year Dinner in Vancouver, BC. Among those attended were De Shum Yee, Seattle YFT Association President, Fred Yee, Chapter Advisor, Suey Yee, Chapter Advisor and Yao Dong Yu, Chapter Vice President and Treasurer. The dinner was held at Vancouver Chinatown's Floata Seafood Restaurant and was attended by about 280 guests.

De Shum Yee spoke to give greetings and invite the Canadians Yee to attend the upcoming 24th US National Yee Convention to be held in Seattle August 11-14, 2012.

Fred Yee


舍路余風采堂於二零一二年七月廿二日(星期日)上午十一時半開始至二時。 在舍路活崙公園野餐區第三號灶爐舉行第五十八屆郊遊活動大會,同時頒發獎學金。


2012 Seattle YFT Picnic July 22

The relatively cloudy and cool weather did not dampen the spirit for the participants who attended the 2012 Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association picnic held at Woodland Park on July 22. Over a hundred participated in this year picnic with 31 students, from Kindergartners to College Senior received scholarships.

Wonderful food, great prizes and mutual friendship help made this year's picnic another success.

In anticipation of the World/Canadian Yee Convention to be held in Vancouver BC from August 4-7, the Canadian Yee participated in spirits with us this year as well.


Our next scheduled event to be held in Seattle from August 11-14 will be the 24th US National Yee Convention. It will be a historical one, a first for the Seattle Yees. This is a much anticipated gathering of all the US YFT chapter delegates and we welcome all members and friends to join us for this special event.

Photos courtesy of Fred Yee and Steven Yee.
For more picnic photos, please click Steven Yee's photo link here.

Fred Yee

弘揚祖德 創新族務 余海量顧問榮膺總堂美西副總長


舍路余風采堂余海量顧問,是位愛國愛鄉熱心僑社工作,努力服務鄉親的好僑領。由於他發揚弘揚祖德,創新族務的精神,努力工作,無私奉獻, 受到僑界和宗親的好評。 特別他在這次「全美余風采堂第廿四屆懇親大會」擔任籌委會主席工作中特別出色。 這是西雅圖余風采堂成立80多年來首次主辦懇親大會,雖然該會比其它州的分會少,經濟實力也不如其它分會,但他在籌備工作中, 充分發揮該會領導骨幹和宗親的積極性,通過群策群力,團結一心,努力工作,使這次懇親大會辦得十分出色,圓滿成功, 受到總會、 各分會和當地僑社讚揚。

為了進一步弘揚祖德,創新族務,在此次懇親大會上,余海量顧問被推選為美西副總長,這是余海量顧問的光榮, 也是舍路余風采堂的光榮。為此該堂特登報祝賀他榮膺美西副總長,更好帶領全體宗親,進一步把會務搞好, 與時俱進,創新族務,為社區和宗親作出更多更大貢獻。余海量副總長表示,一定不負眾望,努力工作, 無私奉獻,和全體宗親一起,使會務蒸蒸日上,再譜新章。


余風采總堂 喜迎新任正副總長到訪


全美余風采堂第二十四屆懇親大會,剛在8 月份新上任來自洛杉磯的美西總長余以信伉儷、來自西雅圖的副總長余海量伉儷, 於9月7日專程前往舊金山的美國余風采總堂, 答謝余氏族人的厚愛支持,並在晚上在舊金山華埠新亞洲大酒樓舉行謝宴,一百多位宗親歡聚一堂,暢所欲言, 把酒言歡。


余風采總堂主席余永源、副主席余武良、元老余習文、余祝祐、余臻發;前任美西總長余健全、顧問:余煦鴻、余樹勳、 余允仁、余振兆暨職員,余紹賢堂主席余華、副主席余允仁,及余氏宗親聯袂出席祭祖及答謝晚宴。 中文書記余凱熠主持祭祖禮及擔任謝宴司儀。

主席余永源對來自洛杉磯與西雅圖的正副總長余以信、余海量表示熱烈歡迎,感謝他們帶來當地余氏宗親的資訊和親情, 此次到訪總堂,增進余氏族群的和諧團結,相互交流。

新任美西總長余以信表示,承蒙各地元老顧問與宗親之愛戴及支持,推選當任總長一職,感到莫大榮幸, 亦感到責任之重大。他說,服務僑社,其座右銘是奉公守法,真心奉獻,誠心服務,團結包容。 已曾擔任過2屆6年的副總長、1屆世界余氏宗親會副會長、現任洛杉磯余風采堂顧問、 中華會館理事的他,帶著感恩的心,將繼續與各堂宗親和睦溝通,增進瞭解, 加強友誼,謀求余氏族務更大的發展。

副總長余海量表示首次榮任此職,無尚光榮,又多了服務宗親的機會。他説,投入僑社已有數十年, 希望未來的三年保持與宗親的聯絡溝通,多做工作,服務族人,作出新貢獻。


Copyright ©2004 - 2012 Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Last updated on 2012-09-12.